Quote:Okay, fellas, if you condemn the snake for lack of a biological background, perhaps you should also mention that you don't have one either. As a veterinarian with thirty years of practice under my belt,
Well, you have more experience under your belt than the time I've even been alive, that's for sure. Hell I don't even have a degree. My one source of knowledge on this matter comes from the fact both my parents are a lecturer or a teacher (or rather were... now retired). One in science with a background in microbiology and the other in both psychology and zoology with a strong emphasis on ethology (evolutionary impact on behaviour). Having grown up around them my entire life, I've at least learned what your average first or second year student would probably know in those fields.
Yes, I'm an amateur. No, I'm not as qualified as a practitioner on any of these issues. But... the suggestion that I don't have a "background" in these areas is incorrect. I at least understand the basic theories and have a conversant level of knowledge on the topic. Certainly not to the same degree as you, nor even close. But I suspect far more than Gungasnake.
What I object to is that the argument rather than being a discussion on the science of DDT it was being made an emotive argument on the level of "look at these poor dying children, won't someone please think of the children." when the actually issue at hand is scientific in nature. In fact I'm quite glad that you've joined the discussion as it seems that there's someone who knows what they're talking about who is advocating DDT usage.
Quote:What was not reveals until much later was the fact that ALL the control rats in the experiment that resulted in the drug ban died before the experimental rats developed tumors.
That's really bad science that the study used... That the FDA made the mistake of utilising said study says that someone once twenty years ago made a mistake. Quite a bad one. Yet nevertheless it was simply the failure to notice an (admittedly very bad) error within a scientific study. Still though, they based their decision to ban the substance based on scientific evidence (albeit flawed).
This was 20 years ago. The FDA while still the same organisation has no doubt replaced many of its personnell and altered its policies. Judging the modern FDA upon the mistakes of its predecessors is hardly fair or justified.
Quote:The worse news is that political agendas drive much of today's environmental science,
Correction: The worse news is that political agendas drive much of today's science.... This isn't only restricted to environmentalism. It's a far worse, far more reaching problem.
Now that we're talking about political agendas driving science think strongly on that point and now look at the website junkscience.com... notice something? The entire website appears to be a political agenda disguised as a debunking site.
Quote:I greatly fear that EarthFirst!, PETA, the Sierra Club, and a plethora of other urban-based organizations will continue to hold sway over decisions that should be made by those who actually have some idea of the science behind sound conservation.
Mmmm... not just on environmentalism but on many other issues.
Quote:I, for one, would suggest that people cease referring to themselves as "environmentalists" and make the clarification as to whether they support "conservation" or "preservation".
Knowing some of these people perhaps consecration would be a better word
As a final note I'll point out that my one wish in this matter is that this issue be decided on science. Not emotional pleas. This seems to be your point of view as well.