Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

High Seas
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:09 pm
The main problem with the mathematical models of the IPCC is that they couldn't model cloud cover (of any kind) so they entered a dummy variable specified by their "scientists" to meet their a priori task of proving anthropogenic climate change due to CO2. After that was exposed and they became the laughingstock of the mathematics profession they promptly deleted their raw data, removing any doubts as to their competence.

Volcanoes, nuclear explosions (groundbursts, but also airbursts, in brief everything except exoatmospheric), particulates from biomass burning, duststorms, etc, all result in increased cloud cover, however with chemically differential effects; this is a recent article with a good simulation model usable for volcanic eruptions as well. Btw, Tambora was vastly more powerful than the few Hiroshima-size explosions modeled here:
.....heating of the stratosphere by smoke..... strongly absorbs solar radiation. The smoke-laden air rises to the upper stratosphere, where removal mechanisms are slow, so that much of the stratosphere is ultimately heated by the localized smoke injections. Higher stratospheric temperatures accelerate catalytic reaction cycles, particularly those of odd-nitrogen...

Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:33 pm
@High Seas,
The south Asian "brown cloud" was a fairly constant and readily observable feature of the Indian subcontinent, the adjacent areas of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. The contributing elements were dust from Africa carried by the southwest monsoon and smoke from often primitive and inefficient coal and wood fires used for cooking and heating. It wasn't in the model either. Interestingly it's density and extent have decreased markedly in the last decade with modernization.

The world leaders from America and Europe returned home this weekend to intense winter storms and low temperatures. Clearly this is an indicator of impending disaster due to AGW.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:40 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
Clearly this is an indicator of impending disaster due to AGW.

Al Gore Weenies
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 03:49 pm
Robert S. Lichter, Professor at Smith College, and Stanlty Rothman, Professor at George Washington University, after an extensive study, in The Radical Personality: Social Psychology Components of New Left Ideology, 1982, wrote:
>>Most liberals exhibit a narcissistic pathology marked by grandiosity, envy, a lack of empathy, illusions of personal perfection, and a sense of entitlement.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 03:59 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Indeed. And our children and children's children will be thankful that we finally got the idea to keep/get them alive.
You should talk to parados. He states quite bodly no-one has ever said what you just said.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 04:05 pm
Volcanoes, in short, and their effect on climate, like all the other relevant variables, have in fact been researched and discussed. They just don't have a significat effect.
Thats strange you say that, because even climatologists believe volcanic activity has caused Ice Ages. Perhaps you meant to say they havent had a significant effect lately.
Obviously no-one knows when the next major eruption will occur, so you can not factor them into your future predictions, which is what climate change is all about.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 12:43 am
In 1914, the Bureau of Mines said U.S. oil reserves would be exhausted by 1924. In 1939, the Interior Department said the world had 13 years worth of petroleum reserves. Then a global war was fought and the postwar boom was fueled, and in 1951 Interior reported that the world had ... 13 years of reserves. In 1970, the world's proven oil reserves were an estimated 612 billion barrels. By 2006, more than 767 billion barrels had been pumped and proven reserves were 1.2 trillion barrels. In 1977, Scold in Chief Jimmy Carter predicted that mankind "could use up all the proven reserves of oil in the entire world by the end of the next decade." Since then the world has consumed . . . three times . . . more oil than was then in the world's proven reserves."
The American Vision on Facebook

The science behind much of the Global Warming scare has been disputed. Of course there is global warming and cooling and inbetweening. The predictions are based on computer models that include a lot of unknowns that are taken as knowns. Since there is money in studies on Global Warming, that's where the real drilling takes place.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 01:03 pm
As of December 20, 2007, more than 400 prominent scientists from more than two dozen countries have voiced significant objections to major aspects of the alleged UN IPCC "consensus" on man-made global warming.


