{HOLY crap! I turn in early - my honey and me were watching
'the best of what not to wear' [she's a fashionista, y'know] and when I come back there's 15 pages about half a picture. sheesh.}
What is the female form of Steve? Stevearina? Oh, wait, I got it. The female of Stephen......

A name that starts with a X, what would that be Xerses, something from Xhosa tribe, what?
Okay, just sign here for the permission to leave those hills and come on up to the city. Just let us know when, so I can make sure the batteries in the digital camera are fresh.
Osso.... I just checked and you don't need the correct postage to come back to New York... and this
Quote:Though I did connect, met diane and Paola and joan d'arc and longdog and Roberta and Semiotterly.
looks like you did a fine job of making face to face contact
Got to go get ready for the big meetup on Monday with Kicky.
Joe (the red light indicates the camera batteries are charging) Nation