I was wondering what happened, soz, when you disappeared mid-game (and you were, of course, stomping me). The clock was ticking and a message came up saying something to the effect that I was going to be adjudicated the winner. Which wasn't at all true so I hit the adjourn button. I hope that was the appropriate thing to do.
come on, who wants a piece o' me? Huh!? Huh!!???
I thought you were done for the night.
I couldn't control myself.
I almost tricked colorbook into losing to me with the word "zi". She almost let me get away with that ****! Hehe
Now I'm really done for the night.
We ere neck and neck...very close games :wink:
Make sure you put out that cigarette before you go to bed
willow_tl wrote:i am trying to register now..i am niteowl486...hopefully it will take..i love scrabble..i play literati on yahoo.
I saw you ask me to play, while I had a game with kicky. It said to press the insert key to answer...but it didn't work for me. I'm not sure how it works. Just wanted you to know I wasn't ignoring you :wink:
ehBeth just explained to me about the insert key last nite. You can chat by hitting the Insert key on your keyboard and then typing in the Command line on the Main Console.
if you're chatting with the one your playing against, you just need to select their name from the drop-down menu once. If you want to respond to a player who just said something to you, press insert first, then type.
Oh, that was nice of you, rjb. I was all ready to martyr myself for panzade and didn't get that chance, so losing would've been fine. But nice of you to take care of that. Sorry again for disappearing! I was stomping around, hanging up the phone repeatedly (that sometimes improves the phone connection -- don't ask), glaring at the modem as I willed it to light up, all to no avail.
My computer locked up shortly after our game last night. It is on it's last leg, has been for like a year, so it might just be my problem.
mac11 wrote:ehBeth just explained to me about the insert key last nite. You can chat by hitting the Insert key on your keyboard and then typing in the Command line on the Main Console.
Thanks, I was typing and then hitting insert key...no wonder it didn't work

. It is hard to concentrate on chatting while your trying to play the game :wink:
Thanks for the lists and instructions!
Hey Panzade! You're on. I'll check back now and then, bound to connect with you sometime this evening. (I've been doing ten zillion things at once all day.)
hi...I like to chat with the other player, conceding that with that damn clock, spelling and grammar go out the window: drivs me kra-z.
Still working on the buddy-list thing. I hope to see some of yall at the game-site in a bit.
rjb aka easy-to-beat "poorpuppy"
Tonight's my night. I can feel it. I'll be on later.
colorbook wrote:Welcome to A2K LionTamerX

I'm sure we will have more questions.
Thank you. I've been trying to find you folks over there and cannot.
Do y'all have a secret room or something ? :wink:
There's a list of user names on page 4 of this thread. Type budd "username" and then click it and add to buddylist for finding folks.
I suck. I think I only won one game today.
That same list is now updated in the first post on the thread, so you can find it easier.