Hey, littlek, what'd you edit?
Joe, you don't understand. I'm an Italian junkie. I crave it. And I don't get many chances to actually speak it outside of class. I can't help it! I need my Italian fix bad, man!
the women of A2K scared of Kicky?
thats a riot
I had typed pretty much the same thing, but in a less polite way.
Well, okay, then since nobody's scared, I'll look for a picture. I'll be back...
cant wait kicky... just know that every man who has had the slightlest thoughts of playing for the other team will be waiting in the shadows waiting for your post.
Okay, that's it. Not gonna do it. Thank you Seed, for bringing me to my senses!
Seed wrote:cant wait kicky... just know that every man who has had the slightlest thoughts of playing for the other team will be waiting in the shadows waiting for your post.
Ohhhhh seed. SWEETIE.. sweetieee...
Dont tell kicky that. Now you wont see his picture!
Kicky... what are friends for?
Im not a guy.
I want to see your picture... so long as you are dressed that is.
I am also most definitely not a guy. And I want to see you, too. Don't worry, now that we've seen real-life pictures of Slappy, nothing could scare us.
And by the way, my middle name is Lynn. So I don't use it. Ever. It's so damn bland...it just doesn't fit.
a real pic of slappy?
was he wearing that diaper?
he was in a sponge bob costume
Shewolf - where've you been? There are now more pix of slappy haunting this site.
am i the only one who cant access the picture gallery?
nope... it is down... there is something about it in announcements
o, no one can (or no one without proper access authority maybe).
Sooooo, what will shewolf do for us if we point her to the pix?
I can sit, stay , beg, play dead, protect, walk, fetch..............
hmmmmm, did you ever write the erotica on that thread about fantasies? Wasn't Paula nearly begging you to write something? Or is my memory proving faulty again?
Eva, trying to assuage Kicky because of his fear of posting his picture and causing agitation among the members, and especially those of the female persuasion, wrote: Don't worry, now that we've seen real-life pictures of Slappy, nothing could scare us.
I beg to differ, Eva. You aint seen me yet.
Therein lies the terror.