What is Evangelism?

Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2021 09:35 am
There are church scammers in any era. Touched by an Angel (because I know how you feel about this show) has a priest move in and try to steal from the church's charity fund.

You seem to be connecting this, as thoygh it were a sign that the church irself is sick.

No, the sign of that is that they went along with political scammers who told them there was a big scary disease that has killed nobody I know. They closed their churches, forbade wine (which is a key part of their rituals), and pushed many of the same rules as the worst politicians. Hey uhhh news flash but even stores aren't this closed up and unwelcoming.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2021 09:42 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

God, you're slow.

I'm trying to teach you something about who and what you place your trust in, and you stubbornly parrot the same crap over and over again.

You think like an "adult" who equates being an adult with being cynical, jaded, and ultimately compromising. You see being able to imagine things as better as some sort of weakness. You see being aware of things like government control as being crazy.

Mt sister told me to grow up too. Then I noticed how unhappy she looks, having settled into a sort of life. She always picked at my habits, hoping I'd change them, but she wasn't any less a mess. I learned how concerned for her children's safety she was, and how despite her husband working, there was a very real sense of control freak issues. While my brother has spoiled children who are largely left to run around by themselves, her kids are horribly sheltered. They're sweet, but there's a sense of something sad about them. Usually my sister is bossy, but there's a sense of her being in the background of her own life. The point being that I originally thought she had her life all straightened out, and I was jealous of her. But then I realized none of us have our **** together. My dad is worried about reputation and cannot stand the idea of shame. My mom can't say no, and wanders from city to country trying to please first her daughter and now her sister. My brother spends much of his time busy, probably because he can't handle his children.

I don't think like you. And I shall never think like you. That doesn't make me in the need of "growing up" which you see as abandoning a sense of idealism, and falling in line with all the other adults you know. It makes me who I am.
You are broken. There is something missing, but you keep saying you grew up. Did you though? Or did you just kid yourself about what you were growing towards. Because a see a guy who is fixated on how he should be happy because he has everything, money, home, and wife. Fine. So why are you focused on me? You needn't bother. I know the answer. Because something about me unnerves you. I don't really care about wealth, I don't care that much about your fancy stuff, I care marginally about what will happen to me when they die, but I see the hamster wheel you've been running all your life, and don't see the point of living alone just to stay alive. At 39, I've done most of the things I wanted in life. I've written books, made art, and tried to connect with people. I suppose I could learn to be more sociable, but many of the people I've attempted to connect with have been users. I want to be loved, and I want to have a community, but increasingly I understand that people don't need me. When my parents die, I will likely follow not long after. This is sad, but true. Even with inheritance, I just can't be bothered to care. The world around rushes towards personal happiness, but doesn't seem to get how bleak they make those apart from them. Yes, I do hope I disturb you. I hope you realize how your nihilistic drives have colored this world, have made it that much harder to live in.

"On his worst day, Biden..." your signature talks about how you think the very worst day, thus man who is in a constant memory fog is somehow better than a guy who people wanted to impeach seemingly only because CNN said he was bad. You who is such a grown-up will be unable to give me a single reason who he should have been impeached . But I can give you plenty of reasons for Biden. He follows the UN world domination playbook, destabilizing the US economy by making us burn up all our reserve oil. He is totally incompetent, having no idea most days where he is or who he is talking to (this alone is mental unfitness, which should have stripped him from office, but as long as he serves the whims of extremist leftists, he gets a free pass on being senile). He has committed actual treason against the US, whereas Trump talked to President of Russia and ppl lost their ****. What treason? Well, let's mention the screwed up churches, schools, businesses that have basically been economically sabotaged by this prick. Let's talk about up and leaving hundreds or thousands of troops in a foreign country. Let's talk about trying to shove a dangerous vaccine down our throats. "We need to sign the bill to know what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi.
Now Biden tells us we need to take the vaccine to know whether it's safe or not. When they don't take, he encourages business owners to fire them. That's recklessly endangering people, far worse than the supposed risk of disease. They die of poverty. And you don't seem to get it, you don't seem to care. Nor do you care about the businesses folding, the inflation creeping up (which will later steal your life's earnings), the gas prices, and the scarcity of goods and service. Nor do you care that this disease which is now on "Omnicron" because "Nu" sounded like new, and the one after that sounds like the leader of China, has never been isolated in a lab
that follows its own crazy rules for preventing spread (no singing in church? No drinking wine, but you can buy booze from the ABC store, no problem?) and that we are supposed to blindly trust the "science" of when cases are listed even from motor accidents and suicides, has had far more of a legal rights and economic issues than health ones. Are you aware that some people in China were taken away for questioning COVID? It wasn't just China either. Most of Europe abridged free speech entirely to punish thought criminals during the height of restrictions.

