What is Evangelism?

The Anointed
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2022 03:28 pm
The "Great Thought" had not thought of circles yet?

'THE GREAT THOUGHT' had conceived the entire universe before He called it into existence.

“Ptah, is an Egyptian creator god who existed before all other things and, by his will, ‘THOUGHT’ the world into existence. It was first conceived by ‘Thought’, and realized by the Word:” Ptah, Logos and Brahman, are all the one God, by different names.

Even an empty space has geometric dimensions.

And where was your space before the singularity of origin was spatially separated? You honestly don't think things through, do you?

Time itself is a straight line.

And who told you that time is a one directional linear line?

According to the scriptures, God's only begotten prophet has not yet descended into his past and filled the man Jesus with his spirit, and nor does he, until Elijah appears on earth, immediately before the great day of tribulation, and gathers the required number of Jews and gentiles who are to rule the earth under Jesus for the thousand years Sabbath, which is the reality of the weekly Sabbath, which was but a shadow of that coming reality.

It is written that once the required number of Jews and Gentiles have been gathered, it is then that God's only begotten prophet descends and enters the first temple (JESUS) where he is treated with out rage and hung upon a tree, and when the veil of that temple is torn, the spirit of God shall be poured forth upon the gentiles as fire poured forth, and I know how lowly he shall be on earth and how glorious in heaven.

Time spirals in multi-directions and not in a one direction linear straight line.

When Christ descended and preached the Good News to those who were disobedient in the days when Noah was building the boat, he actually descended into the past, but to even try to explain that to an atheist ignoramus would be a waste of my valuable time.

So, let me again ask you; when did space, time and momentum begin?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2022 04:15 pm
God said, "Yehi ohr" (שיהיה אור ), literally "Let there be light." That is, he spoke for its creation, and either was able to articulate the concept and its effects (which implies he created at some point before this), or defined its traits in the same moment as creation.

This would be like me saying, "I will bring forth the Sword of Sorrow." I may perfectly know all of the traits of the Sword of Sorrow. But you, the audience does not. Yet the Sword of Sorrow comes into being.
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2022 04:19 pm
So he spoke light but created man... why not use the same word?

Because light preexisted the observer.
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2022 06:26 pm
Jerry Falwell Jr. opens up about pool boy scandal, says the whole evangelical thing was just an act

The first honest thing he has ever said...
Reply Thu 27 Jan, 2022 08:37 am
Falwell, one of the many false prophets foretold of in the last days.
Reply Thu 27 Jan, 2022 01:54 pm
Yea, Falwell preached Christianity like a good Christian, how false!
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Reply Thu 27 Jan, 2022 08:31 pm

What the Bible does to some people...
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The Anointed
Reply Thu 27 Jan, 2022 09:05 pm
So he spoke light but created man... why not use the same word?
Because light preexisted the observer.

'HE' said; "Let there be Light. But 'THEY' said; "And now let 'US' make man in 'OUR image and likeness".

But what pre-existed 'SPACE', 'TIME' and 'MOMENTUM'?

Come on mate, at least attempt an answer to the question.
Reply Sat 29 Jan, 2022 06:01 pm
@The Anointed,
What pre-existed 'SPACE', 'TIME' and 'MOMENTUM'?

Particles smaller than our space and time perhaps.

As for momentum particles smaller than our space time are not necessarily governed by laws of our gravity.

And for what pre existed God?

I have answered that many times but you do not listen.

Geometry has always existed, duality, sameness, incongruence, attraction, circumstance, growth factors, opposition, sameness, difference... none of these things require a great thought or consciousness. They require only simple characteristics.

What preceded the big bang? Something. And what preceded that? Something. ...and so on. Did that something have intelligence? Maybe. Consciousness? Very unlikely. Even void has form. Even formlessness is a form. Even shapelessness has form in some fashion even if it is a blob. If it is invisible if it exists is has dimensions in some realm or reckoning. Even dark matter has form and even waves have shape. Even infinity has an never ending form.

