What is Evangelism?

Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2021 09:03 am
Romans 1:1
King James Bible
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,

What strikes you all as peculiar, even, "wrong" about this verse?

I am attempting to take this thread back to its origins.

Not that the current conversations have not been very enlightening. And not that other discussions/topics need to cease.

The question is, why are evangelicals so messed up? And, I may supply a possible reason...

I like to ask questions to give time for thoughts and other responses about a certain thing. To learn how much you already collectively know and understand about a certain thing.

I sometimes wonder if I am the only person who knows this stuff. lol
Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2021 10:55 am

You are like all who have decided the Gospel for themselves, convinced of your own truth.

You hate the evangelicals, while you decide there is something wrong about this verse. Why are the evangelicals so messed up, you ask?

Perhaps I had better take this thread back to its origins too. I first encountered this thread as a series of nonsense Fakebook pictures, that I had to recopy to another tab because my browser wouldn't natively display. These were memes. And not even very good ones, they were the sort of crap that a complete atheist would post. Basically, these were the writings of a whiny liberal who hates God because he/she sees God as an imposition threatening their fun.

But God says, "The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." The secular left is comprised of thieves. They talk a good game about peace and love, but they burn down buildings, they kill people, and they steal prosperity, hope, and freedom. Evangelicals teach you that you need self-discipline, or other people will enslave you. "I can do anything, yet I will not be ruled by anything." The secular left pretends to give us freedoms then proceeds to guilt trip us about not doing enough for racial justice, the environment, or the latest woke agenda. Ultimately, all these agendas are for putting chains on people. This is exactly what happens when you have a desire to do anything, but no self-discipline.
Gaslighting has been developed in Communist China to an extreme level. Dissidents were compelled to stand before a large crowd of true believers in the communist “faith”. The crowd would browbeat them with exaggerated or false accusations of criminality or immorality. The victim bowed and gave in, begging forgiveness and to be allowed to live. The victim was made to believe he had sinned. Many victims had no idea why they were being punished in the first place. Gaslighting is perfect for public subjugation because it makes people who love freedom think they are evil and need to be controlled; it makes the natural desire for freedom appear selfish and anti-social.

It starts with (1) a false prophet who then writes or uses, (2) a false authority to then proclaim, (3) a false god, (4) a false savior and, (5) a false salvation.

But false salvation always ends the same way. In chains. When we defy God, we end up with totalitarians. Because rather than God being an interruption to freedom, we as humans seek to oppress each other, while God wants us to be free.

Here's a bit hint: When you see "all those other people are messed up," sometimes the problem is actually you.
Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2021 11:25 am
An entire post from you and not one word about the meaning of the verse I posted.

You insinuate I hate evangelicals...

I do dislike fake people who align themselves with a prevalent hateful ideology that is common among today's evangelicals.

What is wrong with the verse?

You are so jaded and clouded by your delusion you epitomize my point I am making...

You never considered the problem might be you?

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
But false salvation always ends the same way. In chains.

And only you know the "true" salvation?
Please do tell. lol

We shall see won't we... I will wager that you have no idea what or how salvation is received.

I will wait for further comments on the verse I posted before I will remark about it.

You are saved but can't really explain how? That is a sure sign you have been evangelized, without true knowledge.
Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2021 09:54 pm
No you literally made it about What's Wrong With Evangelism? rather than What Is Evangelism? from post one.

These terms evangelism and evangelist are thrown around a lot in religious circles, they have deeper and often sinister meanings depending on who and how one interprets them.

I think I came in at about page 5 or 10 or whatever, when you had a bunch of memes from Facebook. But even this post tells nothing about what evangelism is, and everything about what you think is wrong with it.

Again, the problem is you. I have an assignment for you, which I totally know you will do (probably not). You will need to attend a church you consider evangelical. Ask them what is going on in their area. You might be surprised about some things. If you're like me, there will definitely be some surprises.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2021 10:58 pm
And only you know the "true" salvation?
Please do tell. lol

We shall see won't we... I will wager that you have no idea what or how salvation is received.
You are saved but can't really explain how? That is a sure sign you have been evangelized, without true knowledge.

What will you wager? Those are dangerous words.

And only me? Hardly!

I mainly know of false salvation. And largely from my own stories.

