Appreciate your answer.
My sister-in-law dotes on her boy and my initial thinking was that love conquers all.
Our other relatives are concerned that this boy is overly pampered. However, can it be so bad? It seems abused children turn out badly and so perhaps pampered children may turn out to be the opposite of bad. They will be kind and loving because they were shown this kind of attitude.
My main concern these days is that my nephew will not be able to properly take care of himself when he becomes an adult.
It's not like we wont be able to take care of this child even until adult hood. Financially, my brother will be able to provide even for me if anything should happen.
However, a part of me still thinks we need to raise this boy up to be somewhat self sustaining, as we all were brought up to be. But then I even see my fiance's son raised kind of the same way. They are both good hearted kids so I cant complain. Do I say something to my brother and his wife? Since I dont have children of my own it's hard to know what to do.