Even emptiness is something.

You do not even think sometimes.

It says there was no form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

So was this thing you call God nothing too? ...and was he void and darkness?

How can something be nothing and God also? What about the elephant in the room? Is God void?

And then, what made everything dark? Who turned out the lights so God was alone sitting in it? Does God often sit in the dark? Why does he allow darkness and formlessness to envelop him?

And doesn't speaking require an apparatus with which to do so? Speech is a form.

You think by reducing everything down to nothing that proves the existence of something conscious in that nothing?

Infinity does not require consciousness, it simply needs to exist.

It can exist in light and darkness and requires no words to speak it into being.

It either is or it isn't.
Reply Sat 29 Jan, 2022 06:40 pm
Not anything pre exists anything else, don't you know yet?
Reply Sat 29 Jan, 2022 07:17 pm
How evangelicals view life...

When you really think about it, evangelicals view life in an ignorant way.

They believe:
Eve is sinful for turning Adam on to sex.
Adam was just minding his own business feeding the goats and Eve taught him how to fornicate.

As if men are born with no inkling of sexuality.

Sexual preference in humans extends long before puberty.

Many evangelicals believe the life that results from sex is the woman's responsibility. Another erroneous and barbaric belief. Both parents belong in the home raising their families whether if they are gay or straight.

Evangelicals are happy branding women as sexually permissive while it is evangelical men in mostly red states who feed the entire pronography industry.

The church would love to get their hands on that money. Enter, Trump's plan is to open titty bars and brothels in ever country and state on the earth. Evangelical pimps...

While God formed humans from the dust, no mention is ever made in the Bible about the trillions of trillions of microbes that live in the dust and our bodies. Without these microbes life would not be possible.

They digest our food and regulate our DNA. Oh, and DNA is also never mentioned. If you are searching for a code, try that one maybe. You won't find that code in the Bible.

This all knowing God was perfectly happy for thousands of years blaming the sins of woman and the fathers and demons for sickness instead of bacteria, fungus, mold, viruses... and an unhealthy diet.

While God was busy teaching Abraham about child sacrifice, animals were caring and nurturing their young.

Oh and death, Adam and Eve were the first to ever die because they fornicated?

Yet for millions of years insects, animals and humans and plants died and, many were conscious enough to even mourn and pay respects to their dead.

And what of eternal life and everlasting life?

It would seem that one type of life does not experience death.

These are "life" terms given to humans by the same God that withheld the existence of bacteria until someone noticed it in under a magnifying glass.

And evangelicals call themselves pro-life but they are oblivious to life and its meaning.

They worship a man who died for them and a God that stood by and let his son die without lifting a finger to help. (A typical evangelical male.)

This in turn fosters a sociopath mindset for them to teach to their children.

And the abuse is perpetuated for generations.

Sex is not evil. Hypocrisy, deception, rape, perdophilia often associated with sex is what is evil. But Evangelicals hide their sexuality because they have been taught that it is sinful and this idea that sex is evil leads to the manifestation of all of the illnesses that make sex lawless.

If they simply sought healthy, monogamous and consensual sex they would avoid the hypocrisy, deception and public shame when their shenanigans are uncovered.

So what is life? If your view of life comes from the so called "book of life" well, the book of life has little to no idea what life really is.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Jan, 2022 07:22 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2022 06:56 am
Perhaps is a weasel word.

And you don't have the ability to think very hard.

Trace all secular ideas of how existence works back and it goes nowhere. To a 0 = 1 reaction.

Most math is theory. A point is a one dimensional object where there can be an infinite number on a line because point take up no space and a line extends infinitely. But neither a one-dimensional point, nor an infintely extending line truly exist.