It works like this. I decide, "Nahhh, I can do it on my own." Pretty soon, I have a wrecked car because I took an ill-advised trip instead of just being patient and calm. Or I try to avoid paying for that car repair, and then I don't want to inform my friends and family that I really need help, so I wind up in a terrible situation where all my money gets wiped out. I know of many many times where I'm like "I'm an adult now! I should be able to do this myself." Then something went horribly wrong because overreached. Or think of all the people who want to be "independent" (no such thing, only lonely) and spend thousands a money of some studio apartment. I bet I have more house than their apartment, I get company, and it's free! Your mistake is literally costing you dearly.

Does this mean we should be codependent? Not that either. Nor be one of these people who votes for tyrants because they need strong authority in their life. In fact, the latter reason is why our so-called governors are now behaving like dictators. "You can't go outside because of COVID." What COVID? There is nobody sick. "Look, bulma is spreading COVID misinformation. He/she should be arrested." Do you see? You want... to take away my freedom for exercising my right to speech. Would you like your freedom taken away for watching porn? Or going to a football game? Or playing with your nephew or niece? "Gasp! He/she isn't vaccinated! Or maybe they aren't standing 6 feet away from their own family!" So what?
We humans think we know best, but this is only half the equation. We think "important" people or "powerful" people know best. We elect these assholes again and again and again, thinking they'll make a change. No, dammit, the last one was just like him, and the one before. Just stop. Stop abdicating your life, and stop trying to run it yourself.

There's a middle path. Take that one. Remember who created you, remember how to treat people decently. And remember who is actually important to you. Not these ogres with money, but your own family. Get back to those roots.

Yes, I know what true salvation is.
1. Stop ******* embracing a system that doesn't offer you any forgiveness.
2. Stop loving things that won't love you back.
3. Stop confusing morality for Christianity. They are not the same thing. God does not want or need our perfectionism.
4. We are allowed to do anything, but we shouldn't make choices that ruin our lives or those of others.
5. Will God punish us if we do anyway? That's not the point! We will punish ourselves through our own crappy choices. That's punishment enough!

There is a theory called the Five Basic Laws of Human Stupidity. It goes like this. (1) We grossly underestimate just how many stupid people there are out there. (2) The probability that someone is stupid is independent of other factors. That's right, what the writer of this theory considers stupidity doesn't matter about education, economics, race, sex, nothing. (3) A stupid person is one who causes losses to other people while gaining nothing or causing loss to themselves. That is, idealistic assholes that do crap that ruins other people's lives from free. He defines intelligent people as those who help themselves and others, bandits as those who help themselves at the expense of others, and calls the last category of people who hurt themselves at the benefit of others as the helpless. (4)Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that in any time and place and circumstance dealing and/or hanging out with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake. (5) Stupid people are the most dangerous type of people.
(5b) A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit. This is because stupid people act irrationally and their actions screw over others. A bandit will always act in self-interest, so as long as you act toward that, you should be fine. Basically the difference between an obnoxious rules stickler, and someone who can be bribed to look the other way. If you're desperate, you want the person who can be bribed, as the other one will simply refuse and create a nuisance.
I saw this in action. This lady at a hotel had no manager there, and this group of about 4 or 5 that were from like Indonesia, had poor English but wanted a discount (stupid vs bandits). The lady spent like 45 minutes quibbling with them, we couldn't check in, and we were tired after having been on the road the entire day. Look lady, either flatly refuse them service if they won't pay, tell them to wait while you deal with other customers, offer the discount, or offer the discount under the table and cover the difference out of pocket. If the boss faults you for that, they are stupid person (money is money, that's money they aren't losing by paying you).

Look, it's simple. The whole of the Bible can be summed up as "don't be a stupid person." Or "love your neighbor as yourself." Have enough damned self-respect that you don't let bullies run your life, and don't torture other people with them either.

What is wrong with the verse?

I'm not seeing what you're seeing. I didn't connect with that verse at all, so I made no comment. There was nothing wrong with the verse. The grammar was right, the sentence made sense. I suspect what was wrong is your perception. The problem is you.

Romans 1:1
(King James Bible)
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,

What do you think is wrong with it? That he calls himself a servant? Better that he should call himself a servant than that you call yourself "independent." In the latter case, you'd be deluding yourself.

