Brooke is here now. My superduper good luck charm has arrived!
Jets and their retard kicker have another chance...TAILS it is.
Kicky, your luck ain't good...Pit is going to LOSE!
Why are you a Steelers fan, anyway?
Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble Fumble
Is gettin naked with Kicky...........that's gotta BE GOOD LUCK
I grew up in Rochester. The Bills were the closest team. I hated the Bills, and the Steelers had Franco Harris.
Heh heh. Just kidding.
Come on baby.......move em back 5
interception, right.......NOW
What a f*cking bullshit spot that is.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh that was bullshit where they marked that ball at!
You going out and getting drunk tonight, Kicky?
I believe I may be. Not too crazy, gotta wake up early to start tomorrow morning.
Can't wait for Pats/Jets.
I am going out as soon as the Steelers win this game. Okay, they're going to have to move that goddam ball back now.
Don't know if they'll overturn this...
My guts are churning with this damn game. How the hell can this be happening like this?
This is a hell of a game.
And I was right.
Let's see if the virus-laden Chad and the leadfoot retard kicker can pull it off.