Time travel with magnetic fields

Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2017 09:53 am
Is time travel possible if you have a few magnetic fields acting on a point.
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2017 12:08 am
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Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2017 12:13 am
Time is phase. Ever growing and yet still connected via magnetic pulse phasing. In open shelf divergence the magnetic pulse is the phase in conjunction of both phase and open shelf space. You can look at this as a drop out of orbit but I choose to see it as a convergence of both time and s p pace. See if it was just out of orbit it would be a divergence of both singular time and divisional space. I'll explain easier there is an open shelf that allows you to step back in phase. I i m agine atomic resonance allows a dimensional shift if you will. I call it the terra section. It is different than a tesseract as it does not allow for hyper size but instead hyper dimension ( a 3d shape held in orbit for an indefinite period). The standing back as you will would allow yku to see those in phase but makes you remain back in phase. You could transverse a great distance in little time due to relativity but any atom behind burns apon reentry. A suit would have to be changed as pulse phase has to be reintroduced. I figure they are doing this already and probably would be pissed at me telling you this but I don't care.now I can prove it with this: constant nuetral in electro-dynamics, nuetral charge or verge [In nuetral concepts center is always force so converging friction (pulse and phase) is expulsion in unified dynamics as frequency (magnitude over expulsion) is nuetral to peak. Now allowing center to alleviate it's expelled dynamics in nuetral space is like convergence in open shelf and is expulsion in it's source state. This function as a function as duality to a secular divergence is allowing phase to transfer nuetral to a concept of stalling force that allows magnetic stability to pulse in peak frequency with negative charge. Now with combined wave transfer or roll of force "around" magnitude the transfer of stall is met as depth on convergence with secular shelf. I could go further but unless your a physicist youd get bored. Just get this outside of phase you can stand back in orbit as long as the pulse is "held" with frequency divergence. In other words those wisps of light are people wlking "behind" phase. If it wasnt for field convergence time travel would be possible but you know there are still defense propositions. Anyhow I shed light on what is
Reply Mon 29 Jan, 2018 06:18 pm
A large magnet can pulse its generation of current by revolving its center to its outside. This is proof that a center is a concurrent event and never coinciding with a frequent variation controlling parameters. More or less the separation of a magnetic field would alleviate the distance of phase to expansion leaving a pocket of "space" open to movement. This proves the theory of light and expansion but does take into effect rotation. Rotation from a perspective of flat-plane would be considered "roll" of division meeting property. In other words a plane "crunch" resolving a secondary conflict of "heat travel" to reduction of speed. In this way "phase" could be subjected to manipulation. And reduction/force could take place alleviating distance of center to expansion. This explains a lot but in terms of "outside" phase conjunction (time/reality) this relates to depth of time. More or less time travel and seriously capable of alleviating subjection to dilation. Though an atom resolving its conflict would slow its revolution to its outside diameter and allow frequency to expel its division of inside to outside property (both in division of neutral) thus resulting in heat dissipation. This is a rather weak attempt to explain what "is" though I could share more I'd rather wait for an attentive audience. For most the idea of an open space both before and after a starting point is to much to fathom. The actual truth is much more awesome. I await my brothers and sisters to share with you what I've learned but it takes a lot of faith in HIM above to understand. A magnet is only revolving its center and expelling its outside to remain active. The rest of what you need to understand what I am saying I have but refuse to share currently. Be greatful for you know not what you suffer
Reply Fri 9 Feb, 2018 12:26 pm
A phase is a concurrent event. Like sound a wave propagates in magnitude. By magnitude I suggest a proposition of speed meeting distance. This force is a conjunction of distance/space. If "room" is made a distance is simply movement of future/past. You could look at as the whole meets the division. Of a division is considered linear than past a start. If linear is observation than than perception has a convergence with observation. This convergence seen as a past event can also be attributed by movement of a secular nature. Think whole meets beginning. If a linear has now been projected than the convergence can take clarity. If clarity is a division yet a joining of two enigma than division can be accepted as past. If this leaves a doorway into spacial capacity conscious linear/ uncosious path than divergence (Conglomerate) can take place. Think whole/over linear meeting end over beginning. Now I know a secular must now take place. 