Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 05:14 pm
To give more credit to the film industry by Americans and others says more about the people who are influenced by such; they're still living in fictionland.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 05:24 pm
parados wrote:
Do you think it is "mostly pure fiction" Thomas or more of it is based on actual science?

Documentaries are always from the perspective of the film maker. Gore may hype the science but the science is there.

In 1975,"actual science" was warning everyone that would listen that the earth was cooling,and that we had MAYBE 10 years left...Science section of Newsweek Magazine,April 28, 1975 titled, "The Cooling World"

These were "real scientists" warning us of this.

Now,those same "real scientists" and that very same "actual science" is warning us about global warming.

Tell me,exactly which "actual science" is correct?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 05:44 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
To give more credit to the film industry by Americans and others says more about the people who are influenced by such; they're still living in fictionland.

cicerone, you better be careful, you are beginning to sound like me. Something is really going awry here when we actually agree.
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Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 04:29 am
As researchers scramble to find answers to the syndrome they have decided to call "colony collapse disorder," growers are becoming openly nervous about the capability of the commercial bee industry to meet the growing demand for bees to pollinate dozens of crops, from almonds to avocados to kiwis.

Along with recent stresses on the bees themselves, as well as on an industry increasingly under consolidation, some fear this disorder may force a breaking point for even large beekeepers.

A Cornell University study has estimated that honeybees annually pollinate more than $14 billion worth of seeds and crops in the United States, mostly fruits, vegetables and nuts. "Every third bite we consume in our diet is dependent on a honeybee to pollinate that food," said Zac Browning, vice president of the American Beekeeping Federation.
Noted here in relation to earlier points re ecological inter-relations and how the interruption in one element can have critical and broad ramifications on human food sources.
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Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 05:37 am
mysteryman wrote:
In 1975,"actual science" was warning everyone that would listen that the earth was cooling,and that we had MAYBE 10 years left...Science section of Newsweek Magazine,April 28, 1975 titled, "The Cooling World"

These were "real scientists" warning us of this.

No, these were magazine writers hyping up a story. I've seen articles from that time that projected a global cooling trend on the timescale of 10,000 years. But alarmistic warnings about global cooling came from mass market magazine articles, not from scientific publications.

This time around, the scientists are a bit more concerned. But again, the rhetoric of impending doom are coming from the press. From the press's point of view, the new IPCC report must be a terrible letdown. It harldy lends itself to apocalyptic headlines.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 06:25 am
Thomas wrote:
No, these were magazine writers hyping up a story. I've seen articles from that time that projected a global cooling trend on the timescale of 10,000 years. But alarmistic warnings about global cooling came from mass market magazine articles, not from scientific publications.

We talked a lot about that (and came of course to the very conclusion as Thomas did) in 1968/9 ... as part of what we thaught was a preparotion for the Abitur (school leaving certificate and university entrance exam)(we didn't know -officially- in what subject the exams would be).

(Before you ask, Thomas: out of all, I was questioned about "language in advertisement and thus resulting problems" - got a couple American (comparing VW and GM in one ad) and German (Opel AND VW) examples.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 07:01 am
Tomorrow, some dozens of Evangelical parishes (with more than 15 from our region) will get a (UNESCO) prize for their "Green Cock Project" (referring to the cock on the spires), an environmental project for climate change (and saving money).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 07:08 am
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 07:14 am
Is a mansion of 20 rooms and eight bathrooms thaught to be an average American houshold home? Shocked

(I can't compare it with the situation here since we measure our houses, apartments in square meters and not in the number of bathrooms/bedrooms.)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 07:26 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Is a mansion of 20 rooms and eight bathrooms thaught to be an average American houshold home? Shocked
It's less about average American homes and more about Gore's way of life and the way he increases his power consumption. His or the way of life of the movie-pop-rock-rap-stars he is enrolling in his fight for Gaia is an insult to Earth balance added to injury to biodiversity.
My BS alarm bell is ringing, too ! http://images.forum-auto.com/images/perso/1/alex883.gif
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 08:08 am
miniTAX wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Is a mansion of 20 rooms and eight bathrooms thaught to be an average American houshold home? Shocked
It's less about average American homes and more about Gore's way of life and the way he increases his power consumption. His or the way of life of the movie-pop-rock-rap-stars he is enrolling in his fight for Gaia is an insult to Earth balance added to injury to biodiversity.
My BS alarm bell is ringing, too ! http://images.forum-auto.com/images/perso/1/alex883.gif

This is part of the total disconnect of the elite of the left. He encourges people to use less electricty but uses more himself. Look no further then John Edwards and his new home. He is always pushing since he lost the election for VP to help the needy and less fortuinate but instead he builds a 26,000 sqft house.

We can go on and on and I knew others are going to try and make this a left vs. right issue. We know the right is full of crap but the left is the only group that seems to be for the "little guy" and who at the same time does the opposite of what they preach. Don't make me bring up Feinstein and her gun control laws while at the same time having her own CCW permit.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 08:17 am
miniTAX wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
I'll refrain from shooting any Hollywood star.