The rulers of the Gentiles, he says “lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.”

Thomas Cranmer provided one of the most densely compact an insightful turns of phrase in the Christian tradition, when he wrote what was essentially a flourish at the beginning of his Collect for Peace from Morning Prayer, and he addressed God as “the author of peace and lover of concord, in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom.”

If Paul says he is a servant, and you say that you're free, both of you are lying.

And it can't be "separated unto God" part. You and I both know that Christians are often very set apart from secular culture.
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 06:36 am
Or think of all the people who want to be "independent" (no such thing, only lonely) and spend thousands a money of some studio apartment.

Oh Damn girl/guy/idk, you are step'n on some toes now : )

I’m probably the epitome of 'that guy'. And live in a loft in an airplane hangar.

But you’re absolutely right.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 06:52 am
You do know the red states, where all of your "saved" evangelical friends live, are the poorest and most destitute hellholes in the country...

It is evident how you can write so much and say so very little.

Firstly, how does one get saved?

Secondly, are you a slave?

That second question might explain why you prefer mind control (even if they are lies) over your own rational thought.

Although, your own rational thought leaves much to be desired.
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 07:51 am
Since no one has stepped up to the plate I will make a few cursory observations.

Paul says he is a servant of Jesus Christ.

A servant is a slave...

Jesus is Paul's slave master on God's plantation...

The idea of slavery is appalling even when Paul says "Jesus shall make us free and we shall be free indeed." apparently this is a contradiction.

Paul is a slave to Jesus.

The Jesus who never wrote down anything himself?

The Jesus who relied on secondhand scribes and observers to copy down and write everything he said and did?

The scribes who then their writings were copied and changed and altered beyond recognition by other theists and philosophers with political agendas.

These writings were then added to and subtracted from for a few centuries...

Books/letters/epistles were destroyed and new books emerged to replace them over decades.

And then they were translated into other languages further clouding their actual meaning and intent.

And it is this murky and clouded Jesus that evangelicals are a slave to?

Evangelicals, rather than use their own minds to think, they adhere to errant doctrines of many years of forgery and politicized religion by greedy power hungry clergy.

They are slaves to a Jesus that in all probability does not even remotely resemble the Jesus Paul envisioned or even ever existed.

Years of church revisions of this "Jesus" separate people from the "master" who enslaved Paul.

Today's evangelicals don't even follow the Jesus written of in the Bible but of an Ayn Rand impersonator Jesus who claims to be pro-life while stealing kids school lunches right out of their mouths.

An anti-rational, anti-science , anti-free thinking, anti-love, anti-Christ Jesus who is defined by their greedy collection plate pastors and pedophile priests.

Slaves to their rabbis, imams and holy-roller, cry tears of Jesus' blood mega church charlatans who impersonate holy people of "authority".

These submissive religious slaves follow this garbage religion never thinking for themselves or even bothering to double check if Jesus really intended for people to think that way. Why doubt your master? Have faith! Preferably, blind faith... (cynical)

And Paul was not just a slave to Jesus but he was a, "willing slave".

He was a slave who had been freed but chose to stay with his master.

A freed slave who still adhered to the institution of slavery so others might remain indentured by this oppressive system of human bondage.

So, you are a slave to Jesus?

This Jesus saved you from what? Freedom and liberty?

Rational thought? Caution and apprehensive gullibility, culpability, responsibility?

Therein lies the reason why many/most evangelicals are so ignorant and obtuse.

They are willing slaves to a religious system that is corrupt and, well, evil...
They have given their will over to a fascist faction.

Because they are willing slaves they have no compulsion to doubt their own complicity. They are even militant and willing to risk life and limb for their false and deceptive slave masters.

They seek to enslave others who are free, while unaware, that it is they who are the servants of a system designed to silence their own spiritual emancipation and identity.

They are "separated unto the gospel of God".

Thus, because they are still slaves they are "separated".

They are second class citizens...

Are you a second class citizen slave of Jesus as he is defined by some zealous, rabid, Bible verse spouting master?

This is the problem with today's religion, slavery and religious class warfare...