"First the came for the Chinese dissidents, but because I wasn't a Chinese dissident, I didn't speak up. They they came for the Christians but because I wasn't a Christian, I didn't speak up. Then they came for the conservatives, but I didn't speak up. Then..." Sooner or later, nobody will speak up, when you lose the last of your rights.

You need to grow up. It's time to ditch your selfish attitude and fixation with your age somehow conferring wisdom. It never did before. Why should it now? I have no reason to live past my parents, yet you want to pity me. Unlike you, I understand that my family and my faith are important. And my faith leads me to believe that there is someything after death. zeven if there wasn't, I would still have lived a good full life with them. The world really isn't much good without them. It isn't clear that you have faith in ANYTHING so I wonder why I should pity you instead. But I won't.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, and blah.

You are a mess, Bulma.

I have more happiness and contentment in a day...than you have in a year.

Grow the hell up. Get some joy in your life.

In the meantime, I will pity you.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2021 06:43 pm
Jim Jordan Says 'Real America' Is Done With COVID As Cases Rise In His Own State
The Republican congressman from Ohio is spouting nonsense that ignores data, experts and the reality of the newest coronavirus variant.

Yea, what's wrong with using faith instead of science? As long as you are "saved"... lol
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2021 06:55 pm
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2021 07:12 pm
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 01:12 am
Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 05:31 am
Here's a Christian thought.

We could feed tens of millions of starving people with the food we turn into alcohol and burn in our SUVs.

REPENT all you evil bought off politicians who cooked up that senseless 'green' folly.

Now go in peace, and sin no more.
Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 08:12 am
Not sure why we need to kill the earth that feeds us...

Your logic is toxic and malnourished, overfed on fake news, anemic and obese with the greed and lies of the republican aristocracy.

Error built upon error, a cancer and blight upon our "green" ecosystem.

Glutenous republican politicians drunk on the oil they use to poison this planet.

Blocking solar, blocking wind, blocking battery technology, blocking electrical grids, blocking bio fuels...

So they can get rich on dirty energy that is killing our planet with carbon.

Nearly everything you say reveals the depravity of intellect and lack of wisdom that a "God" who implores us to be stewards of this earth might certainly find distasteful and dishonorable.
Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 08:24 am

2021 Southern California Huntington Beach Newport Beach Oil Spill


On Saturday October 2nd, 2021, a failure occurred in a pipeline running from the Port of Long Beach to an offshore oil platform known as Elly, owned by Amplify Energy and operated by Beta Operating Company. The failure caused what is now estimated to be 144,000 gallons of oil to gush into the Catalina Channel, creating a slick that spans over 8,000 acres. The spill has left oil along long stretches of beach in Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach, killing fish and birds and threatening ecologically sensitive wetlands in what officials are calling an environmental disaster. Commercial fishing off this part of the coast is now closed, severely affecting fishers and fish processors throughout the region. Homeowners with beachfront properties or easements are also impacted, as are city beaches.

This is the result of the greedy glutenous republican party.

How about if you go down and help the birds that God created? Wash the oil off of the few that have survived with Dawn dish detergent...

Don't want to get your hands dirty? ...but your heart is more dirty, filthy dirty, Leadfoot.
Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 12:25 pm
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 12:30 pm
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 12:51 pm
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 01:00 pm
As arsenal for fighting Covid comes together, anti-vaxxers are literally eating dirt
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 01:45 pm
So here’s the take-away from your reaction:

Better to save the life of some birds than to feed millions of starving people.

