My name means "bearer of the light of wisdom" - too bad it is very close to the "City of darkness"
If Joe is buying, then I am coming
the (very eager to meet the NY crowd) prince
willow_tl wrote:Isn't it a scary proposition to meet internet friends...i mean is Gus as funny in real life as he is on line...will letty, ehBeth eva's beauty of spirit really come through...will kicky be all over the women and slappy propositioning them? Will Joe stutter in real life...will we find that cav is really a busboy in some nice restaurant sending us pictures of epicurian delight via digital photography...I wish i could get over my agoraphobia to find out...
My experiences with meeting internet people in the flesh have never been disappointing.
I don't have a middle name either, for no apparent reason though.
And my real first name is a 4 letter word, yet I haven't
met anyone so far who could pronounce it right.
New York? I used to live there many moons ago. Where
were you then Joe? Hm, I could visit friends there one
of these days.....
Why do we have to go to NY???
you should come on down here wid' us ' cow-poke in texas. ;-)
I did some research on means crown and I am of course the crown jewel of our family.....also, Stephen was the first martyr in Christendom...he was stoned to appropo is that for me? I hope to be stoned when I die as well..... :wink:
CalamityJane wrote:I don't have a middle name either, for no apparent reason though.
And my real first name is a 4 letter word, yet I haven't
met anyone so far who could pronounce it right.
Welcome to the no-middle-name club, Jane. My daughter also has a 4 letter name that no-one, including her brother, can pronounce correctly.
Free (no middle name) Duck
My first name is a variation on Christ since I was born so close to xmas and because my parents were still active church-goers when I was born. They used a K instead of a Ch because they wanted to be different (ha!). They also named me this name despite the fact that their best friends just named their daughter the same thing just over a year before I was born.
My middle name is the nic-name my grandfather used to call my grandmother.
Last name is dad's. In our side of the family, this name will very likely be dying out. Good thing we have three boy cousins all spawning like crazy.
Don't hesitate, willow. Like Cinnesthesia says, it has never been a disappointment to me either. I've been to 3 a2k gatherings, plus several visits with friends made at those gatherings, and everyone has been either just like on forum, or way better. Like . . . . Oh, don't get me started.
My sister just moved to NY and I plan on visiting sometime soon... I'd love to meet a few of you east coasters over a frosty mug.
I would love to come to New York but I fear you guys would then discover that I'm actually a paunchy balding CPA with halitosis who wears a lot of polyester. My entire self esteem is built on the Bear character I've created.....if you guys learned the truth it would crush me.....
I've been wondering about that vest ...
the vest is's a hand made there.....
My brother and daughter (Ruth.....means friend) will be in New York to take advantage of the excellent exchange rate. From the 6th to 9th Jan. Maybe I could meet you by proxy?
My name was originally Sarai, wife of Abraham, which meant quarrelsome, but God changed it to Sarah, which means beautiful :wink:
Sarah Morgan wrote:My brother and daughter (Ruth.....means friend) will be in New York to take advantage of the excellent exchange rate. From the 6th to 9th Jan. Maybe I could meet you by proxy?
My name was originally Sarai, wife of Abraham, which meant quarrelsome, but God changed it to Sarah, which means beautiful :wink:
That God's a real sport int he?
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Sarah Morgan wrote:My brother and daughter (Ruth.....means friend) will be in New York to take advantage of the excellent exchange rate. From the 6th to 9th Jan. Maybe I could meet you by proxy?
My name was originally Sarai, wife of Abraham, which meant quarrelsome, but God changed it to Sarah, which means beautiful :wink:
That God's a real sport int he?
Yes, it was kind of him to intervene! Otherwise I would have to go by my middle name....LUCRETIA...I hate it, what were they thinking? I asked my Mum, she simply said "'cos your Dad liked it" (mean bastard)!
and the Bear loves ya back........
im named after my father... my middle name is Wright... its one of the oddest middle names i have ever heard of. not because its weird, just because i dont think of it as a name. I go by a shortened verison of my friest nmae because it makes me seem less of a dork.

though some of the things i do make me seem more like a dork... i have never been called Jr. but i am refered to little blank. very annoying once you get to be 22 and still refered to as little. ah i guess thats the price you pay eh
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:the vest is's a hand made there.....
Bear...can't you ever get your mind outta the gutter.
I mean...we are talking about meeting friends here...and you gotta bring up a...
...oh... said hand
made job.
Never mind!