Drones for Jesus, bound in the spirit, the religious masses, silenced and kept dumb enough to control and manipulate for the gain of unscrupulous people in corrupt political power. Sheep and cattle happily relinquishing their sacred independence and lead willingly to the meat-packing plant in the sky...

Are you really saved? lol
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 08:43 am
You misunderstand two things.
1. I am not evangelical. I am Episcopalian who happens to be more conservative and more traditional than the people in churches I attend.
2. I have no friends, evangelical or otherwise. My "friends" at church shuttered their doors during COVID, then rejected me again when I refused to mask or vaccinate. My "friends" at my former workplace, one of them got in a heated argument and we haven't talked since. I don't choose my friends for their religious beliefs btw.
I suppose I could call the band of people I hang out with on a Discord server my friends, but they are not evangelical, and many of them aren't Christian. They are a group made up of religiously assorted people (including an ex-Muslim atheist and a Jew) who I hang out with, but we honestly just tell jokes or talk about stuff. Originally, we were involved in an RPG club, but this seems to have gone nowhere because I am a crappy DM. So the forum has largely stagnated.
3. You assume there's some sort of organized conservative grouping, and we all sit around talking about Trump or Jesus or something. Actually, I sit alone most days, watching Touched By An Angel with my family.

Oh and also...
Tell him "This mussie friend of mine is ready to declare jihad on you!"

There you go.
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 09:38 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
You assume there's some sort of organized conservative grouping, and we all sit around talking about Trump or Jesus or something.

You don't talk with your anti-mask cohorts while telling liberals they are going to hell because you are saved and they are not?

And last I checked Episcopals use the same Bible as the Baptists.

And you will find that, "organically", Episcopals and evangelical Baptists they are all tied to the same church unions.

You didn't know churhces have unions did you...

That is why you can be lumped in with the same ilk.

But you only like fake conspiracies I gather. Like, mask and vaccine hysteria promulgated by your fake news political slave masters...
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 05:32 pm

Fake news, fake tree, fake Christians....


0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 11:32 pm
God, you really do not know how to read.

You don't talk with your anti-mask cohorts while telling liberals they are going to hell because you are saved and they are not?

And last I checked Episcopals use the same Bible as the Baptists.

No, I'm afraid I don't have any "cohorts." And whether I think you are saved or not shouldn't have any being on your life. Jesus himself says,
...And what does it profit you to gain the whole world, and lose your soul?

What am I talking about? I'm talking about Facebookism. This sick need to please others. Lemme put it this way. I will likely never be pleased with you. You probably don't lose that much sleep about that. But how many people post about the cute boots they got. Or post some artistic food picture. The need to be "liked" and have "friends" as a sort of quantifiable statistic of worth. My real friends tease me, and give me crap. These Facebook friends were always ever just numbers.

Yes, if we are talking about the KJV, many Christians do use this. But I personally hate it. It's stuffy language and honestly clear as mud, meaning in the time it takes to interpret one verse, I could have read a whole chapter. It also lacks quotation so you aren't always sure who is saying what. This is the favored from literalistic types, but not mine at all.
There is no official mandate as to what Bible is required for what denomination, btw. But I think if we're asking, Baptists are far more likely to use it than many other churches.

But you only like fake conspiracies I gather. Like, mask and vaccine hysteria promulgated by your fake news political slave masters...

You have no idea.

The thing is, these so-called "slave masters" haven't told me to do anything. But I've noticed some serious enslavement going on. You shan't go out, they say, it isn't safe. And don't enjoy spending time with friends and family, it isn't kosher.
Or yet another ******* announcement about the CDC, like when I was walking around the Walmart, and they interrupted the music or whatever was pleasant or enjoyable to remind you not to enjoy Christmas shopping too much because it's time to be afraid again and follow closely the mandates. And we'd like to thank you for your cooperation, so we can all serve the greater good.
Or how about this scenario? Mom and Dad went to some service today. I stayed home. The pastor was preaching and most of the congregation was relaxed, they'd gotten over the whole mask thing, and were just having a service. In comes one gal and she has the gall to tell the priest that she is doing a horrible horrible thing, and demanded that everyone mask up.