Or maybe you are a stealth Cargill lobbyist and what those corn/ethanol price supports to keep rolling in.

FWIW Cobbler, I am apolitical.

Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 11:26 pm
Increasingly so, myself.

So is Jesus.


In Matthew 8, Jesus healed a Roman Centurion’s servant. This was unusual in the cultural context as Romans would not typically request aid from a Jew, nor would a Jew typically render assistance to a Roman without coercion.

While Jews generally hated the Romans, they respected their power. For the Samaritans they had nothing but contempt. The people of Samaria were despised as “half-breeds” with corrupt religion. Yet, Luke 17 records the account of Jesus healing a Samaritan, right along with nine other, presumably Jewish, lepers. He made no distinction regarding the man’s ethnic and religious differences.

Among the recognized political and religious parties, were the “Zealots.” Some members of this fringe group exploited terrorist tactics to try to shape the political landscape. Known as “the sicarri” (the dagger men) they would mingle in crowds with their concealed weapons. When opportunity struck, they struck with it. Their victims might be Romans or Jewish collaborators. Jesus chose one of these hotheads as a disciple. Amazing! His name was Simon, but he was called “the Zealot.” (For a list of the disciples see Luke 6:13-16). I have often wondered about conversations Matthew (the ex-tax collector) and Simon (the Zealot) might have had along the road. One worked for the Roman oppressors, the other would have killed one, given the chance.

In Judea, a Roman soldier could oblige a Jew to carry his gear for a mile. Everyone knew it, and hated it. But when Jesus addressed the issue, He didn’t refer to the injustice of the foreign regime’s rules. He said, “if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.”

At the same time, He was evenhanded. In Luke 3, as Jesus taught, some Roman soldiers asked him, “'And we, what shall we do?' And he said to them, 'Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation, and be content with your wages.'”

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Reply Sat 4 Dec, 2021 04:12 am
You are not apolitical, you spout out all the same garbage junk fake news as all your republican friends (religious freaks).

You are just not loyal, you will throw them under the bus when you realize they have brought shame down upon you. Then when the coast is clear carry on with your partisan diatribe.

You know, we can feed the world and save birds at the same time.

But the earth and its carbon glut is at a critical tipping point.

So are you advocating that we burn more fossil fuels instead of bio fuels?

Where is your advocacy for green technology? Wind, solar, hydro, thermal, hydrogen...?

Nope, you are hell bent on attacking bio fuels. Do you think dry leaves and forest refuse should be fed to people? Much of bio fuels today is made from that.

Your understanding of energy is infantile.

You are a shill for dirty energy, blindly parroting their "cigarettes are good for" you crap.

Oblivious of the harm, while attacking the green energy solutions like a good little obedient pawn.

Liberals will fix the environment without your help.

Just like we are saving lives from the coronavirus without the help from your idiot republican (I'm saved so the hell with you) evangelical sociopath gun fetish buddies.
Reply Sat 4 Dec, 2021 04:56 am
That is some serious hate you’re carrying around Cobbler.
Hope you lay it down soon.
Reply Sat 4 Dec, 2021 05:13 am
His "hate" isn't destroying the planet.

His "hate" is similar to the reaction of allied soldiers liberating Belsen.

Jesus got similarly angry with those who despaired the Earth, I don't know if he was able tolayhis hate down either.
Reply Sat 4 Dec, 2021 08:27 pm
What about when your God utterly destroyed the Philistines, women, children, babies, murdered by the sword.

Do you think that was a loving, compassionate act?

Your racist party and religious ilk are assuredly deserving of the hate they impose on others reciprocated in full.

How many Philistines did Samuel kill?
1,000 Philistines
Using the jawbone of a donkey, he slays 1,000 Philistines.

Yes, and his armies slaughtered more.

You want Christian love, then give it and then you will be worthy of getting it back in return.

I don't see anything loving in your posts.

You want to feed people but your motives are sinister, hateful and you align yourself with racists.

That alone is worthy of disgust and disdain.
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Reply Sat 4 Dec, 2021 09:23 pm
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