Foxfyre wrote:Now then, I am going to agree to simply disagree with Frank since I think his arguments are too laced with anti-religious sentiment for him to be objective on the matter of public expressions of religion.
To me, an inalienable right is that which requires nothing but non-interference from others. Only that which requires me to do or give up something or materially affects my person or my property can infringe on my rights.
If the government should place a phrase offensive to me on our coinage or in an official pledge, I wouldn't like it. But so long as I was not required to say it, believe it, read it, contribute to it, or adhere to it, I would not see that as a violation of my rights. I do not believe I have any inalienable right to not be offended or to not be uncomfortable in any place other than on my private property. I would try to change something personally offensive to me if I could, but if the majority wanted such it to be there, I would accept that the majority had spoken.
Pure, unadulterated rationalization.
My guess is that Fox has no goddam idea of how she would react to anything of the sort...but it does sound so very nice when she actually doesn't have to deal with it.
The pledge of allegience is a pledge one makes to flag and country...not to any ideas about any gods...especially the god that was meant when this idiotic phrase was instituted.
One of the reasons our Constitution WILL NOT ALLOW the words " nation, under Jesus Christ..." is because that would not only be an insult to non-Christians, but WOULD infringe on their matter how hard it is for Fox to see that.
That same line of reasoning SHOULD apply to the words " nation, under god..."...because it is an insult to non-theists and does infringe on their matter how hard it is for Fox to see that.
Quote:There is a huge difference between majority rule prevailing in matters of preference and majority rule prevailing in matters of rights. Some seem to not be able to make that distinction and want to relate it to non-related things (straw men).
I quite agree...and you are one of them.
So why don't you wake up?
Quote: The phrases in the Pledge and on coinage, for instance, are not mandates...
What the hell does that mean?
Are you saying that I don't have to use money????
Quote:... nor do they take away any rights ...
THEY DO TAKE AWAY RIGHTS. The same rights that would be taken away from non-Christians if "one nation, under Jesus Christ..." were inserted.
Why do you continue to proclaim otherwise?
Quote: They are simply phrases that the majority wants to be there. When the majority can be persuaded that they shouldn't be there, they will be gone.
We shouldn't have to persuade the majority that they shouldn't be there...they shouldn't be there NO MATTER WHAT. Simply because the majority wants them there is not sufficient. There should be a compelling reason for them being there.
Would the money be any less valid...or perform any the worse if the phrase "In Zeus We Trust" were not there?
Would the pledge be any less a pledge of loyalty if the words "one nation, under Zeus" were not there?
This is absolute blindness on your part, Fox...and one of the main reasons I will fight this bullshyt with every means open to me.
I have no illusions about winning this one...people like you will win.
But I consider the people insisting on this nonsense to be the lowest of the low...and I hope, should your god actually exist...that the god has a special place in Hell reserved for hypocrites of this sort.
But aside from that, Fox...I hope that 2005 has started off nicely for you...and that it gets better and better as it moves along.