Sozobe, I WILL NOT shave my very handsome, well-kwpt mustache just to please you! So there!
Very well-kwpt.
Hey, it'd grow bavk...
(Oh my, I think we scared 'em all off, Maddie.)
They don't bite! Just hiss! The little parasites that swarm all over 'em, on the other hand...
(Are you starting to get the picture of why I enjoyed this? Boa constrictor duty was another fave. People would see my innocent smiling Midwestern face, look down a bit, and register the Giant Serpent wrapped around me, and jump about 3 feet -- loved it.)
Hey, that's a cute little feller, Sozobe. Where'd you get him? Somehow, I have the feeling that I once heard that roaches have never been linked to the spread of any disease. True?
They (air jets) in machine shops are normally used to blow chips of metal off of machine surfaces to the part will set flatly against the table. Makes accurate machining somewhat more likely.
as to the original Q:
toddlers eating
toddlers with runny noses
toddlers with smelly diapers
All toddlered out, are ya?
I forgot one
toddler vomit in (IN) my back seat
You could say that sozobe.....
soz, I do have a, ahem, insect menu-type url for TFH. Unless it would be better posted here.
Hiya little_k! Sorry about the proliferation of toddler bodily fluids ...
Cockroaches....I was in a train station in Bangkok and saw this awful insect crawling towards me.That was unpleasant.Then it´s back opened up,little wings came out and the damned thing took off.My heart stopped..some of them FLY for chrissakes.
I´ve never returned to Thailand.
I can tolerate most anything. The one and only thing that really just makes me want to puke is way sooo simple. Finger Nail Poilsh Remover.
The roaches to which you refer were imported into the United States, on a special permit, for study at the University of Illinois. I was employed there at the time, in the Foreign Language Building. It was a new building, which had been constructed between the Graduate library and Davenport Hall, the nearly century-old agriculture building. The roaches were brought to Davenport Hall, and their import had only been allowed because it had been for purposes of scientific research, with full assurances that they would be controlled and contained.
Well, among the other antiquities of the University of Illinois, was a campus-wide heating system, fed by steam tunnels running underground, and under every building. In less than six months, several breeding pairs of the "giant" Thai, winged roaches had escaped into the steam tunnels, an ideal breeding ground for them, and, soon, the basement rooms (for example, the computer center in the Foreign Language Building) of nearly every building in central campus was infested.
It was hilarious. The critters were about three inches long, and could fly, and many, many women employed in the afflicted buildings were absolutely terrorized, with a great many men flipping out as well. I don't know if they ever got rid of them, but while i was still living in Urbana, they severely reduced the population through a truly Herculean effort--they brought electric space heaters into the buildings, to keep them warm enough to prevent pipes from freezing, and, during the Xmas and end of semester break, they shut down the steam system for the first time in generations. I rather wonder if they still have them.
Fly? They ARE insects you know! Of course most of them can fly!
The cockraoch best known to Americans is the German cockroach, which, although possessed of wings, does not fly . . .
Tejas, not all the time but there are time when I wonder why? But love the land and the horizon. Guess I can't have it all.
Sedanta, It seems you have a sadistic streak in your vains.

I admit to an aversion to all things creepy/crawly. My house is invaded on a seasonal basis by centapedes. Well, that's the technical name for them. I call them grillion-leggers or sometimes mustaches on the wall. OK everyone join me
Sad to say, after being away from here for a couple of days and now coming back and reading all these posts...
And to add to the grossness (I think I may have just coined a word) -- earwigs which are truly disgusting little bugs that pop up in the oddest places.