I feel that you don't think I am a pragmatist because I am a Christian. I was raised Christian, left the faith for pragmatic reasons which lead me to be a deist. I was a deist not for idealistic reasons, but for pragmatic reasons, the main reason, was based on math, physics, statistics and patterns. The only idealism involved was, my refusal to break the laws of physics when explaining how order was introduced into the universe as matter and gravity. I believe some scientists refuse ID for three reasons. First, a lack of understanding of the reason gravity exists, second their assumption that it is not an emergent force, and third the Idealism of the personality type that seeks a doctorate in physics that is allowing a majority of phycisists to ignore, and deny the intelligence behind the design of the universe for so long. I can about guarantee it is not because physicists are smarter than the rest of society; and everybody that believes in a Diety just isn't smart enough to understand the physics behind being an atheist.
I have read Rorty, and he is not considered to be a pragmatist, he is a neopragmatist. He does not believe that science can describe the natural world, and he is so entrenched in that belief system I believe he is an idealist.
Please consider reading Bob Spiitzer with an open mind.