This is what your overlords look like. One bitch telling the rest of us what to do, rather than ******* mind her own business. You don't like that this church isn't following "the science"? Here's an idea.
Go to another church. I'm pretty sure the Unitarians will be observing social distance until the end of time. Or hey, if you're run out of churches to attend that cooperate with your views, how about you sit alone in a corner staring at a wall, wearing 5 masks while you self-flagellate by jabbing yourself with another booster that you bought from a mail order because not enough people are willing to do that to themselves.

Oh yes, I know about our would-be slavemasters. I refused to follow them back when everyone else was, and I still refuse to follow them today.

You want to wear a mask and have something jabbed into you multiple times because once just isn't enough, you need boosters every three months? It's your funeral.
But you see, I don't need any slavemasters to tell me that's ******* stupid and you should be ashamed that you went along with that and had the blatant myopia to call me enslaved when you are willingly selling out your Bill of Rights.
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2021 12:51 pm
Hey bulmabriefs144,

You have been, perhaps unknowingly, indoctrinated by the hostile and delusional Trump camp haters who would rather you see you die than cooperate with the new administration.

You are really practiced at your juvenile rebellious self-harm, pity me routine to your own detriment.

You need a strong and wise parent who can unlock your stubborn ignorance and turn you into a functional and well-balanced adult. I assume your parents are fed up with your spoiled-brat attitude also.

It is science...

You take a small fraction of the dead virus, expose your body to it and your body builds a defense that it has acquired over millions of years of evolution so it can no longer be infected by the live virus. It is called "immunity"... Not rocket science either, just simple common-sense science.

Every virus has a unique signature, like a fingerprint and if that fingerprint is logged into the body's database it cannot open the phone (analogy)...

As for church. Loving people with the love of Christ (as defined by numerous socialistic scriptures) first and foremost means caring about their health and happiness (Above all, charity). It is difficult to be happy when people they love are dropping dead like files of a virus where there is a cure and safety measures to prevent or lessen its transmission.

And are you so certain in this myopic world of fake Fox News lies, maybe God is with these scientists inspiring them with the wisdom and knowledge to save lives?

It is God’s will that you use this wisdom to protect yourself like it was God wisdom to paint the blood on the doorposts and lintels for the angel of death to pass over.

Instead, you are listening to the pharaoh wannabe loser Trump and his chorus of rich and bloated democracy insurrectionists. Those tax dodgers and porn star sugar daddies who would steal your vote away from you for 30 pieces of silver…

You need loving discipline from someone you trust. Perhaps the people around you are worthy of trust but you are at that rebellious age where you run from the people who care the most and hurt the ones you love out of some misguided and misappropriated sense of self-preservation. Many of us went through that age too.

Love yourself enough to protect yourself and others, that you may love, once your rebelliousness has faded. Try and see beyond this rebellious phase of life...

You will one day regret the hardships that these times in your life have imposed on people that you may not realize now that you truly love deeply.

Maybe you can grow stronger and change, like I did, and find out that liberals who hug trees and protest wearing pink so that women can make their own choices about their bodies are not as crazy as you think. Try and see through the politics to your own interests and individuality.

Maybe you will wake up one day and see the anger and hatred on the right (like I did). This anger and hatred is trying to take seed in you now. You can throw off this republican slavery and join the community of free thinkers, rationalists, and open-minded spiritualists. Help them grow too.

You are welcome to join the intellects of tomorrow, and you do not have to be a desolate island of bitterness and angst.

Perhaps you could compromise with those who are trying to help you and you may find that all of your struggles will evaporate and fade gracefully into the past.
Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 06:49 am
You're confused.

I haven't been "indoctrinated". You have.

Pull out newspapers from 2020 onward. Look at the headlines. I remember them. They closed the sports down. They closed everything down really. So then they proceeded to milk the headlines with news about COVID closing sports. Or do lame pieces. Or show us reruns because nothing happened. Meanwhile the news was a solid propaganda machine repeating the word COVID at least 20 times per paper, and probably closer to 100+. Lay these papers side by side for about ten months. You'll see lies after lies, starting with the fact then it would "only be two weeks". No, that was just the openong bid, to get all the businesses closed. Then they used masks and fearmongering to impress upon people that this is "different" from other diseases. Different enough to shut down businesses . Different enough to upend our daily lives. Different enough to demand harsh restrictions from the government? It was then that I put two and two together. I refused to wear masks, I refused to vaccinate. Most days, I feel fine.

