Ha. Very funny Frank, very funny.
are you going to be keeping these interesting hours in NY, dag? cuz if you are, i probably won't see you. i'm rarely awake at 3 and 4 a.m.
If you want to meet once with everyone that can make it, you're all welcome to meet at our house. It's easy to get to us by subway or any other way too. We're here for that week end. We made sure of it. Really looking forward to seeing you.
I am really looking forward to it as well, Lola.
Once we have a slightly better idea of Miss Lil K's timeline, we can move to making a group meeting time. <worrying about Boots>
I'll bring some home made roasted peppers.
beth, i am having an insomniac week. but it is getting better, last night i was fast asleep at 3:15am.
Well, I guess the upside is that you can go to all the after-hours clubs, dag.
Oh, we are going to be up late. You can count on that, Dag.
Unless you're a woos, that is.
kickster, you have NO IDEA what you signed up for. Have you written your living will yet?
Ha! Trust me, I'll be fine. You, on the other hand, might be in over your head. Don't worry though, I'll make sure you end up in my nice soft bed...
Remember, all, I'm old-fashioned and anemic.
But I wouldn't want to spoil other peoples' parties.
Don't worry, Noddy, that was just me and Dag messing around. Really I'm a perfect angel. Dag, on the other hand...I'm not so sure about her.
Noddy, we'll behave. We'll take this outside. It will be an afterparty.
ehBeth wrote:I am really looking forward to it as well, Lola.
Once we have a slightly better idea of Miss Lil K's timeline, we can move to making a group meeting time. <worrying about Boots>
Oh boy! Please don't wait for my input to make plans. I'll work around plans already made.
Well, I kinda need to know when you "might" be around, l'k, as that effects things with Squeedle.
I'm guessing Saturday is your likeliest day, but I don't really wanna guess.
dagmaraka wrote:beth, i am having an insomniac week. but it is getting better, last night i was fast asleep at 3:15am.
Certainly not one of my problems. I'm asleep the moment my head hits the sidewalk.
dragging a link over from where Joe Nation threw it down - kinda like blatham threw down Frank
I think I'm liking the idea of grabbing some picnic-y stuff, and taking it into Central Park, as one of my must do's. Olive bread, cheese, fruit, milk, a good book - or a trashy magazine - a morning in the park.
ooh, and if I get there on time, I should be able to pick up some goodies from the greenmarket on Wednesday
yogurt and milk are sooooooo goodies