Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 09:18 am
old europe wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Yes OE, I do prefer to focus on the message rather than the messenger though I do sometimes think it is important to evaluate the motive behind the messenger's message to determine its veracity.

Good. Seems to make sense when evaluating the "research" published by an UFO-nutter. Also seems to make sense when evaluating "research" from a think tank that gets millions of dollars from Exxon. For example..

It also makes sense to not assume that everybody who has ever accepted funding or a contract from somebody in the oil industry is misrepresenting the facts. It could also be possible that the oil industry has employed such people BECAUSE of their scientific research and not to PRODUCE scientific research favorable to the oil industry.

Conversely it also makes sense to evaluate the research of those not associated in any way with the oil industry to happen to agree with scientists who are associated in some way with the oil industry. It is also appropriate to evaluate the research of those who disagree.

In other words, those who are intellectually honest look at ALL the research and conclusions drawn from it in order to form an opinion. I believe the skeptics have the edge in credibility at this time. You no doubt take the opposite point of view. And that is why the debate continues.

Foxfyre wrote:
I was simply responding to Steve's assertion that Chalko was making a joke in this case when nobody else seems to think Chalko was intending this as a joke.


To me, it seemed like you were referring to him as a legitimate scientist

He has the credentials of a 'legitimate scientist' (SEE HERE) and he is being portrayed as a legitimate scientist in the mainstream media which will almost certainly fuel the hysteria of the kool-ade drinkers. I on the other hand thought I made it pretty clear that I think he is a nut. It wouldn't, however, be the first time that you misunderstood and/or misrepresented what I think or say.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 09:30 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
A quick reading of Chalko's paper will reveal to anyone with a modicum of scientific training that its a joke. The perpetrators are having a laugh at the expense of those who take it seriously. Now who on this thread thinks its serious? Hands up. Laughing

Perhaps you you link us to Dr. Chalko's paper or to any authority who is saying that he intended it as a joke?

This is the "paper"


looks quite impressive until you realise that what he's saying...without evidence apart from his analysis of the intensity of recent earthquakes...is that the interior of the earth must be getting hotter and will soon go bang.

I think maybe the title Earthquake Energy Rise might be a clue.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 09:54 am
And it seems the good doctor has written the definitive guide to the question of existence



bit of a lad our Tom ain't he?
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old europe
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 10:11 am
Foxfyre wrote:
He has the credentials of a 'legitimate scientist' (SEE HERE)

I just did a quick 'whois' check on that website:

Code:Domain Name.......... sci-e-research.com
Creation Date........ 2001-03-14
Registration Date.... 2001-03-14
Expiry Date.......... 2009-03-14
Organisation Name.... Scientific E Research
Organisation Address. 945 Toora-Gunyah Rd
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Mt Best
Organisation Address. 3960
Organisation Address. VIC
Organisation Address. AUSTRALIA

Admin Name........... Tom Chalko
Admin Address........ 945 Toora-Gunyah Rd
Admin Address........
Admin Address........ Mt Best
Admin Address........ 3960
Admin Address........ VIC
Admin Address........ AUSTRALIA
Admin Email.......... [email protected]
Admin Phone.......... +61 35681 6361
Admin Fax............ +61 35681 6361

Tech Name............ Tom Chalko
Tech Address......... 945 Toora-Gunyah Rd
Tech Address.........
Tech Address......... Mt Best
Tech Address......... 3960
Tech Address......... VIC
Tech Address......... AUSTRALIA
Tech Email........... [email protected]
Tech Phone........... +61 35681 6361
Tech Fax............. +61 35681 6361
Name Server.......... ns1.secure.net
Name Server.......... ns2.secure.net

Okay. So on his own website, he says he has all those qualifications. Might be true. Might be made up.

Based on the nuttiness of his several business ventures, I'm not gonna take his own word as proof that he "has the credentials of a 'legitimate scientist'", as you put it.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 10:23 am
here's full contact details for Dr Thomas J Chalko MSc Phd along with a picture of him wearing one of his pretty bioresonant shirts which he made himself.



I'm warming to this guy!!
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 10:42 am
Chalko is a comic genius.
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Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 11:40 am
I'm still waiting for you to produce evidence that the news source quoting him re a link between global warmng and earthquakes is presenting his views a humor, tongue-in-cheek or anything other than serious.

Okay I know he's a nut. The AGW skeptics on the thread have all so far agreed he's a nut. And even you AGW religionists think he's a nut.

The AP article I posted however does not present him as a nut. Nor apparently did several other MSM sources several of whom, if the blogs I've been reading are correct, have pulled their stories off the web.

So the bottom line remains: IF the mainstream media--does anybody think the AP is not among that illustrious group?--takes this guy seriously when we ALL agree he's a nut; how much careful research have they done in all their other pro-AGW articles?