2 conscious beings if you will. If observation has a secular than division must take place. This is where "depth" is considered unknowable. You see if clarity is understanding than "breathe" is consuming. In clarity this would be assumption of knowledge. Knowledge every gaining is linear and as such different than whole. Think center holding inside confined in an understanding of self preservation. If one can equal 2 than convergence is guaranteed. I know 1 is 1 but if you look at the fact that 1 can never equal 1 there is a new door. If past was present it would be 1+. In math there is a beginning and in life there one(1) as well. But what if 1 whole only exists as a center moving and 1 is flaw. By flaw I mean 1 can never equal 1 and 2 can only equal greater than. If 0 can't exist but as a division to whole than 1 can equal linear and never achieved. If pi is "considered" linear in clarity than depth of understanding can take place. Pi as ever-growing when observed proves 0 (P) is evermoving. When a division of attributes takes place time (NP+) is everachieving. Meaning it grows in probability in conjunction with clarity.......123456 more or less observation of depth. If clarity now meets perception well a difference or secular division takes place. This could be considered an assumption of whole. And an end to an enigma. I present you a question: does whole have a linear and if not how is it observed? It is unknowable that is now divided. If 1 can present itself as 2 than 3 can be possible. So how can an addition be present if 4 cannot equal 3. It is simply NP+. So if a square can be divided into quadrants unknown the pulse could be the difference and 4 can equal 3 as long as -1 can be free to interfere with 1 2 3 4. Now a loss field represents this and could be looked at as parameters. But a parameter needs a perimeter or observation of loss. Think is this a possible disarray of plausible laws. It is and considerably so though it is also observed as is. Is this consideration a division of properties than yes it is. How than can center be achieved without "outside observation". It can't. That brings revelation that a beginning has an end and 1 can exist. If NP is zero and consideration can't be made for whole than 0 cannot exist with a secular divergence to 0. You can explain a black hole this way but truthfully it would be better explained as a missing link between algebra and before to calculus and beyond. Probability as division can only be seen as secular to whole. Therefore N/NP is clarity that T/NP is a convergence of P/1. If 1 is whole np is known but T is unknown if NP is linear. This is a convergence of secular to nature. 1 is whole unless observed and NP is 2 unless 1 can be converged in depth of linear meeting whole. 1- something is NP if 0- nothing is whole. A linear progression of a secular nature nature basically a cube in division of T is considered 0 to center. So a curve is necessary for straight to exist and by being secular converged is guaranteed. NP can now be known as loss over P to convergence of (shelf) . linear passing. It could be considered that past is present. But can center ever be achieved. As a whole meeting division a shelf is under the constant progression. This shelf is observation of 1 meeting 2 and known parameters of T. Since whole cannot be defined until finished by T than NP cannot be known until finish. In probability there is a flaw of unknowable answers meeting known. If unknowable is the pulse well the triangulation of considered is 3. This leaves loss fielding prediction in a considered state of pulse meets shelf and linear can progress as known. There for N/NP is T/unknown and 1/2 is 1/3. I KNOW NOT POSSIBLE RIGHT. WELL THAN A LINEAR DIVERGENCE COULD BE CONSIDERED PI. And converging shelves could be considered as conglomerate sections of whole. This I introduce as quantum disarray. A section of time unknown as a singular but unknown as a whole. If algebra had a beginning than calculus is its division. Therefore trigonometry is secondary in nature to a division capacity. Math is fun but the physics to it prove...yes time travel is possible for viewing and occasional interaction if whole is considered now. So yes N is present but N< is N/P If 1 is more than 1. Can math now prove nature or is a secular division now taking place. 1 cannot equal 1 unless 0 is not possible. Lets break that down...0 now observed is a perimeter around a parameter and observation gained clarity of depth of perception. Pi squared. If this is considered stalling than whole can remain and 1 + 1 can equal 2. If a reduction is cubed than 1 can equal 4 but never together. This is NP and the answer to the millennial question. Can linear math solve itself if observed. Yes but I won't reveal it as it is unworthy of progression and whole can't meet division twice. 0 cannot equal1 and perception will always follow clarity of whole. Therfeore time is travel but whole is not know. If perception is fracture than whole is not division and secular depth (understand) is consumed. If NP is 0 than 1 is P. Reverse it in loss an NP is 1+. There I proved it now can anyone understand it? And the greater implication?