It won't be necessary. Best science fiction film award winning star Al Gore is shooting himself on the foot with his environmental "mission".
Carbon emission is growing unabated (forget to try to demand the Chinese or Indians to limit theirs). Temperatures stubbornly refuse to rise above the 1998 levels. Antarctica is cooling since the 1980s. The Greenland's ice, who was diminishing until 2005 is recovering spectacularly in 2006. The greenies' poster child Kilimajaro snow cover has never been as large for 15 years thanks to exceptional snowfall this year. Even the IPCC has downwardly revised its sea rise prediction and widened its uncertainty scales. The carbon stocks exchange, the core tool of Brussel aimed at conforming to Kyoto has cataclysmicly crashed in a complete Soviet-era media silence: the price of 1 ton of CO2 has fallen from 30 euros (35$) 8 months ago to 85 cents (1$) last week.

Al Gore must be desperate NOT to see the catastrophies predicted in his lifetime battle for the Earth. An Oscar is a meager compensation.
So its global cooling we have to worry about? Damn I prefer being warm.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 08:20 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
miniTAX wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
I'll refrain from shooting any Hollywood star.

It won't be necessary. Best science fiction film award winning star Al Gore is shooting himself on the foot with his environmental "mission".
Carbon emission is growing unabated (forget to try to demand the Chinese or Indians to limit theirs). Temperatures stubbornly refuse to rise above the 1998 levels. Antarctica is cooling since the 1980s. The Greenland's ice, who was diminishing until 2005 is recovering spectacularly in 2006. The greenies' poster child Kilimajaro snow cover has never been as large for 15 years thanks to exceptional snowfall this year. Even the IPCC has downwardly revised its sea rise prediction and widened its uncertainty scales. The carbon stocks exchange, the core tool of Brussel aimed at conforming to Kyoto has cataclysmicly crashed in a complete Soviet-era media silence: the price of 1 ton of CO2 has fallen from 30 euros (35$) 8 months ago to 85 cents (1$) last week.

Al Gore must be desperate NOT to see the catastrophies predicted in his lifetime battle for the Earth. An Oscar is a meager compensation.
So its global cooling we have to worry about? Damn I prefer being warm.

Its all BS anyways. The earth goes through warming and cooling cycles. If that weren't true then over half of North America and the EU would still be under ice.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 08:22 am
mysteryman wrote:
parados wrote:
Do you think it is "mostly pure fiction" Thomas or more of it is based on actual science?

Documentaries are always from the perspective of the film maker. Gore may hype the science but the science is there.

In 1975,"actual science" was warning everyone that would listen that the earth was cooling,and that we had MAYBE 10 years left...Science section of Newsweek Magazine,April 28, 1975 titled, "The Cooling World"

These were "real scientists" warning us of this.

Now,those same "real scientists" and that very same "actual science" is warning us about global warming.

Tell me,exactly which "actual science" is correct?

No, the consensus was not cooling. Media stories don't make science, they sell magazines.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 08:27 am
Baldimo wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
miniTAX wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
I'll refrain from shooting any Hollywood star.

It won't be necessary. Best science fiction film award winning star Al Gore is shooting himself on the foot with his environmental "mission".
Carbon emission is growing unabated (forget to try to demand the Chinese or Indians to limit theirs). Temperatures stubbornly refuse to rise above the 1998 levels. Antarctica is cooling since the 1980s. The Greenland's ice, who was diminishing until 2005 is recovering spectacularly in 2006. The greenies' poster child Kilimajaro snow cover has never been as large for 15 years thanks to exceptional snowfall this year. Even the IPCC has downwardly revised its sea rise prediction and widened its uncertainty scales. The carbon stocks exchange, the core tool of Brussel aimed at conforming to Kyoto has cataclysmicly crashed in a complete Soviet-era media silence: the price of 1 ton of CO2 has fallen from 30 euros (35$) 8 months ago to 85 cents (1$) last week.

Al Gore must be desperate NOT to see the catastrophies predicted in his lifetime battle for the Earth. An Oscar is a meager compensation.
So its global cooling we have to worry about? Damn I prefer being warm.

Its all BS anyways. The earth goes through warming and cooling cycles. If that weren't true then over half of North America and the EU would still be under ice.
You seem to know a great deal about this. Have you presented your findings to the IPCC?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 08:33 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
miniTAX wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
I'll refrain from shooting any Hollywood star.

It won't be necessary. Best science fiction film award winning star Al Gore is shooting himself on the foot with his environmental "mission".
Carbon emission is growing unabated (forget to try to demand the Chinese or Indians to limit theirs). Temperatures stubbornly refuse to rise above the 1998 levels. Antarctica is cooling since the 1980s. The Greenland's ice, who was diminishing until 2005 is recovering spectacularly in 2006. The greenies' poster child Kilimajaro snow cover has never been as large for 15 years thanks to exceptional snowfall this year. Even the IPCC has downwardly revised its sea rise prediction and widened its uncertainty scales. The carbon stocks exchange, the core tool of Brussel aimed at conforming to Kyoto has cataclysmicly crashed in a complete Soviet-era media silence: the price of 1 ton of CO2 has fallen from 30 euros (35$) 8 months ago to 85 cents (1$) last week.

