Nat Hentoff on the Swifties

Reply Sat 20 Nov, 2004 04:40 pm
A lot of people thought that the Swift Boat Veteran's allegations did not stand up. Nat Hentoff puts into words the BIGGEST reason I didn't vote for Kerry. (His ridiculous wife being the second biggest.):

Kerry critic displays courage under fire

November 16, 2004


Of all the targets of vitriol and attempted ambushes during the presidential campaign, I most admired John O'Neill of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth for his calm determination to stand his ground on his charges against John Kerry's Vietnam service in Unfit for Command, the book he co-authored.

O'Neill was called a ''liar'' to his face on a number of TV appearances, and, on an Oct. 14 ''Nightline,'' ABC-TV's Ted Koppel actually sent a crew to Vietnam to film alleged eyewitnesses in order to disprove one of the accounts -- how Kerry won his Silver Star -- in Unfit for Command. Casually, ABC news director Andrew Morse mentioned that ''the Vietnamese require an official minder to accompany journalists on reporting trips.'' The minder-censor from the Communist totalitarian state was there to ensure that the ''eyewitnesses'' stuck to the government script.

On camera, O'Neill told Koppel: ''You went to a country where all the elections are 100 percent elections, and you relied on people that were enemies of the United States'' for this "testimony." O'Neill repeatedly showed Koppel how the supposed eyewitnesses contradicted Kerry's own accounts in the past.

At first, the mainstream media had ignored the charges of the Swift Boat Veterans. Alison Mitchell, deputy national editor of the New York Times, admitted to Editor & Publisher that she's ''not sure that in an era of no-cable television we would even have looked into [the Swift Boat story].'' Cable television and the Internet allowed the public to examine both sides of the Swift Boat Veterans stories.

Moreover, in an Aug. 22 Washington Post story, reporter Michael Dobbs noted -- as O'Neill has -- that ''although Kerry campaign officials insist that they have published Kerry's full military records on their Web site (with the exception of medical records shown briefly to reporters earlier this year), they have not permitted independent access to his original Navy records.''

When Dobbs tried to get those records through a Freedom of Information request, he was told by the Navy Personnel Command that the full file -- consisting of at least 100 pages -- could not be released unless Kerry himself signed a Standard Form 180 granting permission. To this day, Kerry has not signed that release form.

In his story of one contested episode during Kerry's service in Vietnam, Dobbs found that the edge was toward Kerry's version, but that in Dobbs' extensive interviews, the accounts by both Kerry and his Swift Boat opponents ''contain significant flaws and factual errors.'' Only Kerry refused to be interviewed for the story.

Among the relatively few reporters who have engaged in substantial research on the contentions of both sides, the most painstakingly persistent has been Thomas Lipscomb in his reports in the Chicago Sun- Times and the New York Sun. Lipscomb has found much that credits O'Neill's charges, and so have I. Former publisher of Times Books and an old-fashioned journalist, Lipscomb is an insistent fact-checker, dogged until he's ready to file his story. Accordingly, a Lipscomb report on the front page of the Nov. 1 New York Sun begins:

''A former officer in the Navy's Judge Advocate General Corps Reserve has built a case that Senator Kerry was other than honorably discharged from the Navy by 1975. . . . The [subsequent 1978] 'honorable discharge' on the Kerry Web site appears to be a Carter administration substitute for an original action expunged from Mr. Kerry's record.''

If I were still teaching journalism, I would have the students study Lipscomb's article as an example of the quality of research that complex stories require, but do not often get during the hurried reporting in the present 24-hour news cycle.

A few other reporters have taken the time to find out more about the so-called Bush operative John O'Neill. In both the Aug. 28 New York Times and Los Angeles Times, a careful reader would have discovered that O'Neill voted for Democrats Hubert Humphrey and, years later, Al Gore for president. And his favorite presidential candidate this year was John Edwards. Also, O'Neill has described George W. Bush as an ''empty suit.''

