spendius wrote: We were debating in the pub last night where the word Nebraska came from.Settle it for us timber and while you're at it explicate Wisconsin for me then I can pose as really erudite tonight.Veblen comes from Wisconsin so I have a soft spot for the place.Also the hero in Titanic I think.
Sure. The origin of Nebraska's name is an Otoe Indian word which translates roughly as "place of flat water". Wisconsin's name derivation is a Chippewa/Ojibwa Indian word which, depending on context, translates either as "grassy place (or prairie) or "place where waters gather". Interesting additional useless trivia; Nebraska has the most miles of river of any state, and Wisconsin boasts the most lakes. Erudite away, and enjoy.
And the DiCaprio character in "Titanic" supposedly hailed from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, which is about a hundred miles or so Southeast of my location. Chippewa Falls and Eau Claire are more or less contiguous cities, Chippewa Falls being the home of the Jacob Leinenkugel brewery, of whose products I'm quite fond, and Eau Claire being the site of the nearest shopping malls of any consequence, for which cultural artifacts I don't muster much enthusiasm at all. Mrs timber has different priorities.