To be indoctrinated, one has to have handlers. My sister's and yours are the media. Where are mine? I arrived to this conclusion well before we saw from other news that Fauci had some issues. I arrived to this conclusion without help from other people, aside from noticing that people on beaches with no masks seemed perfectly healthy. Meanwhile, we visited with my sister for Mom's birthday, and my bro got in an argument with my sister. He asked her if she had worn masks for flu and colds before, and why she seemed to be fine afterwards. Pushed to a corner, she said that she "didn't know better before", and now she would wear a mask for anything. Indoctrinated. Btw, I first saw masks in anime and overseas newspapers. It's an Asian thing. They do it when they're sick. So this is clearly a practice imported by propaganda. But I haven't worn one, and the only thing I am sick with is pneumonia from being in alot.

Then watch Sailor Moon ummmm episode 78. I saw it recently cuz I was binge watching due to more COVID crap, and nowhere to go. You won't watch, so no point in linking it, but it's quite interesting and that episode was quite prophetic for basically a goofy teen love/magical girl fantasy. In this episode, they are trying to grow dark energy nodes (in order to create a negative future in Crystal Tokyo). One of their plans involves a "disease" which is actually negative energy (like fear produced by propaganda) to keep pushing pills and vaccines which actually keep promoting the sickness. In fact, there are two healthy people in the town, a little girl and Sailor V, (for some reason, no villainy takes place outside of the Juuban district of Tokyo) both of whom are good natured clutzes with a compulsive need to help others. (Interesting that they depict them as not wearing masks, while everyone else on the street is. It's because traditionally in these same Asian countries, they only masked up when sick. That there is a mask mandate here in US and other western countries tells us there is a clear effort to force this down our throats) Anyway, these two head to the hospital to get meds for their friends, because their cooking and treatment is causing more accidents and issues than it solves. The hospital turns out to be the source of the node, and the demon (disguised as a human) and her evil alien supervisor see the little girl, and are like "crap, we missed one" and they try to tell a healthy person that she needs medicine. Then they try to forcibly inject her, telling her "the vaccine is even free!" Uhhhh I think Sailor Moon R is like 1995 or something? So it's like 25 years prophetic. Anyway, the group bands together despite being under the weather and saves the the day. After the fake disease caused by negative energy is canceled, all revert to normal with the demon's destruction smashing the node. Except now Sailor V is sick with the real flu because she overworked herself.

Real sickness is not due to "germs", but exhaustion and fatigue running down the body. I am sickest when I don't care for myself. Meanwhile, the people hanging on to every word that Fauci or whoever in media says proceed to tell me how indoctrinated I am. And I watch this episode and start laughing and laughing.

Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 06:57 am
"It is science"
"Perhaps you can ' compromise' and all your struggles will fade away."

God, you sound like a cult leader.

Here is science.

They're facing us.

And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right from their left, and also many cattle?

Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 11:15 am
What the hell are you talking about?

Because of the polio vaccine, it is nonexistent today.

You post ridiculous images that have no logical basis.

And by the way, that is not polio, it is smallpox.
And the one with the apparent and obvious disease is the unvaccinated one.

You do not need to know left from right to figure that out.

That is science for you… Observation and common sense versus stupidity and adolescent ignorance.

You do not know smallpox from polio and a vaccinated person from an unvaccinated person.

And the corona virus, it is only a matter of time before it finds your unvaccinated cells and walks right in and does its harm to you. And look at the smallpox image... that is similar to what you will experience when the "live" Corona virus infects you.

And your ignorance towards God's wisdom he has given to science will be the legacy you leave behind...

And you more closely fit the definition of a “cult leader”. Off in your own little word of Kool-Aid vaccine hysteria fueled by your rightwing news masters and their ridiculous hypocritic religious dogma…

You have taken their seed of hate and let it turn you into a wolf with little chance of salvation.

Guess who is “really” saved… the one on the left or right?
Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 11:34 am
Being run down and fatigued can make you more prone to catching the Corona virus but healthy athletes catch it and die from Corona virus.

And are you an athlete? Really?

This is the reason why the Olympics required vaccinated athletes.

