Littlek, Dolly and Madison send their arfs and smoochy kisses to you and your beloved dog.
Thanks, I'll pass them along.
Hugs to you K. It's for the best. Bootsie's had a very good life. You've been an excellent Mom.
Sorry to hear Littlek. Really sucks having to even think about having to do it.
My heart goes out to you, littlek. I've been there myself, and it was one
of the hardest things to do, and emotionally very draining. You have
a whole week to be with her and say good buy.
Sad to say, there's probably no "right time."
But it has to be done and I know it will hurt no matter when that is.
Try to think of the years of companionship you and your dog have been lucky enough to share.
I'm thinking of you and wishing you courage and consolation.
Sorry you're facing this, littlek. It will be difficult no matter when you make the decision. We'll sit with you whenever that is.
Bootsie had a nice, long and loving home with you.
Thinking of you.
Big Hugs to you and Bootsie, lil'k.
Noddy is right. You've been wonderful to Boots. I'm sure she wouldn't have made it this long with anyone else. Sure wish there was an easier way to let go, but there never is. (Sigh.)
We're here for you.
Gawd, coming in here is hard. Can't think about it now <thanks all> got a new housemate coming in......
You will do what's right when you have to, k. That I'm absolutely certain of. But it can be very hard, I know.
Rough stuff, Lil K. I always figure the drawing line for the pet's quality of life is pain or incontinence. Dogs are super clean and I think it affects their self-esteem when they can no longer care for themselves.
Boo has trusted you to make the right decisions for her for many years. She knows you'll always do the right thing for her, and her final moments will be total contentment in the company of her favorite Big Dog.
Best wishes.
Without being able to think to much about it and still function, I've pretty much decided on next week. I figure I should call my vet before finalizing plans with the mobile vet. But, I don't see any other solution since my vet won't make housecalls and I neither want to bring her there for this or nor drive home from it.
That got an audible "oh god" from me.
Will you have adequate support? We can only do so much (though we'll all be supporting you with all of our hearts), Dag's out of town, will you have people who can take care of you in that time frame?
I echo Soz's sentiments. We'll sit with you if you need us.
I've been reading the thread tha last couple of days. I know how you are feeling and certainly can sympathize. I have a small dog that is very old. In the near future, I may be faced with a similar choice.
No, you're certainly not going to be in condition to drive home. This is heartbreaking.
I can't think of anything good to say, but I'm glad you'll talk with your veterinarian.