Reply Fri 9 Feb, 2018 09:30 pm
Now if zero can reallocate its self center than zero is malleable and a divisional property can exist. If center can be two properties a oblong (if you will) is a certainty as 0 is nothing without something. A loss field in conjunction with probable perimeter can result in 0 reallocating its point of origin in center to NP. This proves quantum disarray as a center malleable to whole. If square can equal 2 than 1 can exist outside itself and zero can reallocate as center movement to a divisional property. If 0 can equal nothing than nothing can equal something. In other words division is secular to nature as something proves nothing exists. This as unknown parameters to NP/P proves direction over linear and reduction takes place. Observational math is considered what can be seen. Can you see beyond? If 0 can never equal 1 yet does not exist 1 can never equal itself but in a loss field. Think of that. Mind blowing. To see observational math look around you. It is everywhere. 0 can be obliged to allow whole to exist. Let me explain if want but you must answer what do you need to know?
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Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 07:07 pm
Ok number one observational time is outside influx it is whole and only diverted by divisional time (outside space and convergence). Number two it is supposed to be before roll. And number 3 yes I am speaking about the poor of 0 as a 3-d shape capable of being malleable. I'm speaking about obliging the impossible before we get into the impossible which isn't impossible. A tesseract is hyper size but a tesseract is hyper dimension and by solving 2+3 negative doesn't exist. Yet you will believe as you will but allow me to blow your mind. Yes 1+1=nothing but 2+2equals forward. More or less the one is divisible by the outcome of 2+2. If an outcome is than subject to a divisible parameter 2 squared is nothing until 3+1 is something. This is a property of quantum disarray you see missing 1 is now divisible amongst the probability of 2. 1=1 if 2 isn't present. If you want you can a stick. Find another to match it perfectly. Its impossible without a purpose of truth. So do you hold a stick or an ideal? Let go of your pretenses and embrace the impossible as reality because that is truth. GOD is. If you really want to break it down you will see it is true and there is no denial (other than your pride and loss thereof). Be heartfelt and learn. I'm no more than you just closer. Let me help you get there if you need I love my siblings
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2018 07:08 pm
Possible and proof. Man I hate writing
Reply Mon 12 Feb, 2018 09:10 pm
I know 0 equals np. And its malleable? Yes it is and is extreme in the least.. How -1 equal zero? Well that's where a division takes place between n and np . think a divisional space held apart by parameters that are indivisible by one another. Quantum mechanics right? No just simple oservation at its finest. How can 0 become 1? Well it can't and as such revolves its center around the parameter of center meeting perception of depth. To big you say? How about 1=1/itself. Whatever is is. 1 law cannot interfere with another without outside "help". I think I'm done here and will move on to another forum. If your here from the future talk to me know
Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2018 09:35 pm
Lets talk about how this can be achieved. In a physical sense a varying wavelength of static discharge which would be considered a neutral stalling in a confined parameter would lead to discharge in electron orbit expanding the atom to a neutral space. Now if static charge was held in stasis with a elongated wave of neutral discord (neutral charge expelled) the vertical concept of stall/motion would leave a pocket of forward/neutral and static charge could displace in time. If static charge builds in intensity than phase would be nuertalized in discord with surroundings and pulse phase can take place of neutral grounding. This would lead to a pocket of concurrent separation of both atomic bonds and singular time. In other words a neutral to forward movement. Altough time as phase builds up a "wall" of pressure a few hours can literally mean distance extreme. Talk more soon
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2018 09:32 pm
A wall of phase concurrent with conjunction of expanse meets roll would leave a pocket surrounded by heat transfer as a partial quark exists in confines to leave a separation of atomic resonance "gravity/depth", and harmonic balance "distance/speed". A magnetic field with outside influence can emmulate this with depth of charge over distance travelled. This leaves magnitude in distinction with multitude over constriction. In atomic bonds travelling distance is multiplying constriction so its leaving center for magnetic expanse and dividing its constriction with its induction of inclusion (unguided) and therefore inducing pulse phase. A magnitude unguided but from increasing center intensity is that that is induced outward its own binding (constriction). My FATHER says no more writing as these things should not be told. I've decided to honor it in a way as long as I do not get bored. We shall see as I don't mind revealing all
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Reply Sat 7 Apr, 2018 01:10 pm
I'm not quite finished with this and am currently unable to edit. I'd prefer you checked some conspiracy forums for the correct wording minus the cautious attitude. I will soon be adding more there as soon as I figure out how to add pictures
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