Took you long enough, but nice to see that you are willing to do your duty as the proponent of an argument.
Appinsys.com is a skeptic's website, not an impartial source, to begin with. I mean, just look at their front page:
Jesus Supported Separation of Church and State: "render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" [Matthew 22:21]
United Nations No Longer Supports Separation of Church and State: According to Article 18 of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) "everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion"
But On Dec. 18, 2009 the U.N. General Assembly adopted yet another resolution condemning "defamation of religions" to suppress freedom of speech and calling for what amounts to a global blasphemy law.
Complete with a flaming picture of Al Gore on the front.
But nevertheless. Let us examine the link you just gave me.
Do you recall my original question to you, found here:
We were talking about how they recorded temperatures at sensor stations and how one event one day wouldn't screw it up - they used averages. You claimed that I was wrong and that they used Midpoints.
Here's the post.
Quote:Cycloptichorn wrote:
Ionus wrote:
Quote:No more so on a parking lot than anywhere else.
Do you have any knowledge of how heat is absorbed, retained and radiated ?
More then you, sir. That much is plainly obvious.
Quote:Quote:What matters is averages.
Wrong. The total amount of heat is what matters. Temperature has not been averaged, the mid point between maximum and minimum temp is used for conveniance sake. The argument is that the earth is getting hotter, not that the average mid point temperature is getting higher. If you cant see the difference then ask someone to explain it.
Are you quite sure about this? I just want to ask before we move on where you get your data from, to make that assertion. I also wonder if you realize that average temperatures - taken daily - from monitoring stations were the topic under discussion, not the average temp. of the Earth's atmosphere as a whole.
You then proceeded to spend about 15 posts stating that you had already provided that info and didn't have to again. Now that you've posted your source, one is forced to wonder: did you even read it?
I only ask, because it says the opposite of what you stated:
Quote:The Measurement of Global Temperatures
[last update: 2009/07/05]
The term “global warming” is based on an increasing trend in global average temperature over time. The IPCC reported in 2007 that “Global mean surface temperatures have risen by 0.74°C ± 0.18°C when estimated by a linear trend over the last 100 years (1906"2005).” [4AR, Chapter 3, 2007]. However, the measurement of a “global” temperature is not as simple as it may seem. Historical instrumentally recorded temperatures exist only for 100 to 150 years in small areas of the world. During the 1950s to 1980s temperatures were measured in many more locations, but many stations are no longer active in the database. Satellite measurements of atmospheric temperature were begun in 1979.
The main global surface temperature data set is managed by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). This is the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN) [http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/ghcn-monthly/index.php]: “The period of record varies from station to station, with several thousand extending back to 1950 and several hundred being updated monthly”. This is the main source of data for global studies, including the data reported by the IPCC.
Average surface air temperatures are calculated at a given station location based on the following procedure: record the minimum and maximum temperature for each day; calculate the average of the minimum and maximum. Calculate the averages for the month from the daily data. Calculate the annual averages by averaging the monthly data. (Various adjustments are also made, so it is not actually that simple, as discussed later in this document.)
Right at the top, I didn't even have to scroll down.
Do you see the word 'midpoint' anywhere in there? They
average the data on a daily, monthly and yearly basis. This is exactly and entirely the argument that I was making to Okie and exactly the argument that you couldn't ******* keep straight.
Now, let me ask you: do you have any other data you'd like to enter into the record in support of my argument?