Deveron, if you had written, what do you mean by such a provoking remark, and THEN gone on to what's in your post, I wouldn't be able to say that your post applies to you too.
Your opinion is that christianity is good, so on that grounds my opinion is worthless crap? You didn't stop to think about what I could mean about devilworship.
The thing is that arguments don't work on religious people. If they did there would be no christians in the entire world.
Deveron wrote:
Quote:It's nothing but sheer denigration of a faith.
Funny you should say that. I would say that to challenge a beliefsystem is what holds faith strong and pure. To swallow it and not question the system does not make for strong individuals. It is infinitely more degenerating to faith than to forswear all belief systems and seek god on your own terms.
Yes, I am rational and intelligent. If you cannot read anything more into my posts than "christians are morons and that's that", then you are actually proving such a statement to be true. But it didn't come from my mouth, but yours. Don't be so hard on yourself.