I had to go back and see what Seed wrote :
Quote:im named after my father... my middle name is Wright... its one of the oddest middle names i have ever heard of. not because its weird, just because i dont think of it as a name. ... i have never been called Jr. but i am refered to little blank. very annoying once you get to be 22 and still refered to as little. ah i guess thats the price you pay eh
emphasis mine
I do not for a moment believe that
Frank Apisa has no middle name. He's Italian,
Italian in
italics for Christsakes, (well, maybe not for Christsake in Frank's case, but Italian nonetheless. (Good. I got to use the word nonetheless in a sentence.!!)
Where was I?
Oh, yeah, NMI bullseye. Every Italian kid I knew growing up had four or five names, Guiseppe or Joseph
had to be one of them then the two grandfathers' names, Antonio or Paulo, and then a saint's name, Augustus or Augustino, (all the Irish kids had Patrick, Peter, or Michael), and these were in
addition to a first name like Frank or Roberto or John.
and so that's where all the nicknames came from, all the Little ______s that
Seed was talking about. Little Mike, Little Jack, Little Tony and Little Earl, I've known them all and all had a Big Mike, or Jack or Tony in their family. All except Little Earl, he was a black kid I knew and his mama just called him that for the same reason
Bi-Polar Bear named him Steve, because she liked it.
In our family, we have too many Marys. So we have Tom'sMary and MaryM and MaryT and others. And because we have so many Patricks and Michaels, we have PaddyMike, Mike'sPaddy, Big Mike, Little Mick and Little Mike (two different families), reunions are hysterical.
Diane is right about women disappearing without their maiden names. When I do genealogy for my family I often come across obits that list the decedent's offspring as "loving sons John and Peter and daughters, Mrs. Albert Smithson, Mrs. Ben Venito and Mrs. Ralph Esposito." You have to look some more to figure out which of the Mrs. is Emily or Josephina or Mary.
Quote:its one of the oddest middle names i have ever heard of.
My brother's middle name is Eldred and it is my father's middle name too. It was a kind of family mystery because there were no other Eldreds going back to the 1600's. There was a rumor, mummured by a late aunt, that Eldred was a man who farmed near my grandparents, but no one really knows, it just floats on the genealogy page - a name connected to the present but not the past in any way we can point to.
Oy, (I meant to type Oh, but I typed oy so I'll leave it.)
Seed, in some families the 'little' is dropped once the 'big' has shuffled off this mortal coil, is that the way it is in yours or are you stuck with Little forever??
Joe (NMI) Nation
There was a guy in the Army, it is said, whose name was RB Jones, that's it he explained, my name is RB, it's just what the family named him, so the guy fills in the form R (only) B (only) Jones and that's that until the guy's dogtags come back imprinted
Ronly Bonly Jones