Doesn't this give you guys the slightest reason for pause?
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Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 11:45 am
Steve 41oo wrote:

I'm warming to this guy!!

CBSnews too. They published the mad doctor's crap in their "science" section. Youps, the guys at CBS must just have recovered from brain implantation, they have finally deleted the mad doctor's crap, but Google has a cache of it, lol.

I feel so sorry you (we) are fed with the AGW soup by such junk MSM.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 11:47 am
Parados, please list the affordable products we can use right now to replace incandescent bulbs in our light fixtures other than CFLs?


This phase out of existing technology incandescent bulbs will start with:
the 100 watt bulb on 1/1/2012;
the 75 watt bulb on 1/1/2013; and
the 60 watt and 40 watt bulbs on 1/1/2014.

First of all, you don't have to replace them yet.

Second, technology is moving rapidly in lighting - LEDS are getting close to be true replacement lights. They aren't quite there yet but in the last few years they have gone from 3w to 5w leds and have now started producing 10w leds. LEDs have a lifetime of 50,000 hours compared to 10,000 for cfls.

Third, Halogen is more efficient and HIR lamps which are already available meet the 70% standard so won't be phased out until at least 2020. (They presently cost about 40% more than tungsten halogen with a 25% increase in usage hours.)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 12:00 pm
parados wrote:
Parados, please list the affordable products we can use right now to replace incandescent bulbs in our light fixtures other than CFLs?


This phase out of existing technology incandescent bulbs will start with:
the 100 watt bulb on 1/1/2012;
the 75 watt bulb on 1/1/2013; and
the 60 watt and 40 watt bulbs on 1/1/2014.

First of all, you don't have to replace them yet.

Second, technology is moving rapidly in lighting - LEDS are getting close to be true replacement lights. They aren't quite there yet but in the last few years they have gone from 3w to 5w leds and have now started producing 10w leds. LEDs have a lifetime of 50,000 hours compared to 10,000 for cfls.

Third, Halogen is more efficient and HIR lamps which are already available meet the 70% standard so won't be phased out until at least 2020. (They presently cost about 40% more than tungsten halogen with a 25% increase in usage hours.)

So the governmen has passed legislation mandating that an efficient, effective, plentiful and affordable energy delivering system will be taken away from us without ANYTHING other than CFLs, currently mostly manufactured in China, to replace it UNLESS new technologies can be developed in the 4 to 6 years they've allowed to get it done, and without a clue what that might cost us to boot.

And you try to paint Congressman Poe as the bad guy here?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 12:02 pm
Incandescent lightbulbs are hardly 'efficient, effective, plentiful and affordable.' Well, they are plentiful. But they are far less efficient and far less affordable over the cost of their lifetime then other types of bulbs.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 12:06 pm
What part of "halogen" didn't you get Fox?

Halogen is NOT incandescent and meets the energy requirements of the bill until at least 2020.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 12:08 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I'm still waiting for you to produce evidence that the news source quoting him re a link between global warmng and earthquakes is presenting his views a humor, tongue-in-cheek or anything other than serious.

Okay I know he's a nut. The AGW skeptics on the thread have all so far agreed he's a nut. And even you AGW religionists think he's a nut.

The AP article I posted however does not present him as a nut. Nor apparently did several other MSM sources several of whom, if the blogs I've been reading are correct, have pulled their stories off the web.

So the bottom line remains: IF the mainstream media--does anybody think the AP is not among that illustrious group?--takes this guy seriously when we ALL agree he's a nut; how much careful research have they done in all their other pro-AGW articles?

Doesn't this give you guys the slightest reason for pause?
I gave you the link to his article re global warming and the earth exploding. If you cant see that as funny...well thats up to you.

I dont agree he's a nut. The man's just very very funny. thats ha ha funny.
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Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 12:15 pm
And one lamp already complies, which is an energy-saving halogen lamp from
Philips, available to consumers through the Halogená Energy Saver brand and through
electrical distribution through the Halogená Energy Advantage brand. These screw-in
halogen lamps are produced in 40W, 50W and 70W models to replace 60W, 75W and
100W incandescent lamps, respectively, for about 10% less light output and about 30%
energy savings. They dim easily and offer life rated at 3,000 hours. Other lamp
manufacturers may offer their own energy-efficient halogen bulbs by 2012.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 12:32 pm

I've seen my fair share of LED bulbs, but usually the lumens they output are fairly modest. This bulb, however, outputs 308 lumens using 150 warm white LEDs, and is rated at 9 Watts. It is said to be a replacement for a regular 70 Watt incandescent bulb. There's also a frosted version available that outputs about 594 lumens.

Differences in light quality from LED bulbs
One thing to note is that the light from these bulbs is probably a bit different in character from incandescents. LED light tends to be sharper and more direct (perhaps the frosted bulb overcomes this problem). The bulbs cost between $60-$70 each, and you can find them at X-Treme Geek and Cyberguys. Why would you pay this much for a bulb? Perhaps if you are off-grid or interested in long-term savings.


