There is so much you dont know about this, it is difficult to know where to begin. An Ice Age consists of Glacial advances and retreats. These glaciers are often misnamed by you and others as an Ice Age. We are currently imbetween glacial advances. We are in a interglacial period. If the only thing that sticks in your mind is the title, no wonder we are having trouble convincing you of your folly.
Through that span, in fact, the cold spells have so dominated that geophysicists regard warm periods like the present one, called the Holocene, as the oddities. Indeed, the scientific name for these periods -- interglacials -- reflects the exceptional nature of such times.
Please read your own quotes. They are, on occasion, factual.
"Is English your second language?" I asked you first and I am not convinced it is your first language.
"We are the World"? Rather emotional, but not scientific.
"Can you name the ocean that doesn't have water..." Yes. Oceanus Procellarum on the Lunar surface. "...or the ice age that doesn't have ice?" Yes. All Ice Ages do not have Ice at the start and the finish, which may take thousands of years. Do you remember telling me they take thousands of years ? Depending on the depth of the interglacial, they may not have ice then either. But even at the height of the Ice Age there are many areas not covered in ice. Does that help you understand better ?
You say my anology is horrible but suggest yours is fair? Unfortunately, I have already learnt to discount a lot of your opinion. I will ask for your opinion on one thing though: Is it possible that Global Warming is wrong?
"So which should we trust Ionus when there is a conflict?" Me. Always trust me. I have come to realise you are too emotional and biased to be scientific in these matters.
"...since one can have politics without science." Try having Global Warming "lack-of-science" without politics. Can you name the Global Warming science that doesnt have politics ?
"That is a pretty stupid question, don't you think?" When you are better at english you will have learnt that a question is most easily identified by a question mark at the end. It is not even a question that you have quoted me as saying; "Ignore the huge amounts of green house gases" is a statement. The basic sentence is a statement. Why am I always explaining the basics to you, parados ? - is an example of a question. I hope this helps you with your english studies.
"You are really quite humorous Ionus in a sad sort of way." Back to sneering ? That didnt take long. Was that a record for you ? Tolerating a different opinion for two days before your personality failings led you to laugh at others ? Do other people laugh at you and you are getting even with the "we", sorry, I mean "the world"?
I repeat my earlier statement: "What I did consider is how you have dishonoured science by bluffing with half the facts." Present all the data on Climate change going back for as long as we have had a climate. If you cant, then surely you can put aside your religious devotion to Global Warming long enough to admit it is a guess. Why is the stability of your personality so dependant on Global Warming being true ? Why all the emotions when I accused science of being hysterical in its defence of Global Warming? Are you TRYING to prove me right ? Are you secretly on my side and trying to damage the Global Warming argument from within ?
"No one has said all animal life will die if we increase CO2." So what will happen? Enlighten me, parados, this is your chance to shine...
Oh, and ah, keep it factual and without emotion. There's a good chap.