Backsliding? johnboy/poorpuppy sure knows about that. After a day or two with some nice wins I have started to get into a slump once again.
But I don't really mind. For some reason (perhaps because of the fact that I typically play between 6-9 pm Eastern US time) I get a lot of games with folks in the UK. With our (low) ratings, we don't take the game itself too seriously. I have met some interesting folks and I have yet to have an unpleasant encounter.
I also play a lady from NYC who you might run into (I think she is known as bklyn14). We've chatted (poorpuppy wastes a a lot of clock chatting) about A2K. She's intrigued but also (it seems to me) a bit wary about joining a "chat room." If any of yall run into her, please let her know that the rest of us on A2K, or at least most of us, are usually as harmless as
kickycan wrote:
Actually, I'd like to play poker one of these days, but...and now Gus, please don't kick me out of the man club for this...I don't really know how to play.
That's ok, Kicky, I'll explain it to you sometime. When you can get away from your knitting class, hike up your skirt and come on over.
hey gustav - which name are you using at isc? gustav or ratzen? i've got both in my buddies list - and one of ya needs to get vaporized
rjb, i've put bklyn14 on my notify list - will try to play a game with her, and let her know we're ok (maybe you could let her know to expect at least one of us to come by to say hey)
Beth, feel free to vaporize ratzen.
<sure hope he's not trying to get rid o me

hey - lotsa people playing today - just did a seek - usually goes to 15 - 20 players - just now - 33 !
Not many at 8 pm on a Good Firday night. But I did play someone tonight from Spain. I had never played anyone from Spain before and he/she said that I was the first game against someone from the US.
Ain't the internet awesome?
I just played a 74 year old gentleman from the UK (Oxford); a retired tool and die maker. We ended up talking about his career (I admitted that I didn't really know what a tool and die maker actually makes). He kind of explained it and then we started talking about how the computer had revolutionized the manufacturing of automobiles (his field: making tools that were used in making Austin Minis). He beat me in the scrabble game, by the way, but I thought it was kind of sweet at the end when he asked if he could add me to his buddies list because he enjoyed talking with me. The internet is indeed amazing. In less then an hour I made a "friend" whom I have never met in person and likely never will meet and who lives thousands of miles from where I live.
A2K is great and I love it, but this Scrabble thing has afforded me an incredible opportunity to meet some fascinating people.
Who are you calling a cad?
That's just littlek being littlek, Johnny. Let her be.
It wasn't a joke. She was talking about what that guy did for a living. I think. Maybe I should go back and look.
RJB - are you a gemini?
I typed out a response and as I hit the SUBMIT button I lost power.
So was I wrong about what you meant then?
No, you were right, Kicky. I lost the explaination of what CAD is and what dies are. Maybe tomorrow.
Um, are gemini gremblins, littlek? If you are talking about things zodiac, my birthday is May 31st. As I recall from the 1960's (when "What's your sign" was a popular pick-up line) that makes me ... a gemini.
In another dimension, l'k is known as "gemini slayer".
Beware, rjb, beware.
Johnboy is quaking. First she vaporizes ratzen and now she has set her gaze on rjb. All the while, like the mytholgical siren, keeping us captivated by her luring stories of the Prince in Toronto. Run, sailors, run. (or is it swim, sailors, swim). This is terrible.
No no no... you people are all wrong. Cad was Simon Bar Sinisters assistant on the old Underdog cartoon.
< goes back to chewing qat leaves. >