Al Gore must be desperate NOT to see the catastrophies predicted in his lifetime battle for the Earth. An Oscar is a meager compensation.
So its global cooling we have to worry about? Damn I prefer being warm.

Its all BS anyways. The earth goes through warming and cooling cycles. If that weren't true then over half of North America and the EU would still be under ice.
You seem to know a great deal about this. Have you presented your findings to the IPCC?

Nothing solid, just looking at the history of earth. Wasn't the earth partially covered in ice about 10,000 years ago?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 08:45 am
My BS meter is ringing pretty loud on that story too.


High 22619 kWh Aug - Sept
Low 12541 kWh Jan - Feb
Average: 18,414 kWh per month


High 20532 Sept - October
Low 12955 Feb - March
Average: 16,200 kWh per month

Why was the high month in Sept in 2005?
Anyone want to bet that Gore and his family weren't there in August-Sept of 2005? A quick google search shows Gore was in New Orleans aiding victims of Katrina and then on the west coast for speaking engagements in early Sept. Why don't you guys complain that Gore wasted energy by paying to fly a bunch of Katrina victims to Tennessee.

But then of course the story doesn't compare average temperatures from year to year either. Something my electric company does on its bills which makes it easy to make the comparison. Care to place a bet that the summer months in 2005 were significantly hotter than in 2006?

The real question is how did the newspaper get personal information from the electric company. What was their source and can that source be trusted? In my neck of the woods if such information ended up in the paper the Attorney General's office would be investigating the criminal act by someone at the power company.

Yeah, my BS meter is ringing really loud on this story.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 08:51 am
parados wrote:
My BS meter is ringing pretty loud on that story too.


High 22619 kWh Aug - Sept
Low 12541 kWh Jan - Feb
Average: 18,414 kWh per month


High 20532 Sept - October
Low 12955 Feb - March
Average: 16,200 kWh per month

Why was the high month in Sept in 2005?
Anyone want to bet that Gore and his family weren't there in August-Sept of 2005? A quick google search shows Gore was in New Orleans aiding victims of Katrina and then on the west coast for speaking engagements in early Sept. Why don't you guys complain that Gore wasted energy by paying to fly a bunch of Katrina victims to Tennessee.

But then of course the story doesn't compare average temperatures from year to year either. Something my electric company does on its bills which makes it easy to make the comparison. Care to place a bet that the summer months in 2005 were significantly hotter than in 2006?

The real question is how did the newspaper get personal information from the electric company. What was their source and can that source be trusted? In my neck of the woods if such information ended up in the paper the Attorney General's office would be investigating the criminal act by someone at the power company.

Yeah, my BS meter is ringing really loud on this story.

Your worried about this but yet when classified information ends up on the front page of the NYT you could careless? Once again we are looking at more disconnect from the left. National security means nothing compared to Al Gores electric bill. How dare they publish such information.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 09:05 am
Can you believe the pro-AGW set is defending Al Gore's electric bill because electric companies don't figure averages the same way scientists do? Sigh. No wonder there are so many global warming skeptics.

We have discussed this before on this thread but it pretty well got blown off by the pro-AGW-ers. The disconnect between those pushing AGW and the skeptics is in the behavior of the pro-AGW crowd. They are wealthy people with big cars, big houses, lots of frequent flyer miles, and the time and luxury to be politically proactive. But you don't see Al Gore or his hollywood buddies or the scientific big guns downscaling their lifestyles in any way. Oh they might buy a hybrid or, like our own governor, keep one fuel efficient car along with the gas guzzling SUV so they can claim a degree of nobility in environmental concern.

But given their lifestyles, do you really think they are true believers of their own hype?

When the loudest spokespersons for AGW don't practice what they preach, the little people aren't likely to take it all that seriously either.

(P.S. Re the global cooling scare of the 1970's, you can't put all that off on the media. We were seeing international summits on that too. It was the real deal, not a media invention. That's when they went after aerosol cans and automobile air conditioners and eliminated freon among other things. Of course the science was just as faulty then as it may be now.)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 09:40 am
parados wrote:
Why was the high month in Sept in 2005?
Anyone want to bet that Gore and his family weren't there in August-Sept of 2005? A quick google search shows Gore was in New Orleans aiding victims of Katrina and then on the west coast for speaking engagements in early Sept. Why don't you guys complain that Gore wasted energy by paying to fly a bunch of Katrina victims to Tennessee.
Oh poor Gore. He was far away from home helping News Orleans BEFORE it was struck by Katrina which made his macmansion consume only 19x the american household average instead of 20x. Lets drop a tear http://images.forum-auto.com/icones/smilies/cry.gif

parados wrote:
But then of course the story doesn't compare average temperatures from year to year either. Something my electric company does on its bills which makes it easy to make the comparison. Care to place a bet that the summer months in 2005 were significantly hotter than in 2006?
I'm on. But before making wild speculation, please consult the number of heating degre.day here . So bad, 2005 is BELOW average.

Katrina, exceptional hot summer, cooked numbers, what would you find next to excuse Gore's extravagant hypocrysie, Parados ?
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