Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2019 09:32 am
You, too.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 May, 2019 02:58 pm
In about 3 weeks I am to be awarded my 18 month bronze medallion at AA.

Best 18 months of my entire life.

What a time to be clear-minded and focused on the best life has to offer.

I am proud to be a sober and empathetic liberal democrat who cares for all people alike and does no have to endure guilt by association with a crooked, lying, and racist President.

I don't know how a "fake Christian" republican can face themselves in the mirror each morning.

My political party is ethnically diverse, conscientious and so am I. 💕✨😁

I am an agnostic, so with religion I can borrow from them all, take the best (not the worst) and leave the rest.

Hebrews 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses [democrats], let us lay aside every weight, and the sin [Trump] which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Reply Mon 6 May, 2019 04:13 pm
Glad to read you're staying sober.

On the side of caution and awareness, remember the AA Preamble reminds all of us in recovery that AA :

AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics...

There is what contributes to our sobriety. matters of faith and political leanings belong in venues apart from AA. Speaking of on them is fine,, just remember that there are many with opposing views and beliefs who are helping out along your road of daily living in sobriety. Don't mix and muddle.
Reply Mon 6 May, 2019 07:51 pm
I am truly happy for you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 May, 2019 10:42 am
I hear what you are saying,

Just to make clear, I do not represent AA. AA is a part of my life.

My physical, mental and spiritual health have a great deal to do with my political affirmations.

Otherwise, I would be neglecting a vital area of my sobriety and a pathway to my own personal serenity and peace of mind.

Sobriety has to do with many things, not just alcohol but other drugs, smoking, coffee consumption, eating disorders, anger management, physical well being and even sexual promiscuity. I certainly believe that "my own" political affiliations are also a vital part of my own self image and recovery.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jun, 2019 02:05 am
How many times should a person go through the 12 steps?
Reply Thu 13 Jun, 2019 02:33 pm
How many times should a person go through the 12 steps?

Some will say once, others may say to do it every few years and others will say it's ongoing and daily.

It's sort of how some will say all the steps must be written out, where others aren't about to write anything.

Any time you attend a meeting you are in a way doing all the steps.

As with all things related to your sobriety, you find what works best for you.
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2019 10:07 am
Next month I will be celebrating two years sober...

Life is good. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2019 10:10 am
Very good answer Sturgis, I like how you are considerate of people's individual needs.
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2019 11:34 am
I was thinking about you yesterday, I'm so happy for you.
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2019 01:36 pm
Thank you for the thoughts Glitterbag!

I am happy and I feel good in my commitment to remain sober. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2019 03:41 pm
Today is my two year anniversary in AA. Healthy, clean and sober living. A lot to be thankful for. 💗
Have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving Day!!!! 😘💋🌹īģŋ
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2019 04:21 pm
Happy Birthday and may you have one more day to boot!
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2019 08:47 pm
I'll take all the help I can get.

Thanks Bill. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Nov, 2019 02:39 am
I'm so proud of your determination and success. (I'm not your mother and I cannot claim any influence in your life, I think you are a success story and that gives me a warm feeling, Congratulations )
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 29 Nov, 2019 04:59 am
If you continue your current "life style" - the worst is already behind you. (Says someone, who's sober for nearly 40 years.)

Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2019 09:45 pm
My mother was sober for all of my life, she would be proud of me now too. She is certainly an inspiration and beacon of encouragement.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2019 09:51 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
It does seem like the worst is behind me. Smoking and drinking was not a good thing at all. Every day is a little better and I am still unsure how good things can get.

Already it has proven to be the best underlying thing I have done to improve the quality of my life.

AA has been worth every minute of it and I am fortunate to have no temptation to return to that way of self destruction.

The first sign of serenity is "relief" and then it just gets better from there. Smile
Reply Tue 11 May, 2021 01:44 pm
Thought I would move this over here:
Oh, and I don't drink alcohol or take any drugs whatsoever. I don't even drink coffee. FYI

What does this make? About 4 years now? Super congratulations! On 3/14/2021 I made it to 30 years - seems like yesterday. Again, congratulations on one more day😉😁🤓
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 May, 2021 02:04 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

Yes, I think 30 years is the number I am looking at too.

Glad you are around Edgar.


Ha, like that one from you now that I've passed that milestone. Started drinking when I was 16, drank for 25 years, now 30 sober living it one day at a time - always remembering " it works if you work it". Learn, know and remember your magic formula!

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