Likewise, scientists tell the unsuspecting dupes that they've gone to distant galaxies and know everything so they don't need God. You want the truth? We haven't even explored the bottom of either our oceans or our underground. We haven't even a real picture of an atom, only theoretical pictures, which we then subdivide into fake pictures of quarks, and fake strings. Scientists don't know anything.
Atoms exist on paper. Yet we are using science about them based only on theory.
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2022 12:40 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Trace all secular ideas of how existence works back and it goes nowhere. To a 0 = 1 reaction.

Science has many elegant and highly plausible explanations for the universe.

One of them being relativity. Relativity is not a theory by the way.

It is provable. If relativity was not true, atomic bombs would not work and space missions to pluto would miss the planet entirely (much like religion does). Science has been to pluto while religious people are still wondering if the earth is really flat.

And then there is string theory which also is proveable in concept through the large hadron collider.

And what does religion have? Poof and there it is, no science, no equations only well, 0 = 1... Religion is still like cavemen with clubs.

And your unsuspecting dupes drop money into the collection plate so they can support racist and sexist social policies. Because God told them to.

You are attributing to science what your death cult is responsible for. And your anti mask crap is more proof of your death cult's treachery.

A desperate attempt to raise your dead horse known as religion with blind faith and heartless stupidity...
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2022 01:30 pm
This woman went from 'it's just like the flu' to death in record time, leaving kids motherless

0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2022 08:48 pm
Science has many elegant and highly plausible explanations for the universe.

Correct! There are as many, if not more scientific theories as to the origin of our universe, as there are differing religious bodies, such as Christianity, Hindu, Abrahamic, Muslim, etc. But only one can be correct.

As stated previously, when the singularity of origin is torn asunder for the creation of this universe, electromagnetic energy is spewed out of a WHITE HOLE in the trillions and trillions of degrees, as this infinitely hot energy spread out, it cooled. One would expect, that those wave particles which are the quantum of the liquid like electromagnetic energy, would have continued to expand further and further away from each other with the expansion of space.

But with the angular momentum of those waves, they collided with each other in nuclear fusion in the creation of the first basic sub-atomic particles.

As the universal temperature dropped to some billions of degrees, the dark energy which is believed to be the expansion’s acceleration force, began to form into dark matter, hydrogen and helium, with trace quantities of lithium, beryllium, and boron.

The Universe stayed dark, without any luminous sources, until gravity, condensed the mainly hydrogen, with helium, and the trace quantities of lithium, beryllium, and boron, into the first stars. All stars, including these first- generation stars, act as chemical factories, synthesizing almost all of the elements that make up the world around us.

And God said, “Let there be light.” Which was not the light from the sun of this minor solar system within our Milky Way galaxy, which solar system would not be created for some nine billion years after the creation of those first massive stars that lit up the darkness of the bottomless pit, in which massive nuclear reactors the heavier elements were created.

When the original stars exploded as supernovae, and collapsed into a black hole, they spewed out much of the elements that those massive nuclear reactors had created, seeding the surrounding galactic gas cloud.

Subsequent generations of stars that formed in the surrounding Gas cloud, which were created from those elements, incorporated the elements that were created within them, and steadily increased the chemical abundances of their surroundings, which was the evolving Galaxy, that was anchored in space by the central Black Hole, around which, THE GALACTIC NEBULA had begun to revolve.

In 1935, Einstein and physicist Nathan Rosen used the theory of general relativity to elaborate on the idea of black holes and worm holes, proposing the existence of "bridges" through space-time. These bridges connect two different points in space-time, theoretically creating a shortcut that could reduce travel time and distance; Billions of light years to mere kilo-metres.

According to general relativity, the gravitational collapse of a sufficiently compact mass forms a singular Schwarzschild black hole. In the Einstein–Cartan–Sciama–Kibble theory of gravity, however, it forms a regular Einstein–Rosen bridge.

The gravitational collapse of a single star such as the minor star of our solar system, can only form a White Dwarf, our sun will eventually burn up all its lighter elements and move on to the heavier material and blow out as a Red Giant, when this happens, it will expand outward and get so large that the orbit of the earth will actually be inside the sun, and the earth’s crust will be melted into an ocean of lava.

