What is Evangelism?

Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 02:30 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
If you do not respect others and their right to self, why should respect be given to you?

And what if you don't respect the rights of others? Do you deserve respect then?

You're not the only one with rights. Did you even consider that?

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Humans are hypocrites.

Some humans are hypocrites,

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
So if you do not respect medical autonomy

Some people use the lame excuse of medical autonomy to put others in danger and walk all over "their" rights. This is worse than hypocrisy, this is murder. This selfish and phobic autonomy can mean death to others who have relinquished their own autonomy to save themselves and others whom they love from death.

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
I suppose you'd be okay with people sending medics over to your house to amputate a leg after I claim you had gangrene.

That would be a lie, neither I do not have gangrene nor would me having gangrene pose a danger to others.

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Get a grip, and get a clue. Type in "COVID inflation"

Did we not have a discussion about that, you show weak examples that you could not prove the motorcycle accident was not due to impaired driving due to Covid.

Did your Trump cult tell you to look up "COVID inflation" and you did and you fell for their propaganda. Congratulations, you’re a fool.

And you don't believe in others telling you what to do.

Then why don't you STFU? You seem to think you can tell others what to think. And what you have to say is pure rubbish.

Who voted for you and appointed you to any office?

No one.

You are unfit to hold office.

You are full of lies and Trump's rightwing garbage brain.

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Type in "COVID inflation"

Where? On your rightwing nutcase website?

Google has never heard of COVID inflation

and "COVID motorcycle" there was one case.


You act like no one has ever died of covid.

You know, you need to earn trust for people to respect you.

Your logic is all over the place like a fanatic.

Nothing is connected and you seem to be the last one to recognize that fact.

You think two searches make covid magically not exist. That is delusional.

You are paranoid of government control; I would be more paranoid listening to myself if I were you.

You are worried about breathing in cotton or mold and you are oblivious about breathing in a live deadly virus. And it is assuredly, as anything could ever be, that it is just a matter of time before you do breath it in.

You have lied to yourself, and you truly believe it.

And you are too deluded to even know that.

You go on and on spouting nonsense.

Ishmael and, ahh, that is a picture of a someone with his finger in the sand. Really?

Your thoughts are disconnected, they are lunacy.


2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 08:07 am
And what if you don't respect the rights of others? Do you deserve respect then?
You're not the only one with rights. Did you even consider that?

My goofy friend who later became a well known political figure (and is now arrested for an attempted pedophile meetup) told me online that me telling him not to rape anyone was totally cramping his style. He said some nonsense about his freedom to rape.
Yeah, I'm friends with this guy. I disown Trump after he basically helped the left with their vaccination plan, but this guy is the same guy I played Stratego with. He's always been a creep but I'm not a moralist, so I like him despite him likely put away for a long long time. It's kinda interesting how when the media wants to accuse you, they show a worst day picture of you, but when you're a politician they show a bright and shiny one. Nathan was kinda closer to the worst day picture, but he had alot of unorthodox good qualities. Trump had some good qualities too but I wouldn't vote for him again, cuz one of his bad qualities was that he appears to have sold out. But nvm that.

Your rights end before the right to tell me or my friends what decisions we have to make. This is what autonomy means. It means you don't get to rape me, you don't get to shoot me in the head, you don't get to take my stuff, and you don't get to force medicine on me. Not without my permission. Now, if I give you permission to rape me, I suppose it is by definition not rape?

Let's say that I and my friends, maybe a band of ten or twenty people are all meeting for a film club. None of them really care about masks anymore. Then you come in the room. As the last person there, you are technically an interloper. A newcomer. Everyone else in the room has seniority over you. But everyone else is easygoing and just wants to live quietly, and watch movies with their friends. But you've decided to tell them "Stop Having Fun, Guys!"
This actually happens on a regular basis at our personal film club in town. The same twenty people go to it, so there would be no risk of new contagion even if I bought the narrative (which I don't). Some lady comes in and bullies everyone into wearing masks. I never come there anymore, but if I did, I would bluntly tell her to go elsewhere or abruptly leave.

Your rights stop when you trample over the boundaries of others.

Yes, but sure you're the victim here.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 08:49 am
Poor poor you.

Concerned about your rights.

You have no idea how much people like me worry about the government coming in and trying to force me to take the jab, or declaring that I am "violent science denier" (yes, they have devised stupid terms like this, all of which include the word 'violent' meanwhile the "mostly peaceful" left does stuff like this) and using this as ammo to take everything I or my family owns.

