Interesting, Parados, but I think even more damning for your argument.
I have quoted below from the conclusion of the study. I don't know if you read the article, Parados, but I did read a little of it, enough I think to capture the general conclusion of it. Here is my take on it. They admit the siting of weather stations are poor and are delivering bad data, and further they admit the organization surfacestations.org has indeed documented the problems rather significantly. They then go into their song and dance about how they can allow for and correct for the errors, which I think is an exercise of CYA rather than anything resembling sound science. Would any sane scientist continue to use flawed instruments for measuring a scientific phenomena, even after that scientist was made fully aware of the inaccuracies and bias, even years upon years of collecting further bad data? Would a sane scientist even begin to claim that it would be sensible to claim that he could crank in some kind of correction factor based upon some very questionable assumptions? I do not believe a credible or sane scientist would do that, but that is exactly what this bunch has attempted to do with this opinion or study. In my opinion, it only further erodes their credibility more and more. The only way they will be able to salvage any credibility whatsoever is to finally admit the whole thing is a farce and start over, start over with some credible weather stations that will deliver sound and reliable data based upon some credible siting and equipment standards.
Parados, remember, we are not talking about several degrees, we are talking about global warmers making grand and sweeping pronouncements about temperature, its cause, and their solutions, based upon only a fraction of a degree, and here we have absolute open / shut proof that the entire scenario is based upon bad or fraudulant data that may be off more than one degree, perhaps 5 degrees or more, data that they are claiming can be explained away by cranking in factors that will adjust the data accurately to a fraction of one degree. It is an absolute farce, Parados.
"5. Conclusion
Given the now extensive documentation by surfacestations.org (Watts [2009]) that the
exposure characteristics of many USHCN stations are far from ideal, it is reasonable to question the role that poor exposure may have played in biasing CONUS temperature trends."
"Indeed, our analysis does provide evidence of bias in poor exposure sites relative to good exposure sites; however, given the evidence provided by surfacestations.org that poor exposure sites are predominantly MMTS sites, this bias is........"