Thu 20 Jan, 2005 01:23 pm
Armstrong Williams really should've know better than to think he could get away with pocketing $240,000 of payola money to be a mouthpiece for George Bush.
I know, I know, he was heady with entitlement after his mentor, SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas taught him the ropes of the payola game, but Williams isn't a SCOTUS judge. In fact, all Armstrong Williams is, is a little bug-eyed chipmonk who wets his finger, then sticks it in the wind to see which way the wing is blowing.
Pimps behave more honorably than did Armstrong Williams.
Jury's out for me...can the prosecution evince any evidence?
I guess that makes Dan Rather a ho that just gives it away.
I'm afraid your comparison is useless...Dan done fallen off the radar.
I thought Armstrong Williams had fallen off the radar.