How about contacting Ask Oksana? She has access to a lot of people (Oksana is a Borzoi, her human helps her answer questions and give advice to all dogs and their humans).
PS I've emailed with Ask Oksana's, uh, typist, and she's a very nice person, it can't hurt to ask if she knows anything about this.
I've been searching google, ebay and craigslist for used carts. I've found some promising leads, but I think the prices aren't much less than a new cart. I'll have to enlist someone (who, I wonder) to help me measure Boo as I can't hold her up and measure her at the same time.
How's the search?
How's Boots?
How are you?
humm--I could hold Boo up I think for wee bit if you needed it - wait - maybe she needs two people to hold, one to measure - she gets so wiggly
Quinn, I just need one person to hold her up so I can measure. I can ask someone closer to home (or in my home), but that's really sweet to offer. By the way, are we still going to have brunch sometime up here?
Measure Boo Brunch. Grand idea.
Heehee.... Hold up her butt a little higher and pass the bagels.
Boots is still pretty happy and perky, but she is more or less completely unable to move. I need to bring her her water, her food, etc.
A picture of her taken today:
Elegant and terribly touching...
Your're a good dog mommy, littlek. If there is such a thing as karma, you have earned a few gold stars.
Thanks all.
I have, haven't I, greenwitch?
I was going to write that, after these two go, I want my second round of pets (after many years of me-time) to be more healthy. But, I don't think I'd have the relationship I have with my pets if they hadn't been so troubled.
What a beautiful baby you have there! So regal looking. I am so sorry to hear about Boots' problems. It's so hard when our beloved pets start to decline.
littlek, I have no doubt whatsoever that you will know when the right time will be (if it comes). You love her, that's so obvious. You will know. Just like you know with a child it's time to let them go out on there own. I am sure Boots loves you just as much as you love her.
My prayers are with you both.
I too have decided to have some time to myself after my big girl goes. The health thing is so unpredictable. I have always started with what I knew to be healthy animals that ended up with feline FIV, epilepsy, bone disorders, eye problems, etc. I know over the years I have spent a small fortune on making them feel better and to extend their lives. I don't regret one penny of the money, but there comes a time that it's nice to wake up in the morning and not have to worry about who gets a pill, who needs to go out quickly because of bladder problems, who can't see well enough to find their own dish etc. I figure I'll just make bigger donations to my favorite animal groups instead of financing a pet at home.
good idea, greenwitch. But, I adore them so much, I'm sure I'll get pets again. No more full-bred beauties, though. I want to be able to travel, to spend the night at a friends, to sleep late or stay out til the wee hours......
Sigh. But, I love my critters.
I know when someone loses a pet they hurt so badly and they fear of ever hurting like that again. But, it has been my experience that getting another pet soon, if not immediately after you lose one, can be very therapeutic. I do not believe in any way it lessens the love or commitment one has for their lost baby.
There are so many animals out there that need loving mommas like you. I wish so much I could find homes for all my cats at the shelter with your dedication.
I just wanted you to maybe think about honoring Boots by bringing home an animal that might not otherwise have a chance. It doesn't make your pain any less for the one you have lost, but it does make it more bearable and you could be saving a life with your love.
Momma, I avoided pets as a young adult because of losses we had as I was growing up. I understand what you're talking about. The reason I wouldn't get another for several years is different, as I stated above.