You, like many of your generation, seems to have bought into the "if you can't beat em, join em" philosophy I first encountered with Looney Tunes. That always unsettled me until I figured out why. Because those trying to beat you want you to join them. It's no great loss if you become their follower.
But I have no desire to join your cause. You can tell me how wrong you think I am all the time, I'm not interested. You want to wear a mask and jab yourself, that is ultimately your right. You want to be paralyzed with fear and never go out despite all that? Also your right. It stops being your right when you try to get me to do as you say.
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 01:05 pm
Indian Cricketers And Other World Sports Personalities Who Died Of COVID-19

Thousands of dead athletes, none of them were riding a motorcycle, all of them were taking vitamins and health enhancing supplements and none of them had secondary health issues. All dead now from Covid alone.

They can no longer protest their individual freedoms and they can no longer vote. They can no longer go online and spout ridiculous nonsense and post hateful crap from the cult leader Trump about how their rights are being stolen from them because they had to wear a cloth mask.

Too late to take the vaccine and all they did was breathe in some covid infected air...

Most of them perhaps had no access to the vaccine. They probably died through no fault of their own...
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 01:06 pm
I am not reading your posts anymore.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 01:27 pm
I have lost all respect for you.

You are often vulgar, insolent, hateful and reprobate… to mention only a few of your illnesses.

None of those are Christian qualities let alone even good human character.

There are people in my sphere of influence who need help and genuinely care about others. They are harmless as doves and not lashing out like vipers and wolves.

I would rather read their posts.

If I do not respond to your posts, now you know why.
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 01:46 pm
Isn't it interesting though?

The CDC was quick to insist that anyone who is a professional athlete follow very stringent health regulations.

There is no COVID in the air. There never was.

It was all caused by following these guidelines. They exerted themselves, but the literally sucked in air faster than could be delivered. When you are running, you breathe faster and shallower. But filtered air can't be breathed in like that. The body needs to breathe clean air and taks deep breaths. As such, they died as a DIRECT RESULT of cooperation with medical goofballs.

Maybe the reason you now want to ignore my comments is they lead to conclusions that make you uncomfortable. Like... that you've been lied to from the start, and that the peope you supported are directly responsible for the death of thousands of athletes. I'm certainly not, I stay home and I am not interested in sports.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 02:05 pm
Those against Christ don't understand what Christian qualities even are.

They confuse image and perfectionism for goodness. That would be good enough to be a Jews, as would compulsive hand washing. But that isn't Christianity.

"What profit you to gain the whole world but lose your soul?" Christians aren't to be people pleasers, they are to proclaim what has been hidden from the rooftops. They are not to be muzzled like beasts, but to be ambassadors of the gospel, to be sojourners. To be foreigners to this world that values material goodness, and to witness to truth.

What Christ expects is for us to be Christ-like. Was Jesus nice to the leaders and Pharisees who were supposedly the ones who knew what goodness is? No he was not. Jesus overturned temple commerce. He suggested people refuse taxes, telling them to take their coins out of the mouth of a fish. Jesus helped the poor, but he didn't enable their bullshit. People who were lame he told to take their pallet and walk. By your standards, if you met Jesus today, you would reject him.

You wish for everyone to sacrifice their lives to COVID, to stay indoors indefinitely, to give up all freedoms so that nobody will die ever. But what about the misery of all those who are healthy, who are nonetheless forced to be prisoners for the hysterical. I desire mercy not sacrifice. Understand what this means. It is not mercy to punish the many healthy for the sick. It is not mercy to punish the living for the dead.

Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 06:22 pm
You don't represent Christ, you represent a dung hill and a cesspool of iniquity.

Here is one of your liberty buddies.

Doing his finest to make America great again. (cynical)

South Carolina lawmaker indicted on multiple charges including providing child with alcohol

Here is your "pro-life" Trump party stealing the life away from a young adolescent...

What has Trump done???

Rick thinks he has great Christian qualities too.
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 06:26 pm
Covid highly magnified in a lab.

If covid does not exist, what is this?

And THIS is coming for the unvaccinated.

Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 06:29 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Those against Christ don't understand what Christian qualities even are.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 06:37 pm
‘Proof’ the virus behind COVID-19 doesn’t exist fails basic biology test
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 07:00 pm

Trump followers healing the lepers...


Trump followers feeding the poor...


Trump followers teaching love at the synagogue.


Trump followers healing the blind. ...and later they get paid by Trump for their selfless "charity"... All in a day's work.

