Dookiestix wrote:It is inherent within a neoconservative's nature to not recognize the truth whether they believe it or not. A prime example is offering quotes so out of context as to completely change the original intent of the author.
They all do it. It is their M.O. And they are rather effective at at.
I guess that makes Michael Moore a neo-con then right?
Baldimo wrote:Dookiestix wrote:It is inherent within a neoconservative's nature to not recognize the truth whether they believe it or not. A prime example is offering quotes so out of context as to completely change the original intent of the author.
They all do it. It is their M.O. And they are rather effective at at.
I guess that makes Michael Moore a neo-con then right?
Gracious, NO! He's just a lying fat weasel.
Michael Moore isn't a neocon.
And there's my point.
Get it?
Of course not.
I see the lying fat weasel was snubbed by the Academy (zero nominations for his mockumentary).
Could it be that Hollyweird is ticked off because he handed the election to Dubya?
Just wondering
Apparently, the People's Choice was Michael Moore's movie.
Go figure...
JustWonders wrote:I see the lying fat weasel was snubbed by the Academy (zero nominations for his mockumentary).
Could it be that Hollyweird is ticked off because he handed the election to Dubya?
Just wondering

How about because it was a shitty movie?,,SB110670677547636253,00.html?mod=opinion%5Fmain%5Freview%5Fand%5Foutlooks
Fahrenheit Zero (Michael Moore learns that Hollywood doesn't reward losers)
The Wall Street Journal ^ | Wednesday, January 26, 2005
That Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" was shut out from the Academy Award nominations yesterday should come as no surprise. All the members of the Motion Picture Academy had seen it.
It is now being said that Mr. Moore overreached by removing his picture from the documentary category to try for best picture. Our own view is that Mr. Moore deserves credit for the honesty implicit in withdrawing his movie from the company of documentarians. Indeed, on leaving the movie we wondered why it wasn't being picketed by the documentary-makers guild, whatever their politics.
Documentarians tend to be serious about their craft. Mr. Moore is slovenly. His movie opened with unflattering scenes of high Bush Administration officials, moments before TV appearances, being daubed with makeup, saying silly things. Every member of the Academy has done this and, notwithstanding the chuckles, would have recognized it as sophomoric, meretricious filmmaking.
Ultimately, Mr. Moore's fatal misunderstanding was of Hollywood itself. To be nominated for an Academy Award, Mr. Moore had to win the election. You can say many things about Hollywood, but there is one Tinseltown verity that will never change: It doesn't reward losers.....
Amazing how shitty movies can gross so much, have the people select it as their favorite, and piss off so many rightwing nutjobs out there.
So much for at terrible movie.
Oh, and by the way, the Academy Awards are nothing more than a major marketing tool for the Hollywood industry.
And Michael has done wonders without them in promoting our progressive agenda, calling Bush for what he is, and giving a chance for other documentary filmakers to gain recognition both nationally and internationally.
Dookiestix wrote:Oh, and by the way, the Academy Awards are nothing more than a major marketing tool for the Hollywood industry.
And Michael has done wonders without them in promoting our progressive agenda, calling Bush for what he is, and giving a chance for other documentary filmakers to gain recognition both nationally and internationally.
Had he been nominated, you be singing the praises of the Academy awards and discussing how they know true art when it is presented.
Try reading what you quoted of me again. Then think about what you just said.
It would be interesting to see if any thread in the politics section of A2K did not include either non-responsive generalizations about neo-conservatives or completely irrelevant comments about Michael Moore. It's getting old.