Retired Air Force atmospheric scientist Dr. Edward F Blick, Professor of Meteorology and Engineering at University of Oklahoma, rejected man-made climate fears in 2007. "Is their any solid evidence the earth is warming due to man's use of fossil fuels transferring excessive amounts of CO2 in our atmosphere? The answer is NO!" Blick wrote on June 17, 2007 in an article titled "The Religions of Global Warming." "The amount of CO2 that man puts into the atmosphere each year is about 3 billion tons per year. But this is insignificant compared to the 39,000 billion tons in our oceans, 2,200 billion tons in our vegetation and soils, and 750 billion tons in our atmosphere. Much of the CO2 generated by man is consumed by vegetation," Blick explained. "Man cannot control the weather, but he can kill millions of people in his vain attempt to control it, by limiting or eliminating the fuel that we use," Blick added. He also questioned the accuracy of temperature gathering. "At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union (around 1990), they could not afford their weather stations in Siberia, so they were closed. Hence, with the loss of the cooler temperature data from Siberia and rural stations in other countries, coupled with the heat island effects of the large city stations, and errors in thermometers of the 1800's, any increase in the average earth temperature in the past may be an illusion," he wrote. "CO2 is not poison and it is not our enemy. CO2 and oxygen are the twin gases of life. Humans and animals breathe in oxygen and exhale CO2. Plants breathe in CO2, make carbohydrates, and breathe out oxygen. We feed the plants and they feed us," Blick wrote. (LINK)

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 10:56 am
Finally a few people that cared enough about global warming to protest in a significant number, as shown in the photo below:

Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 07:34 pm
That many, huh!
Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 08:58 pm
ican, looks like the link died on my above post. I did a search and here is the picture on a different link of all those protestors of global warming.

Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 08:56 pm
Okie, those "beings" in the picture you posted have no one other than themselves to blame for global warming. They have got to stop their exhaling!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 05:56 pm
Obama is an, "imperial and arrogant liar." Duh!
Cuba’s foreign minister called President Barack Obama an “imperial and arrogant liar" for his conduct at the U.N. climate conference, a reflection of the communist island’s increasingly fiery verbal attacks on the U.S. government.

Bruno Rodriguez spent an hour and a half lambasting Obama’s behavior in Copenhagen, telling a news conference, “at this summit, there was only imperial, arrogant Obama, who does not listen, who imposes his positions and even threatens developing countries.”

He called the summit “a fallacy, a farce” and said Washington "used back-room deals and strong-arm tactics to foist on the world a deal" that he labeled “undemocratic” and “suicidal” because it urges " but does not require " major polluters to make deeper emissions cuts.

Rodriguez also said Cuba and other poor nations have refused to recognize the agreement because they weren’t permitted to participate in its development.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 06:18 pm
Love that picture okie Very Happy ...took the edge off a stressful day. Did you notice one is an alien with antennae ? Anal probing and Global Warming...these days aliens are into every reality you can imagine .
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High Seas
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 06:42 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
...The world leaders from America and Europe returned home this weekend to intense winter storms and low temperatures. Clearly this is an indicator of impending disaster due to AGW.

