Foxfyre wrote:1. How is race in any way a factor over whether a particular phrase "under God" or "In God we trust" appears in a pledge or on a coin. Please be specific.
No one has said that it is.
You have said that the "majority" wants a particular phrase in the pledge...and that the majority should prevail. You indicated that the phrase should not hurt anyone, since no one was "required" to recite the pledge.
Using that logic...I am asking you: This is a majority white society. If the majority wanted to put "one nation, primarily caucasian.." into the pledge...would you still hold to that reasoning?
Stop trying to make it seem that I...or anyone saying that "under god" is related to race.
Or for that matter...what if the "majority" wanted "one nation, mostly right handed..."would you still hold to that reasoning?
What makes you think that simply because you are part of a "majority" you can arbitrarily impose your will on this....WHEN THE PHRASE IS NOT NEEDED FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE PLEDGE OR FOR OUR MONEY.
I don't expect you to ever GET this, Fox, because you obviously have closed your mind to the notion that this sucks.
Quote:2.. How are your rights in any way infringed by the presence of such phrases in a pledge you are not required to believe or say or in an inscription you are not required to believe or read?
For the same reason people of color would "have their rights infringed" by the presence of a phrase regarding color...or left handed people by a phrase regarding right handedness.
For the same reason it would "infringe on your rights" if the phrase were changed to "one nation, under no gods."
NO PHRASE REGARDING GODS OR COLOR OR CREEDS OR GENDER OR ANY OTHER GODDAM THING IS NEEDED in either the pledge or on our money. It is strictly an IN-YOUR-FACE kind of thing unthinking, supercilious people (of which apparently you are one) want in there to a) pretend they are better than those of us who are not superstitious...and b) to suck up to their barbaric god in hope that it won't condemn them to eternal, excruciating punishment for not kissing its ass enough.
I don't expect you to ever GET this, Fox, because you obviously have closed your mind to the notion that this sucks.
Quote:And, should you decide that nobody's rights are infringed if the phrases are removed from public view, could you decide that nobody's rights are infringed if the phrases that nobody has to read, say, or believe are in the pledge or on a coin?
NO! AND I DO NOT THINK THAT "NOBODY'S RIGHTS ARE INFRINGED!" How goddam many times do I...and others...have to tell you this. OUR RIGHTS ARE INFRINGED.
I don't expect you to ever GET this, Fox, because you obviously have closed your mind to the notion that this sucks.
Quote:So doesn't it all come down to a personal preference? How you think about it? How you feel about it? And if it comes down to how Americans feel or think about something that does not involve their alienable rights, then how do we decide who gets to have their way? doesn't come down to a personal preference. Don't you ever listen...don't you use your brain? I've explained that several times...but you have a closed mind on the issue.
And while you are at it...try to understand the difference between "alienable rights" and "unalienable or inalienable rights."
Or, since you seem comfortable alienating us from our rights, was that a Freudian slip?
Quote:The minority because the minority is you? Or the majority because most think that makes the most sense?
Once seem to think that the majority can arbitrarily impose its will on the minority.
Why don't you deal with the question that has been asked three times now.
If the minority were not those of us who are not superstitious...but instead, those who are of color...would you still be arguing this way?
Would it still be okay with you if the pledge arbitrarily included the phrase " nation, primarily of the caucasian race...?