Chirst's love manifests itself in Trump's followers... (cynical)

Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 07:07 pm
Oh golly, I thought you said you weren't gonna talk tome anymore? Imagine my surprise.

A Christian represents Christ, for better or worse. If I kill a person in cold blood, and I am a Muslim, you will probably tellme "Nothing to do with Islam." But the same standard is not used for Christians. People are quick to jump on them if they so much as post mean tweets. You literally treating me worse than a Muslim bomber in an average day.

So yes, if I represent Christ in the worst of days, I represent him when I do something right too. So I'll flatly say this. Christ wasn't the woke hippy you seem to think he was, nor was he a bland nice guy, nor would he approve of lukewarm followers being polite to those who did evil. Yes, he advocated turning the orther cheek, but this is not the same as being a doormat. And Jesus's disciples were not doormats. Christians argued with other Jews, they argued with each other ( we see this in the contradictory nature of Peter and Paul, among others), they endured persecution of a sorts, including crucifixion and being fed to lions. They were badasses, and didn't put up with bullshit.

Evangelists understand this. Watered down moderate Christians think that it is intolerance that the Crudades happen. No, actually people in Europe were getting slaughtered, so people fought back... for about 90 years. Their attackers? Have been trying to conquer them for 1400.

COVID is medically weaponized socialism. The sooner you realize this, the better off you'll be. Don't blame me, when the Mark of the Beast (the "vaccine") starts to give you side effects like headaches, fatigue, blood clots, seizures, muscle pain, boils, and inability to believe in God, death, and a lake of fire. These are just part of the fine print for this drug. You've probably seen it mentioned in the commercials. What, you haven't?
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 07:15 pm

This is a written statement from the CDC that they have never isolated COVID in any lab. Like high detail pictures of planets we cannot possibly see from this range, this is just that. Artwork. Not a picture as you imagine.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 07:27 pm
Again you accuse me of following Trump, and again I tell you that I do not know that man.

Yeah, anyway. I follow Jesus as my King. Not governors, presidents, not political rallies, none of that. I have no voted in the last election, and I probably plan to continue that trend. So why are you bothering me? Oh wait, I know. Because you think I'm some sort of gun-toting savage.

I do not own a gun like these people, I do not protest. As far as I am concerned, these are the far left waving a false flag. They are too much a caricature of the right, down to the way they look like ppl out of Deliverance. I know a few people on the right. I may not have many friends but those I know who are conservative DO NOT look like that.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2021 05:58 am
I said I was not going to read your posts...
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2021 06:39 am
Good, that won't stop him trying to get your attention. He dug up a post of mine that was almost four years old in order to get a response.
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2021 06:57 am
Contents of texts to Meadows from Fox News hosts, Congress members revealed at 1/6 hearing

What do I have against Donald Trump?

Here is one example among many.

Donald Trump's "extreme dereliction of duty".

Duty to God
Duty to self
Duty to household
Duty to family
Duty to society
Duty to the world...
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2021 07:42 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Oh golly, I thought you said you weren't gonna talk tome anymore? Imagine my surprise.

A Christian represents Christ, for better or worse. If I kill a person in cold blood, and I am a Muslim, you will probably tellme "Nothing to do with Islam." But the same standard is not used for Christians. People are quick to jump on them if they so much as post mean tweets. You literally treating me worse than a Muslim bomber in an average day.

So yes, if I represent Christ in the worst of days, I represent him when I do something right too. So I'll flatly say this. Christ wasn't the woke hippy you seem to think he was, nor was he a bland nice guy, nor would he approve of lukewarm followers being polite to those who did evil. Yes, he advocated turning the orther cheek, but this is not the same as being a doormat. And Jesus's disciples were not doormats. Christians argued with other Jews, they argued with each other ( we see this in the contradictory nature of Peter and Paul, among others), they endured persecution of a sorts, including crucifixion and being fed to lions. [/size]They were badasses, and didn't put up with bullshit.

Evangelists understand this. Watered down moderate Christians think that it is intolerance that the Crudades happen. No, actually people in Europe were getting slaughtered, so people fought back... for about 90 years. Their attackers? Have been trying to conquer them for 1400.

COVID is medically weaponized socialism. The sooner you realize this, the better off you'll be. Don't blame me, when the Mark of the Beast (the "vaccine") starts to give you side effects like headaches, fatigue, blood clots, seizures, muscle pain, boils, and inability to believe in God, death, and a lake of fire. These are just part of the fine print for this drug. You've probably seen it mentioned in the commercials. What, you haven't?

That is one of the problems with the world today. Way too many "christians" and not nearly enough lions.
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