Quote:Withdraw our troops from all foreign nations
No more oil and dollar imperialism.
Quote:Close our borders to immigration, all immigration
No more handy terrorists roaming around the country and taking flying lessons while being followed by FBI.
Quote:Suspend all foreign aid.
If that includes the administration of the drug
AZT to black Africa, I'm for it.
Quote:Deport all illegal aliens immediately
Or legalize them, incorporate them into everyday communities, give them jobs, let them participate. Educate them into the American way of life.
Quote:Use funds saved for the welfare of the American people and rebuilding of infrastructure.
Read: divert ten percent of the defense budget to education and social funding. Get the oil barons out of the White House=avoid fake terrorism. Much nicer. Also, see Clinton-Gore's golden surplus. Seems like prehistory now. Why?
Quote:Fund a massive effort to develop alternate forms of energy.
YES! And implement these technologies immediately in the car industry, to avoid a desastrous global warming. Problem: the oil and weapons lobbies will have nothing left to conquer, oil industry will shrink. They've seized power over the US exactly to avoid that. Get the picture? They're using your money to fulfill their private agenda. They don't give a rat's behind about democracy or the constitution. That's where it's at. Compassionate conservatism is a total lie. It exists, but not in the Bush lexicon.
Quote:Form a government/industry agency to promote new industries and recapture those lost to foreign competition
Already in place. CIA.
Quote:Stay out of foreign wars. Let the Europeans fend for themselves.
Very good idea. Get those thousands of US troops out of Europe now! Communism and nazism are dead - well, in Europe anyway.