dlowan wrote:revel wrote:I don't even know who credence was/is/?, but if it is anything like that lyric that bear quoted, I might check them out.
farmer, depressing. I suspect all the 'usual suspects' will come out with sunny attitudes.
Who was it that said the other day there is nothing left but vitriol? I had to look that word up but it sure seems to sum up everything.
Creedence (Credence?) Clearwater Revival.
Fabulous band - check 'em out....
Most of my life I lived in and around KY, my folks have always been into country music. During the years Creedence (Sorry for the spelling) was out I was probably too young to pick my music out for myself and listened to country.
We did have an experience that widened our kind of music. My dad was a post master and in order to advance we had to move around a lot. Anyway I was around 11 and my sister was 12 and my brother was 13. We had just moved to this town that seemed like Mayberry with a train track. My brother was outside and the next door neighbor introduced himself to him even though he was lot older. My brother brought him inside to meet the rest of our family and he played some Beatles albums. My brother fell in love with the Beatles then even though they had long broken up. It turns out the guy just got out of prison and he ended up being a bad influence on the whole neighborhood kids and soon all the kids that were around my brother's age were listening to Beatles and doing drugs. That guy even gave my brother a whole collection of original Beatles albums and my brother's obsession with the Beatles just grew and grew. The whole family had to listen to the albums over and over; needless to say, I am familiar with Beatles lyrics. Us kids all had our favorits, mine was Lennon and my brother and sister's was Paul. The trouble was that along with my brother's obsession with Beatles growing so did my brother's experiences with drugs. After about five years and a few moves later, my dad had a fit one night after my brother came home out of his head and broke every single one those original Beatles albums into small little pieces.
Just felt like telling a story, got inspired with ebeth's and it is a nice change from exchanging insults and or debating with brick walls.