cicerone imposter wrote:The problem is, bib, I've been around the base a hundred times already, and I've not been able to score any answer from you - nor has anybody else asking you questions.
You never know. The Irish Legal Technique just might break one of these days. :wink:
When hell freezes over? LOL
iVE TESTIFIED IN a COURT PLANARA and it seems that an overwhelming amount of credibil;ity is given to style not substance. So Id not reccomend te IRish Courts unless its just fer fun/
Even an Irish fly won't give up anything.
A German, a Scotsman, and an Irishman are at a bar after work, each with a full pint.
Three flies buzz into the bar and all of the sudden, one lands in each of their beers. The German shouts, with a distainfull look on his face, "Ach! I no drink this now! Disgusting!" and pushes the pint away.
The Scotsman, says calmly, "It`s a-not so baad, ye jest pull `im out, its fine lad.", takes the fly out, takes a drink.
The Irishman, plucks the fly out by it`s wings, holds it over the pint and yells,"SPIT IT OUT, YE BASTARD, SPIT IT OUT!"
Anyhow, I want to open up this debate to include the views of Creationists or Creationism - I'll post some quotations shortly.
Bib, From you or some religious' publication?
cicerone imposter wrote:Bib, From you or some religious' publication?
Keep trying C.I. - you might be able to tie me down yet...
...posts from "Creationists"
Paraphrasing a long winded article, 8 families have started a class action suit to prevent teaching of Intelligent Design in Biology Classes of the Dover High SChool. In recent depositions of school board members preliminary to filing for a :summary judgement", the plaaintiffs decided to hold off on the summary judgement because, depositions of all the school board members has shown that eaach member "cannot recall that they knew that their vote was a vote in favor of teaching Creationism in the schools"
They said, in essence , that the chief proponent for the ID action and the one who cobbled together the entire vote last summer, had, apparently "strong armed" the school board members by saying certain alleged statements about the morals of tthe two school board members who were outwardly opposed to the consideration of Intelligent Design. It appears that, instead of going for a summary judgement, the plaintiffs want a full exposure in court so that the issue can get tried, appealed and finally dealt with.
A question for our legal minds. ISnt it better to not put all your eggs into a single venue , like a ttrial, when a summary judgement gives you what you waant without all the rancor and possibility of failure?
Isnt a loss in court the first step to a successful appeal?
I tell ya , Im not clear on this backing off. I hope its a well thought out strategy
Please keep us up to date on the Dover, PA case. It is better to ask the court to deal with the issue completely to avoid future arbitrary actions by the school board.
but dont yyou expose your case to some unknown degree of risk? Like, you could lose if the jury aint too bright. (I know that most defense attornies dont want really educated and bright people on juries anyway)
Someone said the problem is you get 12 people who weren't even smart enough to get out of jury duty.
Seriously though, I heard that the ACLU is involved with the Dover case (defending the "establishment clause"). This should help the case reach a reasonable decision.
yep, thats the entire case, while the Intel Designers will argue strongly that Intel Design has nothing to do with religion.
"ID has nothing to do with religion." ha ha ha ha ... ROTFLMAO
cicerone imposter wrote:"ID has nothing to do with religion." ha ha ha ha ... ROTFLMAO
Bailiff, remove that man from the jury box.
I cant saay much more c i, but , this will be a much more sweeping case than edwards v Aguillard, you wait and see.
The Dover, PA school board has found a novel way to insult the intelligence of their students. This week they are requiring high school administrators to read a statement to students that "Darwin's theory is a theory"!
Actually, this may make the students feel they are smarter than the people who run their schools.
I'm sure there will be a large number of smart students who have studied science that will laugh their school administrators into oblivion - if they don't, they should - with their parent's assistance.
wandeljw wrote:The Dover, PA school board has found a novel way to insult the intelligence of their students. This week they are requiring high school administrators to read a statement to students that "Darwin's theory is a theory"!
Yeh, we have to tell the students that Darwin's theory is different from all the other theories because all the other theories are... are... well, they're... Hmmm, well come to think of it, the others are theories too, let me try that again...
wandeljw wrote:The Dover, PA school board has found a novel way to insult the intelligence of their students. This week they are requiring high school administrators to read a statement to students that "Darwin's theory is a theory"!
Are they really doing this in PA? Farmerman, what is going on over there? They're not even doing this in Alabama.