Dutchy, hi! Am in the midst of a severe reaction to an injection I received last week and don't really feel well enough to "think" at the moment, so I am not getting too involved with the forum. As always I check out the requests for help, but don't post if I see they have been taken care of.
Similarly, I am finding the crosswords heavy-going, my head aches and my arm hurts too much to spend more than a few minutes holding the pen.
Like you I have been sending entries in for years. I check the draft copies I keep of each entry with the results when they come out, so I am happy with my answers but I have very little luck when it comes to having my name pulled out of the hat!
I have won a raincoat which rolls up and fits into a little pouch and a set of bathroom scales (which my son took one look at and said they were just what he needed and I really wouldn't mind if he took them, would I?)
And I tend to be human enough to feel just a little touch of resentment when I read the letters page and come across "Dear Christine. What a lovely surprise when I found a cheque from you in my mailbox. I have only sent in two entries and have received a cheque for each one...."
I sometimes threaten myself with the thought of adding up how much I have spent on the puzzle magazines and seeing just how expensive that raincoat was, but so far have controlled the urge. Once I get a sniff of a new issue, I cannot wait to get stuck into it.
As for scaring me off - no, mate, it would take a lot more than that! I really wish there was an emoticon that indicated "that crack was very tongue in cheek". My humour does tend to be dry, ironic - even sardonic. Face to face it usually works, but I guess when I write something like "now, lads, a bit of self discipline, please" instead of being read as "whoops, pull 'em up, the party's getting rough" it's coming across as "I wholly disapprove of anyone having any fun".
C'est le vie!