You are so full of error…

Athletes catch covid with just as much probability as non-athletes and they also die or come out of the Covid infection with heart damage and other lifelong disabilities.

You are posting lies here, people with the wrong disease and implying that unvaccinated people are safer than vaccinated people. Those are lies.

And poor you, you can’t go out in public place because of the virus. You decided not to get vaccinated long before the hysteria... Do you want an award for this?

Well, that is the way it is for everyone. We all have to live in lockdown, not just selfish and conceited you.

You are like someone who lives in the equatorial region who goes outside and does not believe in snow because they have never seen it snow where they live...

This is how stupid you sound.

Former Wittenberg athlete, 24, dies of COVID-19

Thousands of athletes have died from covid.


You got any more of your bright ideas to share with us? Do your Discord friends just agree with you to shut you up?
Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 03:26 pm
Trump's Cult is Dying from COVID in Much Greater Numbers, but FOX News Won't Tell Them

I am wondering at what point that I will begin to feel bad about hearing news like this...

I think my give a damn is broken.

You can lead a horse to science, but you can't make them take the vaccine...


"They are much too rash and reckless, tempting God and disregarding everything which might counteract death and the plague. They distain the use of medicines; they do not avoid places and persons infected by the plague, but lightheartedly make sport of it and wish to prove how independent they are. They say that it is God’s punishment; if he wants to protect them he can do so without medicines or our carefulness. This is not trusting God but tempting him. God has created medicines and provided us with intelligence to guard and take good care of the body so that we can live in good health. It is even more shameful for a person to pay no heed to his own body and to fail to protect it against the plague the best he is able, and then to infect and poison others who might have remained alive if he had taken care of his body as he should have. He is thus responsible before God for his neighbor’s death and is a murderer many times over."

Martin Luther
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 10:33 pm
And by the way, that is not polio, it is smallpox.
And the one with the apparent and obvious disease is the unvaccinated one.

First off, I posted a picture. Everything wrong about the picture is wrong with the poster. Including the fact that they literally cannot tell apart left from right.

Second, seriously, do me a favor and research something called "right to bodily autonomy." Or if you do not respect it, then this means I fully have the right to do to you as you suggest should be done to me. If you do not respect others and their right to self, why should respect be given to you?
Humans are hypocrites. They do not understand that their own sentiments apply to them. So if you do not respect medical autonomy, I suppose you'd be okay with people sending medics over to your house to amputate a leg after I claim you had gangrene.

Third, no they aren't. But numbers are inflated in much greater amounts. Get a grip, and get a clue. Type in "COVID inflation" and you will find out it is not about case inflation (though there is that) but that the general public honestly cares more about runaway inflation than COVID. Type the following in "COVID suicides" and you're likely to find out that the extreme isolation caused by this irrational hysteria has literally caused people my age to give up all hope. Type in "COVID motorcycle" and you will find out that an awful lot of so-called COVID deaths are reported for completely different causes. Get a clue.
Out of 72 tests, 71 were false positives. Turned into a percent, this is 1.38% of all supposed COVID positive tests are.
In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. “I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one,” he said.

And get a grip. You are not going to die of COVID. I will die of pneumonia and it will be listed as COVID. I will be unable to breathe because of household dust to my lungs due to staying indoors. You will die of a blood clot from vaccines or pneumonia from wearing masks and staying indoors.
Or from electromagnetic radiation from, you know what, nevermind. But they will claim what they want.

You see, to be "indoctrinated" as you put it, involves a third party (like the media) telling you what to think. But I don't read the news. I've done my own research. You don't bother to read when I repeatedly say that I've lost respect for Trump. I represent right anarchists. I don't believe in presidents, senators, congress, paying taxes (as much as possible), mandatory health insurance, mandatory medical procedures. I believe in paring down government control of our private lives, not in following after celebrities. But you can't even hear this cuz of the cognitive dissonance fogging up your brain.
You believe in statism and blaming Trump. If you can tell me why you're blaming that man, fine go ahead. But I do not believe you know. Go on accusing people. Even if a man is unworthy, I think it's time to bend over and write in the sand. What was Jesus writing? The Pharisee's own sins.
Whether someone is a good person or a wretch, even Satan himself, I would not stand up for people accusing someone for no cause.

