, CI, Flora isn't on this thread. She waiting at the bus stop in front of the branch bank drinking a glass of branch water, wouldn't you know!
Second Socrates (Hey come on in!) you wrote:
In Plato's arrow model of thought, he describes memory like shooting an arrow out and grasping an idea from some other world. This infers a location housing thought without perception. Therefor, would not the images exist in some place, wether caporeal or not, regardless of time and our own perception?
Did you really write that? I love it--- arrow model of thought-- but alas-- it's (He's) wrong.
Thus :
when Flora was little her mom had a special tiny bottle of pink creamy lotion that she would share with Flora. It was a tiny clear bottle with a white top that her mom would get out of the second drawer. Just a little on a hand or cheek because it was so special..... Flora didn't know what the lotion was called........
Flora's mom died suddenly. Years passed, Flora grew up and went to college and one day was walking down the dorm hallway when she smelled the smell of the special pink lotion. She burst into the girl's room crying "What is that lotion? What is it?" and all the memories came flooding back into her consciousness, the lotion, the little bottle with the white top, the second drawer, the scent of the creamy lotion, the feeling of the lotion on her hand.
"It's Johnson's Baby Lotion." said the startled girl.
We don't know how the memory of a smell is retained in the brain. For that matter we don't know how anything is stored in the brain, (chemical, electrical, combination of both? )
but the memory of the smell of the lotion was as real as the smell itself. All those images and feelings, all that recreation of reality was stored at a location alright, Flora's brain synapses kept the recordings of all those very well for all those years, but they didn't exist anywhere else till now.
Now, of course, they are in your brain too.
Flora never found out why her mom had put the Johnson's in the little bottle with the white top.