Tue 18 Jan, 2005 04:45 pm
A few weeks ago, we went through this with Al "Even My Testimony is Torturing the Truth" Gonzales. Today, it's Condi "I ain't in the back seat, I'm in the front seat" Rice.
No one thinks for a moment that either of these charletans is not going to be confirmed.
Much has already been written about Gonzales, his role as administration apologist, and going all the way back to his days as Dubya's enabler for the state-sanctioned executions conducted wholesale here in D-I-T-H.
Today I sit here listening to the woman who botched the administration of postwar Iraq when handed the assignment last year and sat on reports about prisoner abuse in Iraq, and think about how she will now have a chance to auto-pilot our foreign policy for the next four years while Rummy and Cheney actually run the show.
Perhaps Democratic senators know full well that these hearings are irrelevant. We seem to be reduced to the hope that they will ask tough questions and get her answers about policy on the record so that everyone can see how meaningless all of this really is. Citing one example, to speak about working closely with allies while your bosses are already planning the next unilateral war is a little much, even for this administration.
The tough questions of Barbara Boxer and Chris Dodd aside, perhaps they are saving their ammunition for the future, anticipating they'll only get one shot at knocking down the little mechanical clown scurrying by at the end of the shooting gallery, and their bullets can be best used on one labeled 'Supreme Court nominee'.
Then again, I wonder if they have the stones even for that.
I'm very deflated by the lack of cojones shown over and over by the Democrats in Washington. So deflated that it's hard to even conjur up any
passion at all for issues I've cared deeply about for ages. There's part of me that still can't believe this country volunteered for another 4 years of that blithering, megalomaniacal idiot and his band of yes-persons.
I go along with you, PDiddie. I can't add anything new because I have cussed about the administration four years and am getting hoarse. It just gets worse at each new stage.
It certainly is a circus as the many many clowns on the Senate Panel are more concerned with hearing themselve talk. I was doubled over in laughter as Sen BoBo Boxer went on for almost 10 minutes before actually asking some form of a question which actually was a statement ...
""I personally believe, this is my personal view, that your loyalty to the mission you were given, to sell this war, overwhelmed your respect for the truth," Ms. Boxer said, noting that she was one of the minority of Senators to vote against authorizing the use of force in Iraq."
Yes, they should all just shut up. Damned minority.
Do you think you have enough clean brown shirts hanging in your closet to spare some for the inaugural guests, woiyo?
Don't own any Brown Shirts PD.
Yet, I am not surprised in your inability to objectively analyze the performance of the Senate Comm, and see that BOTH SIDES are a total embarrassement.
How many Democrats basicly said..."We'll confirm you but I think you lied" and how many Repugs said..."We'll confirm you and it is an honor to have you meet with us."
If the committee feels that she does not have the ability to be effective as Sec of State, then do not confirm her. But the Dems do not have to guts to actually stand behind what they are saying and the Repugs are all kissing her butt.
Yet you do not see that. Why???
woiyo wrote:Don't own any Brown Shirts PD.
Yet, I am not surprised in your inability to objectively analyze the performance of the Senate Comm, and see that BOTH SIDES are a total embarrassement.
How many Democrats basicly said..."We'll confirm you but I think you lied" and how many Repugs said..."We'll confirm you and it is an honor to have you meet with us."
If the committee feels that she does not have the ability to be effective as Sec of State, then do not confirm her. But the Dems do not have to guts to actually stand behind what they are saying and the Repugs are all kissing her butt.
Yet you do not see that. Why???
My God. I agree with you.
Except the parts about your wardrobe and my vision.
PDiddie - you a damn trip!
Boxer should have at least dressed up for the occasion. Oh wait, she did, I forgot that was her costume from last year's San Francisco Homeless Halloween Bash.
Nothing like insulting someone's outfit to get a point across.
The Dem's aren't wasting the time or political capital on something they know they won't be able to stop anyways; there's no point to attempting to block her confirmation, as the Republicans can just close ranks and put her in anyways.
Not to mention the fact that the Dems aren't a uniform bunch; they vote individually, which means that some may actually support Rice.
I heard bits of it on the radio and it WAS painful. I had to turn it off.
FreeDuck wrote:I heard bits of it on the radio and it WAS painful. I had to turn it off.
You're referring to Boxer's comments, right?
All of it, but yeah, Boxer's comments made me embarrassed for her.
It wasn't just her outfit, it was her appearance and demeanor. Boxer's an assclown, and an embarrassment to the state of California.
I'm sorry, but if you are U.S. Senator representing my state, I expect you to at least look decent, not like you just crawled out of a drainage ditch. I can insult her appearance if I want to, if she's going to insult my eyes (and ears) like that.
I didn't bother watching any of the hearing, there is no need to watch it.
Also I guess it is a sign of how pitiful the opposition is when all they can get away with is denying Rice the confimation until after the big parade.
I agree with woiyo about our gutlessness, at least boxer and kerry had the guts to not vote for her after chewing her out.
Was amusing yesterday when they returned from the break. When the "questioning" resumed, one of the Republian senators (forget who) told Dr. Rice (paraphrasing here)......
"At lunch, we thought about trying to test you by coming up with some obscure country no one's ever heard of, but then we realized someone with your intellectual class would know them all anyway, so we gave up".
Laughter in the room. Nice compliment
Well JW, they could have asked her a question about Cal Berkeley. That might have stumped her.
Buncha sheep, led by a buncha Imperial sheep following a dunce.
sigh...I could start my Rice jokes...but what's the point?