Btw, Satan is innocent of tempting us. He is an accusing angel, but his crime of making you eat that chocolate cake was entirely on you. So no, sorry, but you do not get to go around accusing people of causing your problems.

Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 11:42 pm

Follow the Science? Oregon Girl Collapses While Running in Mask at Track Meet

Here's basic science. We learned about it in biology class. And I'm gonna tell you about it like you're an extreme idiot because that's how you've addressed me for two straight posts.

Me, in some fantasy classroom wrote:
So, like when breathe in without a mask, you breathe in air (O2 mostly with some minor substances like nitrogen). When you breathe out, you exhale. Hey kids what do you breathe out? ("Carbon dioxide") That's right. Now what also can you tell me about carbon dioxide? ("It's an evil chemical that causes climate change and...") Sit in the corner with the dunce cap. Sorry kid. Carbon dioxide is not a concern as long as we have plenty of plants. Plants photosynthesize carbon dioxide remember? Awhile back, people had cars that used lead. They phased those out. Then they had cars that produced carbon monoxide. That was a problem because plants couldn't photosynthesize that. So people built these filters in cars that fixed everything. So you'd think the problem would solved right? ("Ummmm yeah?") Well, you be wrong. No, Jimmy, you don't need to sit in the corner with Ishmael. You see, people needed something to gripe about so, even though plants can perfectly easily turn car fumes back into air, they decided to tell people that photosynthesis doesn't really make oxygen. Why? Because your government wants to tax you on carbon. ("But, teacher, Biden said we can trust the government...) Ilyndria! Sit in the corner.

Alright, back to respiration. What would happen is respiration were suddenly interrupted? Let's say, you couldn't breathe in or you couldn't breathe out? Well, children there are two respiratory issues associated with this sort of thing. Well maybe a few more than that, but let's start from the top. Suffocation: when you are smothered under something by a psycho killer, or in a roof that has no air whatsoever. Now, unless the room is somehow a vacuum, this takes time. A closed room will often give you about 6 hours before air gets replaced by carbon dioxide.
Hypercapnea: This happens because of a collection of dirty or disgusting air. The term comes from the idea of "too much smoke" but it can be any number of things.
Hypoxia: This happens when there isn't enough air to be found. For example flying in a jet at high altitudes, you sometimes black out because you're starved for air. Lack of oxygen kills brain cells among other things.

Lastly, there's pneumonia. I could probably list other respiratory illnesses, but we haven't the time. The point is, while masks are not thick enough to suffocate you like that murderer over there that I've invited to the class to demonstrate how to suffocate with a pillow using this dummy (waves hi to the class), they do create hypocapnea and hypoxia. Can anyone tell me why? ("That's not true! Masks have prove to be safe and effective at flattening the curve...") Sit in the corner Destyni. Now, I'm going to apply these masks to the faces of Ilyndria, Destyni, and Ishmael. Only we haven't the time so show the gradual effects of masking, so I'm going to show you the inside of a mask while I duct-tape their mouths shut. Since multiple layers are more effective for masks, I intend to do the same with these kids. Because you see, masking is really about producing silence of dissent and creating compliance. Remember, the survival rule of three. "Humans can survive only three minutes without air, three days without water, three hours without shelter in extreme weather, and three weeks without food." So someone set this timer, and watch them for any bad signs.

Alright, you see, the inside of this mask has cotton fibers and even PVC in some cases. As you breathe in, not only do you not get a full supply of oxygen, and thus are prone to air starvation or hypoxia, but you are also occasionally sucking in cotton dust and even cotton fibers. This is already dirty air, but then you breathe out. While oxygen is a simple compound and can sort of get through, carbon dioxide can get trapped. You can wind up breathing your own air exhalation back in! Worse, all that trapped breathing creates hot air and even moisture. You can potentially grow mold inside your mask! Do you still think this air is safe still? ("Noooo!!!") Good, it looks like nobody else needs to wear duct-tape. Which reminds me, it looks like their eyes are bugging out and they're turning blue. (The three kids scream as I yank off their duct-tape). And that is the science to why masks are not at all scientific. (Students nervously clap)

Weeks later, I receive disciplinary action for giving an entire class of kids nightmares. The End.
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