Eventually, there will be nothing there to burn and all that will be left of our sun will be a compact White dwarf of carbon and oxygen about the size of today’s earth, and a thimble full of material from the White Dwarf would weigh anything up to a ton.

A neutron star is what is left over when a very heavy star explodes. This explosion is called a Supernova, the gravitational collapse of those bigger stars, create a fast spinning body no bigger than the earth, which is so dense that even a thimble full of their material, would weigh anything up to about 100 million tons.

Atoms have a certain weight, but the weight is almost all in the nucleus. The nucleus inside an atom is so small that if you made a model of an atom that was the size of a large house, the nucleus would still only be the size of a grain of salt. An atom, apart from its nucleus, is almost all space.

In a neutron star, all of the atoms have been crushed together so tightly by the force of gravity that their nuclei are touching. If you can imagine the amount of space needed for a billion large houses to occupy, then reduce that to the space needed to house a billion grains of salt, which still weigh almost the same as the billion houses, then you have some idea as to what a neutron star is. But unlike a Black Hole, rotating neutron stars do radiate pulses of energy and are also called ‘Pulsars.’ As a point of interest, in 2020 scientists witnessed two separate events only ten days apart of a black Hole devouring a neutron star.

As previously stated, according to general relativity, the gravitational collapse of a sufficiently compact mass forms a regular Schwarzschild black hole, which is a non-rotating black hole as opposed to a rotating Kerr black hole. Nothing can escape from a black hole, not even light, the mass within a black hole warps the fabric of space, as the internal mass increases by the objects falling into and being devoured by that gravitational anomaly, it begins to form a funnel like tunnel in space.

Any object going into a black hole would be ripped apart by the intense gravitational force inside the black hole and re-converted to the photons from which it was originally created.

In 1963, New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr, calculated an exact solution for Einstein’s field equations representing a Kerr black hole. The special feature of a Kerr black hole is that it rotates. So far as scientists know, all objects in the universe rotate, including stars, so when the star collapses into a black hole, it’s likely that it too will rotate.

In Kerr’s solution, it’s actually possible for the electromagnetic energy from which this universe and all herein was created, the quantum of that energy, being photons, to travel through the rotating black hole and could come out of the white hole at the other side.

Those rotating black holes, which were created from the supernova and collapse of gigantic stars, are seen as swirling funnels, which are formed in the galaxies, much like the funnel in a Thunderstorm.

A worm Hole could theoretically be used as a method of sending information or travelers through space, unfortunately, physical matter which includes humans journeying through the space tunnels would appear to be an impossibility as there are strong indications that material objects travelling through a worm hole is forbidden by the law of physics.

But now that it has been discovered that Physical matter is but an illusion, and all is, but the eternal energy, I have no doubts that one day. During the coming thousand years of peace, new technology will develop a way to teleport bodies of energy along light beams and reconstruct them to their original form, with no damage done: ‘Beam me up Scotty?’

Just as no two humans have the same fingerprint and no two snowflakes are the same, each atom has its own unique signature (It’s wobble) and when atoms, each with their own unique signature are gathered together to form Molecules, the signature of each molecule is further enhanced, and of the molecular makeup of any human being, no two can be the same. Again (Beam me up scotty)
Reply Mon 31 Jan, 2022 08:09 am
Everything is a theory.

Relativity may have been tested, but the assumptions drawn from the test may be dead wrong. For instance we have as part of relativity, stuff like a person tossing a ball inside a moving train, appearing to have the ball move when watched from the outside, yet still when inside it appears to be tossed straight up.

Eistein probably says something about constant motion or something.
But you could draw a completely different assumption, like that the person standing there watching is seeing an optical illusion, or that space and motion is actually encapsulated inside objects, blah blah blah different science theory.