I have I think 36-37 light bulbs installed in various light fixtures and lamps throughout my house. A minimum of $2220 to replace them no matter how long they last? That's a lot out of my budget. Also no replacement available for large open areas where I need 100 watt or larger bulbs?
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Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 01:24 pm
Fox -

One word

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Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 01:45 pm
Okay here's what I found on Halogen and I don't see that it is a whole lot more practical (or economical) than incandescent either:

Halogen lampsHalogen lamps are a variation on standard incandescent bulbs. Although more expensive than standard lamps, they are a little more energy efficient, emit a brighter and a whiter light.

Halogen lamps tend to focus the light and are best used in task lighting, such as over a cooking area or for highlighting features such as artwork and architectural design. Due to the focussing effect of halogen lamps, they are not particularly suitable for general areas such as living rooms. This is because multiple lamps would be required to provide an even distribution of light.

Take an example of a small living area. To adequately light this space you may require a single 75 watt (W) incandescent globe. To provide general lighting, around three to four halogen lamps may be required (150 -200W). In this case it would be more economical to use a single incandescent lamp or even better, a fluorescent lamp.

Halogens can generate significant amounts of heat and are often recessed and vented into the ceiling to prevent overheating (see section on light fittings for further information on recessing).

Most halogens are low voltage and require a transformer. However, 'low voltage' does not simply equate to low energy consumption. The transformer is used to reduce the voltage (not wattage) to a level suitable for a halogen globe.

Dimmers are recommended with halogen lamps as you may not always require strong lighting.

Especially avoid halogen floor lamps, which typically have a power of 300W or more, produce lots of heat and are actually so hot (some 500°̊ Celsius) that they can cause serious burns and start fires. Besides, on hot summer days they are very uncomfortable to be around. A CFL floor lamp only uses 50-80W at 40°̊ Celsius. They can save loads of energy and even your life.

Halogen light sources (filament bulbs containing halogen gas)
Halogen bulbs produce a very attractive light which closely resembles sunlight. They are more efficient than incandescent bulbs using only half the energy to produce the same light output and last twice as long.

Generally they are small lamps which generate a lot of heat so they can only be used in light fittings designed to cope with the higher temperatures.

There are two main types of halogen lamp available in the domestic market:

Home Depot Prices
Incandescent Soft White
$1.49 60W 1000 hrs 840 lumens 4/pkg
Incandescent Soft White
$1.49 100W 750 hrs 1690 lumens 4/pkg
Incandescent Soft White Long Life
$2.79 100W 1125 hrs 1600 lumens 2/pkg
Incandescent Soft White miser
$2.49 95W 750 hrs 1610 lumens 4/pkg
Incandescent Soft White miser
$2.49 55W 1000 hrs 800 lumens 4/pkg
Fluorescent GE Super Long Life Soft White
$13.99 15W 10,000 hrs 900 lumens 1/pkg
Fluorescent GE Long Life Soft White
$9.99 15W 6,000 hrs 700 lumens 1/pkg
Fluorescent GE Long Life Soft White Bullet (has casing to make it look like an incandescent bulb)
$15.99 15W 6,000 hrs 800 lumens 1/pkg
Fluorescent Lights of America Trilite
$7.99 15W 10,000 hrs 840 lumens 1/pkg
Fluorescent Lights of America Soft White
$8.99 25W 10,000 hrs 1500 lumens 1/pkg
Halogen GE 90W
$5.49 90W 2000 hrs 1680 lumens 1/pkg
Halogen GE 50W
$4.99 50W 2000 hrs 830 lumens 1/pkg
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 03:42 pm
You could try reading your sources Fox.

Halogen light sources (filament bulbs containing halogen gas)
Halogen bulbs produce a very attractive light which closely resembles sunlight. They are more efficient than incandescent bulbs using only half the energy to produce the same light output and last twice as long.

50% of the energy means they make the cut for 2012 -2020
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 04:33 pm
parados wrote:
You could try reading your sources Fox.

Halogen light sources (filament bulbs containing halogen gas)
Halogen bulbs produce a very attractive light which closely resembles sunlight. They are more efficient than incandescent bulbs using only half the energy to produce the same light output and last twice as long.

50% of the energy means they make the cut for 2012 -2020

How come you left out all the bad points? Hmmmm?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 04:40 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
parados wrote:
You could try reading your sources Fox.

Halogen light sources (filament bulbs containing halogen gas)
Halogen bulbs produce a very attractive light which closely resembles sunlight. They are more efficient than incandescent bulbs using only half the energy to produce the same light output and last twice as long.

50% of the energy means they make the cut for 2012 -2020

How come you left out all the bad points? Hmmmm?

Which bad points are you referring to?
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