There ain't gonna be no mustangs and no nuthin left after we get finished with you three!
Jeez not long ago Kicky was crying about waxing, now he is clapping his hands in anticipation and two more have volunteered to join in. Amazing!
i never said that any wax was going near my no no spot... sorry to disappoint.... im just there for the loving....
I don't know how it happened, but this morning I woke up with a smile on my face, an erotic dream involving three women and some hot wax quickly fading from my waking mind, and my genitals as smooth as a freshly washed peach.
The mind is a very powerful tool...
kickycan wrote:the prince wrote:Kicky one word - Don't
Why not?
I once <ahem> went down <ahem ahem> on a guy who had shaved a couple of days ago, and my lips resembled a sieve. He never got anything else after that !
thats why you keep it groomed... so you dont do that kind of thing
excatly !! So trim and groomed - not shaved is the answer
Thanks for the <ahem> info.
jeez - you have to shave daily!?!?
Sheesh, I don't even shave my beard everyday...I don't think I'm cut out for this bald genitals thing.
True dat. Shaved not only makes you look like an 8 year old boy(well, Kicky might like that), but you get razor burn and stubble.
LOL i dont look like an eight year old boy... thank you very much... more like 12.... and i dont get that razor burn at all
So, do you not shave daily cuz you don't need to, or don't want to, Kicky?
That'll make the difference between smooth and attack of the Brillo pad a few hours/days down the line.
No, I need to, I'm just lazy. I'll never be able to keep up with a whole new shaving area.
or shave - go get what you want, then abstain for 2 weeks
And don't wear a lace skivvy inbetween.
Great, now I'm imagining kicky with shaved balls in a lacy skivvy.
Well, if you're into that kind of thing...