The thing is I really would like to meet everybody from a2k ....i am really quite gregarious

my roommate thinks i'm the smartest person she knows (I know that I am not) and maybe my fear lies in THAT fact all are so witty and knowledgeable...I was adopted so i don't know who i was really named after...but I despise the Debbie Reynolds movie that everyone thinks i was named after...

In English Tammie means perfect

in hebrew it is a variation of Tamara and means Palm i am a perfect palm tree...which is aprapo i suppose since i can survive in different environments and bend in the middle name is Lurae (not faye or lynn thank you very much!)

the closest i can come to finding the meaning of my middle name is Lu=warrior princess and Rae=Doe....and to think i always wanted to be named Tina...which is just short for names ending in TINE in latin...I would love to come back to New York..i was there for a week when i was 8 when we were returning from Turkey..I don't think i ever left the hotel room...I was amazed that when i looked out the window i couldn't see the sidewalk there was just so many people...But I love art, music and any itinerary you could work out Joe to fulfill my fantasies it would be greatly appreciated...and the pull out sofa is fine...Thanks!