Nice try.
Two sides of the same coin.
There are entire articles about the idealism created by a sort of millennial idealism. First we have depiction of the terrible fates that await the "unbelievers" (it doesn't matter who these are: non-Jews, people who don't recycle or drive electric cars, those damned gays amd perverts, Christians, Muslims, non-Muslims, hell we make little boxes for the People We Don't Like), then we have a millennium where all the people go away for awhile and life will be perfect you'll see.
The Muslims call this Dar-es-Salaam. When a country has 100% Islam. But this never really takes, because after this level, they start rooting around for false converts and hidden members of other teligions. Not content to be all Muslim, they begin hunting for anyone who doesn't conform. They make excuses when asked why Muslim states don't work.
And you see, this is the dark side of utopia. Utopian movements always are on the blood of people who don't fit into the system. Communism, "I think everything would be better if all of us were equal and shared our wealth" but what about people who want to work and keep what they earn? Well it turns out they are either raided from (forcing them into poverty and causing them to give up, which in turn halts the engine of production) or killing them and stealing from (same difference). What looks like a utopia, ended like this.
But they say, "That wasn't REAL communism" so we have to try the experiment elsewhere or soften it but calling it "socialism" or "progressivism." Yeah, it doesn't matter how slow it is or what you call it, taking from people eventually leads to them being used. And killed.
And there are other utopian movements. Nazism was about racial purity and the pretension of science. Environmentalism values animals above humans and would prefer we die off, but when we look at it closely, that recycling project left plastic dumped in the ocean or took disgusting resources to charge one car.
It's all the same. Read Revelation, and tell me if this utopianism doesn't in fact sound like something the devil advertised as good to justify the apparent deaths of billions at the hands of "God." Same playbook, same recipe. Mass slaughter in the name of unrealistic ideals. When those ideals don't work, "it wasn't REAL (insert_name_of_religion/political)." Yes, it was. Accept responsibility, stop using flawed systems, and move on.
The only antidote to this is to realize that just as there is no apocalypse, there is no utopia. Be real, understand that God's Kingdom is with us NOW, and that waiting for some distant time is betraying Christ's current kingdom. Dwelling on flaws rather than accepting difference. When we live from a grace mindset, we live in Heaven on Earth because nothing bothers us. When we talk of "flattening the curve" because these damned anti-vaxxers stull won't wear masks, we sentence humanity to endless misery in pursuit of conformity.
I went to a concert, and when masks weren't required, about 20 people out of about 400 still wore them. In other words these are all the people who really cared, the rest were bullied into following along. And so utopian systems always work by a minority pushing around a scattered majority.