Sorry I had to leave this morning on errands.
I am an agnostic... I do not know if there is a God or not. I prefer uncertainty over believing or disbelieving with such fervent adamancy that I become radical.
Uncertainty keeps me centered in reality.
I do believe the sun is a power of such great magnitude and awe, of this I do not doubt.
It is a power much greater than anything else I "know" of, pulling the planets with it, light years though space.
I can perceive in the possibility of God, but I do not know this God like I know and believe in the sun.
This is about honesty...
The sun is a higher power. This is not debatable in my logic.
Is the sun God? That is debatable.
Is the sun a grandiose source of wonder? Most certainly.
Can the sun prevent me from drinking alcohol?
Well, it is much better than a lucky dead rabbit's foot or a prayer to an invisible being that may or may not even exist.
I do not need to imagine the sun, it is there and even when it is not there it is sending rays of even imperceptible light in a steady stream touching me as I am always connected to the sun. It is always with me, like a God.
The sun nourishes me every day (vitamin D) and it gives me warmth like a close friend or a warm touch (heat). Like something that is living and breathing life.
We are conditioned by society to not worship the sun because of our religious culture that calls this worship "paganism" or "pantheism" and belittles the reverence of the sun.
I “know” of no higher power, light giver and life giver.
We can now discuss "quality of life". Without the sun most flowering trees and plants will not bear fruit.
One can live their life in darkness where there is very little light, or one can live where light is resplendent and abundant.
One cannot ignore the analogy of light and how light reveals things once hidden in the dark.
Darkness is like a deep sleep where one awakens at the sunrise and greets a new day.
Sobriety is very much like a new day and we are greeted by the sun on our way to a new life. The sun illuminates our consciousness and lifts a veil of old ways in a transformation like exiting a cocoon and flying away in the form of a butterfly.
So yes, I do hold the sun in the highest regard, I have most of my life even when I used to be religious.
But I left fantasy religion for rationale and science, and the sun withstood all of my criticism to prevail above all other forms of veneration.
I prefer the sun over any other “known” power…
If one lets the light shine within, it can illuminate the the dark recesses of a life that has lost its meaning and purpose.
We all grow towards the sun.