McG displays the sentiments he harbors re: "Journalistic integrity", thusly:
"How Amusing!"
if Journalistic Integrity should be taken so lightly(?!)
Transiting from Journalistic Integrity to Artistic Integrity; So-o-o... Iraq's premier PropagandArtist (Kalat) cranked it out pretty quickly... plenty of scrap to work with.
Credit Kalat with intuitively and successfully negotiating Regime Change... ("always pander to the dominant faction").
In an aesthetic sidebar: Note the size of the Little Waif figure's head relative to her emaciated little legs... what little I could see of the Rifle and boots appeared to be very realistic (cast from Life?), but the Kneeling Grieving figure and the Little Waif figure are not as faithful to scale and detail. The draping of the Waif's skirt was executed rather clumsily.
"Outside 4ID Headquarters" appears to be rather Grand, eh?
Marble floors and inlays, vaulted arches... and Statuary.
How Roman!