Yet, on Election Day, historian Douglas Brinkley -- who wrote a hagiographic book on Kerry, Tour of Duty, triumphantly told the Financial Times that the mainstream media have ''exposed Kerry's critics as liars and frauds.'' I would not take a course with that careless historian, but I respect O'Neill for his courage and his public service for having enabled many Americans to look much more closely as John Kerry's presidential qualifications. And, indeed, the Swift Boat Veterans did a lot to keep Kerry from the Oval Office.


Also, any fair minded person who saw Lawrence O'Donnell's diatribe opposite O'Neill's placid style on MSNBC had to wonder what the deal was. O'Donnell's amazing performance only encouraged the idea that there was fire behind the smoke of the Swiftie's charges.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 817 • Replies: 9
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Reply Sat 20 Nov, 2004 06:09 pm
The "swift boat vets for lies", were a bunch of bitter old vengeful Republicans.
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Reply Sat 20 Nov, 2004 07:27 pm
Nat Hentof got some bad acid in 1969 and never came off his trip.
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Reply Sat 20 Nov, 2004 07:28 pm
Nat Hentoff is writing for that Suntimes rag now? Poor thing, I do hope he gets help.
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Reply Sat 20 Nov, 2004 10:43 pm
The only way that Hentoff gets any attention is as a contrarian.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Sat 20 Nov, 2004 10:46 pm
It's too bad. Hentoff wrote some good stuff when he was writing for The Village Voice. I think Harper's right -- bad acid residue.
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Reply Sat 20 Nov, 2004 11:05 pm
What's with the past tense Merry? He still does write for VV. Makes me wonder how long its been since you picked up an issue:


Interesting how so many here consider the source and ignore the content. Well, actually, not interesting.........rather predictable and boring. Take some painkillers for your overjerked knees.

Like I said, Nat nicely framed my biggest problem with Kerry.

For those who missed O'Donnell act, the audio (which misses the spittle running down his chin unfortunately) is here:


and part 2 here:

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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 06:18 am
Content? The Swiift Boat Liars especially John O"Neill have been exposed for what they are, bald-faced liars. And kudos for O'Donnell for having the nads to tell O'Neill exactly what he is and how despicable he is to his face. Who cares what Hentoff thinks about anything.

If your biggest problem with Kerry stemmed form the Swift Boat liars smears, you are part of the 51% of Bush apologists who are hoplessly misinformed.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2004 07:46 am
MarM wrote:

"Interesting how so many here consider the source and ignore the content. Well, actually, not interesting.........rather predictable and boring. Take some painkillers for your overjerked knees. "

I really didn't think the content merited commenting on. It's sad to see someone like Nat Hentoff taken in by the scurrilous rantings of the Swifties. Even the 'official' Bush campaign took pains to distance itself from their message. Dubya was compelled to say a couple of times that he respected Kerry's war service just so nobody could say he had had anything to do with financing the hate-filled agenda of O'Neill and company.
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Reply Mon 22 Nov, 2004 08:39 pm
I find Hentoff to be a clear thinker, and one who occasionally admits error, a real rarity in his profession.

Like I said he hit the points that bother me, points that could easily have been eased with candor, if possible. That they were not was more of a bother. You who have contributed to this thread are convinced of something that actually isn't true.......that the Swifties were discredited entirely. In their shotgun attack they did wound, and many noticed, despite the nearly fanatic attempt by the MSP to first, ignore them, and later, to attack them.

Once again, and finally, I think that you have all shown your disrespect for the process of discussion. Attacking the source is not an argument. Nor is assuming as facts your own opinions. I really believe that the trouble that the left is in (left not being pejorative in this case, please be sure) is that too much time is spent by them (you) agreeing with each other and not paying a bit of attention to the other side. It is exactly the same problem that some claim the neocons have.......Bush not reading the paper, the religious sense of Right. The most illustrative snapshot of this attitude might have been when the Dean campaign bussed youngsters into Iowa to campaign door to door in the last days of the primary campaign there.........not too many cotton to outsiders absolutely sure of themselves spouting on one's porch. How did Trippi miss that? Maybe some bad chew.
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