J.D.'s pirate was based on his personal knowledge of Keith Richards -- with whom I've been enraptured for most of the last forty years....
I can appreciate numerous points of view.
Ahhhhh, I'm gonna tell on you!.......ya not supposed to say g*****s, where I work....they are 'travellers'! :wink: Where I work you can't say Christmas..........it's Religious Festival. Sorry you have been 'travelled' and have no dosh for the coming Relious Festival.......what a f***ing, b**tard thing to happen......come round to us, or I'll Fedex you a wing and enough English pounds to get the bare essentials (fags and beer). With the exchange rate with the dollar........£1.00 should do it!
Really, I'm sorry, you must be well pissed off!
I am pissed off, very! I am going to stop by value village before I leave town today and ask a different supervisor about it. THen of course he won't know anything, so I am going to ask for the "secret" # to call in about this kind of thing. I am prepaired to take it to the top if I have to. I am going to call every place I have to a freak out. You don't d othis to a hard working student at christmas time. I only wish I knew exactly what I can do....I guess i'll find out as I go along.
In my country, and my state, the secret number would be listed under "New Mexico Department of Labor." One call from them to the employer detailing the requirement to continue paying the employee if the required payday is not met is usually sufficient. Do be prepared to give them details - when you quit, who you talked to, when you contacted them, and other efforts you've made to get the money owed. Do not show anger, but don't hesitate to let them know how badly the holidays have been ruined for you, and how much you were depending on the income you have earned.
Different places have different laws, of course, but this is taken seriously here, and New Mexico is not considered one of the pinko, touchy feely, liberal eastern states.
The problem continues to be that there is just no one to deal with over the holidays.