You appear to assume that "order" and also "intelligence" are
concepts independent of human origin. If you ascribe them to a 'deity' that would make you a 'religionist'. If you are ascribed them them to 'aliens' you are just removing the 'concern with humans' factor.
But the philosopher might ask...what do you
mean by 'order' other than experiencing repetition in
time....by being able to
predict....i.e. the speciality of humans which accounts for their relative success as a spoecies. But hang on....don't physicists also say that 'time is an illusion'...and that 'causality' is merely a layman's idea ? Does it not follow that 'prediction and control' which appear to have had a certain degree of success in enhancing our life experience and are really anthropocentric games we play of doubtful cosmological significance ? After all, in terms of 'linear time' , if the age of the earth were a roll of toilet paper, the appearance of humans would occupy the last millimetre of the last sheet, and 'scientific activity' far less than that !
So unless you are prepared to go for the circular argument that man's predictive/intelligent abilities are 'in the image or gift of a deity' and you are also prepared to to ignore the infinite regress problem of 'what
caused the Prime Mover ?', then you are stuck with with the 'realists' problem of never knowing where 'reality' starts or finishes. The 'dark matter' issue alone should hammer that home.! And this is why the 'pragmatist' dismisses the concept of 'an ordered reality out there' and will only go as far as saying ';reality is
agreement about what works for humans in their drive to predict and control'. And 'agreememt is of course open to negotiation.