What the hell is a frigone? I still don't get that word. It means "hottie" you said, right? Is it just more offensive in italian, or something?
Frigone means really big fridgerator (a forced translation for a word that doesn't exist).
Figone means hottie.
Oh crap. That is funny. Sorry.
Don't be sorry, I think it's funny too. For some reason, it seems Italian-English translation errors are more funny than those made between other sets of languages.
Really? I don't know enough about other languages to know. What other languages do you know?
French and a little spanish.
I think with french, it's just that the language faux pas don't seem funny to them (they lack the same sense of humor that Italians have?).
I just realized that you will be meeting Joe (has a digital camera) Nation for drinks..... proof!
Yeah, hmmm...French isn't a very funny sounding language to me either. Although the Pink Panther movies were hiilarious. Hmmmm...
I j ust recently rented the first pink panther movies. It doesn't count. Sellers, et al, aren't french. They were making fun of the french.
Humour is very different between languages and cultures.
I can usually spot a cartoon that's been translated from German, just because of how the joke is framed. French humour is entirely different from either English or French. And then it's also different regionally. Quebecois jokes are different from those in the Joual region.
<steps off soapbox, and moves to stage left>
I'm not saying that french people have no humor. It's just not in their language, so it would seem to me.
Have we totally hijacked Joe (never posts a thread for digression - heeh) Nation's thread?
littlek wrote:I j ust recently rented the first pink panther movies. It doesn't count. Sellers, et al, aren't french. They were making fun of the french.
I know. But it was still funny. Peter Sellers was hilarious. Oh my god, he cracked me up.
i think so.. but i dont think joe ( i love how he does the between the () thing ) nation would mind
Yep. I still haven't re-rented the rest of the series. Or the one called The Party (or something) that was suposed to be the seed of the pink panther series.
The Party is the best.
Watch it sober once. Then never again <never sober I mean>.
Oh crap, we really did hijack this thread. Quick, somebody tell us something interesting about yourself!
sober.... check. I have to get a membership to a movie rental place now that I have a DVD player.
<sorry l'k but i don't think that qualifies as something interesting about yourself>