This page, which will be added to from time to time, includes a listing of sites and organizations for anyone interested in delving deeper into a particular topic.
The most important first place of visit is the first site listed, a listing of some 73 websites of interest, very nicely compiled by the folks at
Seniors Online Seniors Online
Administration on Aging Elder Page
Everything you need to know about aging with links to government agencies.
Resource for anyone seeking information about the social, emotional, and physical concerns of the elderly and their caregivers.
American Association of Retired Persons
(AARP) offers a valuable resource in addition to standard AARP membership information. The AARP answers questions concerning multiple topics from Medicare and social security issues to exercise and fitness tips for seniors.
Assisted Living Federation of America
The site provides information and resources for a diverse group of audiences, from senior housing professionals to consumers, researchers.
This site is dedicated to providing the knowledge we all need to live healthier, longer lives. The site delivers the latest research-based information on a wide range of age-related diseases, conditions, issues, features, and news. Also provided is the latest information about new aging research tailored for a non-medical audience.
Merck's Manual of Geriatrics
The full-text and searchable online copy of the 2nd edition (1995) provides information on the medical problems of the elderly, providing clinical information to all those involved in the care of elderly patients.
National Institute of Aging
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) serves as a branch of the National Institutes of Health. The NIA conducts age-related research on issues such as biomedical, social, and behavioral health, as well as provides public education.
Resource Directory for Older
The Resource Directory for Older People is intended to serve a wide audience including older people and their families, health and legal professionals, social service providers, librarians, researchers, and others with an interest in the field of aging.