It's why, and I say this is all seriousness, it's so important to have people on A2K who are not in the United States of America.
So, from the worldwide point of view, who was the real person of the year?
Joe( I almost spelled it the Untied States of America) Nation
A fair enough question, Joe. Let me think .....
You know, I really don't think any one particular person is all that important. But my own (also biased) nomination would go to someone like Margaret Hassan. The unsung heroes who've worked selflessly to bring some care, comfort relief to the unfortunate, innocent victims of the misguided "war against terrorism". To me, someone like Margaret Hassan stands out like a beacon of sanity & compassion in the face of overwhelming odds. And she's just one of many. We just happen to know her story because of media coverage.
coluber2001 wrote:So the "Yellow Rose of Texas" won. Eeehah! Maybe they should put Jerry Falwell's head on the cover. Bush has his head so far up Falwell's butt, it's hard to separate them.
Actually...they coulda had a picture of Bush coming out of Falwell's asshole. Then it woulda been a picture of an asshole coming out of an asshole's asshole!
If you get my asterisks!