D'artagnan wrote:I wasn't demeaning Gates, just challenging your logic. Which still mystifies me...
I know. I've been a little verbal tonight.
Gates is my metaphor for the US in the post you're referring to. (Although O'Bill brings up a valid point. I'd like to do a search of private donations, and see how THOSE stack up.)
This is what's bothering me.
Norway gives the highest % of their GDP, and let's hear it for Norway.
<woo hoooo> That's impressive. They give 92% of 1% of their income. That amounts to
$2,043 million. Not so impressive, but their heart seems to be in the right place.
We give 14% of 1% of our GDP. Seems stingy when you look at it that way--but when you think about the reality of how much more that is that the highest % donor, AND the next six or seven high percentage donors, I think it is fair to say the US donates an incredible percentage of total donations. It shocks me that people carp about the percentage of what we give.
Last year, we donated
$15,791 million.
The amount really must be considered.