Except for Mrs Merkel of Germany (a particle physicist by training) I'm willing to bet good money that half of those "world leaders" would be unable to draw the molecular bonds and explain the properties of even the simplest carbon chains, like CO2 v. CO! Speaking of which, since the weather in the northeast is down to sub-arctic levels, I thought I better post this excerpt - applies to all heaters btw, not just those on airplanes:
he Silent Killer: How To Prevent CO Poisoning in Your Airplane
You can’t see it, smell it, or taste it, but it’s a dangerous killer that can easily find its way inside your airplane. Known as the “silent killer,” carbon monoxide (CO) can have deadly consequences if not detected early enough. Although CO poisoning can wreak havoc on a cockpit anytime of the year, it’s during the winter season that it most often rears its ugly head. That’s because most small airplanes use exhaust systems for cabin heat and windshield defrosting, the perfect conduit for CO gases created during engine combustion to sneak in.
Pilots can learn more about CO in Barry Ballenger’s article “Plane Poison: The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide,” in the November/December 2009 issue of FAA Aviation News. Ballenger urges pilots to take extra time to inspect the airplane’s heating and defrost system during preflight. “Look for signs of deterioration, such as cracked or distorted components, torn flexible ducting, or loose or missing hardware,” adds Ballenger. “Taking a few extra minutes to preflight exhaust system components may save your life.”
FAA Aviation News, http://www.faa.gov/news/aviation_news/
Address questions or comments to:[email protected]
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 07:00 pm
@High Seas,
But, sir, High Seas, is it not also true that the East Anglia IPCC group also destroyed all of their original research and left only the summaries? That, in itself, is a major scientific crime rendering anyone who is allied with East Anglia to the level of a fake. Some people are well aware that the predictions made by the IPCC depend on modeling. Only if the datum entered into the models is valid and unmassaged can anyone feel confident about the IPCC's results. The East Anglia crowd's blatant fakery casts a doubt on the entire climate change enterprise since East Anglia's people were always at the forefront of the movement.
Reply Fri 25 Dec, 2009 10:02 pm
The global warming hoaxers are bordering on criminal. When this affects policies, jobs, people's livlihoods, textbooks, the entire world, I believe these people could be prosecuted for fraud. Where are the investigations, hearings, and all of that? And every policy consideration should be frozen until we get to the bottom of all of this fraud that has been perpetrated so far.
High Seas
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2009 04:26 pm
The debacle in Copenhagen may yet shed some light on Al Gore's inconvenient truth in investment choices - as in an audit Smile
Gore Co-Investments

Pickens also owns 5 percent of Exco Resources Inc., a Dallas-based natural gas explorer. And he’s backing V Vehicle Co. with venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, where former U.S. Vice President Gore, who won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change, is a partner. San Diego-based V Vehicle plans to build environmentally friendly cars and may consider natural gas at some point.....

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High Seas
Reply Sat 26 Dec, 2009 04:28 pm
"The essence of science is the repeatable experiment".

Stands to reason that the academics who destroyed their raw data acted unscientifically - whether they acted criminally isn't certain yet.
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2009 01:29 pm
As of December 20, 2007, more than 400 prominent scientists from more than two dozen countries have voiced significant objections to major aspects of the alleged UN IPCC "consensus" on man-made global warming.


Iowa State Climatologist Dr. Elwynn Taylor, Professor of Meteorology at Iowa State University and a former project scientist with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, expressed skepticism of man-made climate fears. An August 2007 article reported that "while Taylor believes entirely in global warming, he hasn't yet jumped on the popular Inconvenient Truth bandwagon. ‘I don't know how much people have caused,' he says. ‘Nobody really knows ... but what I do know is that we had a global cooling period from around the middle 1800s to around 1900, global warming from 1900 to around 1940, global cooling again from 1940 to 1972, and global warming since 1972. Thermometers have measured this for us.'" The article continued, "Taylor accepts that global warming is occurring. But he says the extent to which man is contributing to its acceleration is debatable...he says the popular theories floated by the likes of Al Gore may be slightly overcooked. ‘I think people are exaggerating the idea that all of the temperature change occurring on Earth is being caused by this,' he says. ‘They shouldn't be saying that. Because pretty soon we could discover that these things are only partially true. And then people, feeling misled, won't do anything.'" The article added, "Taylor is reluctant to blame human activity-specifically, increased emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide-for [global warming's] apparent acceleration? Because the bigger picture tells him there are more powerful cycles at play. He justifies his pragmatic position with convincing anecdotal evidence from the story he tells about Greenland's super-thick ice cap starting to melt back and revealing that humans inhabited the place 1,400 years ago. ‘You could have taken your ship across the North Pole late in the summer then, too,' he says. ‘So what we've discovered is there have been occasions throughout history when sea ice in the North Pole would go away during certain times of the year and other spans of history where the ice was essentially permanent. These things go back and forth. We wonder now if there was ever a time when there was no glacier on top of Greenland at all. Geologists say yes-a short 3 million years ago we didn't have any permanent year-round ice on the planet. These things come and go in natural cycles.'" (LINK) & (LINK)


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