The point being that even though Hawking's explanation may look good on paper, like many theoretical scientists, he did not actually have to prove his theory true. I have use only for practical scientists, btw. If you cannot use your work for inventions, the theory probably doesn't have value in the real world.

This week, I have been studying the Bible. Specifically, I EDITED the Bible to make my own. So, basically, I've been looking at things that people take as Biblical truth and saying "Yeah, right!"

What makes your science any better? If facts are not tested and questioned, they are like pages in a book that for 2000 years are not tested or questioned.

I do not have a death cult. But in two years, the secular COVID hysterics cult has cost the lives of small business owners, workers for public businesses who couldn't (some people have allergies to certain materials) or wouldn't get masks or vaccines leaving them homeless and unemployed, and even denied people basic rights (organ transplant denial on grounds of medical decisions).

This is a death cult. Pot is calling kettle black.
Reply Mon 31 Jan, 2022 02:20 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Everything is a theory.

Tuna fish is a theory... According to you... Just because you think is it tuna fish it could be egg salad instead. It looks like tuna fish, it smells like tuna fish, it has the consistency of tuna fish and it tastes like tuna fish, it says tuna fish on the label but it is really egg salad. It could be egg salad in another dimension or maybe it is an optical illusion?


Do you know how stupid you sound?

ulmabriefs144 wrote:
I do not have a death cult. But in two years, the secular COVID hysterics cult has cost the lives of small business owners, workers for public businesses who couldn't (some people have allergies to certain materials) or wouldn't get masks or vaccines leaving them homeless and unemployed, and even denied people basic rights (organ transplant denial on grounds of medical decisions).

Your death cult cannot force people to shop in their super spreader businesses. That is why it is called "free enterprise". They cannot force people to buy produce that has had maskless republican freaks coughing all over it all day.

First is was motorcycle accidents and now it is those poor people who died because they lost their job. Really? Liberals have given those people a safety net. Food stamps, free healthcare, coronavirus business subsidies. These coronavirus subsidies that your death cult party of freaks voted against allowing. Well the liberals passed them anyway in congress without the help of your death cult.

Republicans promote pandemic relief they voted against

Every Republican in Congress voted against the sweeping pandemic relief bill that President Joe Biden signed into law three months ago. But since the early spring votes, Republicans from New York and Indiana to Texas and Washington state have promoted elements of the legislation they fought to defeat.

The Republicans’ favorite provisions represent a tiny sliver of the massive law, which sent $1,400 checks to millions of Americans, extended unemployment benefits until September, increased the child tax credit, offered housing assistance for millions of low-income Americans and expanded health care coverage. Republicans tried to negotiate a smaller package, arguing that Biden’s plan was too expensive and not focused enough on the nation’s health and economic crises.

Republicans tried to gut coronavirus relief. So who is really killing people?
And can you name one single person who died because they lost their job? No you can't!

But there are hundreds of thousands of people who have died because of the spread of a disease that kills many of the people who catch it.

And your are really crying over people who were not allowed to help spread it faster and lost their business became people did not want to shop in their super spreader store or did not want to die working in that store with other employees coughing on them all day not wearing a mask?

Most people are not stupid like you and people do not die because they lose their job because democrats approved coronavirus subsidies for them.

You are spreading disease and lies...

Don't expect anyone to believe you, you are fooling only yourself.

They lost their job and then bought a motorcycle... lol
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jan, 2022 02:27 pm
@The Anointed,
So, the universe has a lot of empty space in it.

And that somehow proves that God made it?

The creation stories of nearly all religions are all farcical.

Like turtles pulling the sun across the sky...

And gods who fashion women "after" men using a rib.

Male chauvinist rubbish...
Reply Tue 1 Feb, 2022 12:19 am

This guy gets lots of job offers but dies of Covid before he can go to work.

Covid is the leading cause of death for cops for 2 years now.

That is only because a lot of them drive motorcycles... (cynical)

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